fight for life and death Options
#1 Posted : 10/26/2023 3:16:09 AM

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I dissolved 1g in 5ml pv/vg a few months ago.
the last few weeks whenever I tried to trip with the juice it just didnt hit at all.
I took 5 hits off my vape and didnt feel enything.
It was too hard to believe that I aleady consumed the 1g during the past few weeks.
I tired different applications like smoking on tin foil which resulted in no effects.

Set and setting:
Me having vaction for a few days.
I thought that hyperverse is refusing the entrance.
While being completeley drunk on almost 1 liter wine i mixed 350mg of dmt with the remaining 1.5ml ejuice remaining,

I was sitting infront of my pc and took about 3 hits with the expectation that nothing will happen. (blame me)

The trip:
I took the 3 hits and immediateley felt like I was fighting myself.
While sitting infornt of my laptop it felt like being threadened by "something".
Not knowing what it was, caused by or why this happened at all.
The thread moved to my bed and i put off my headphones (listening to shamanic drumming),
I was ready for a fight to death and chased the danger.

The fight:
It felt like me having to protect my family.
I engaged and ganked the danger with all my enegery.
It felt like "I will kill you or or will die", a near death experice.
During the fight I felt really bad nauseo and puked up my bin next to my bed but continued the fight as it was llike spitting in a container.
I dont know how long this fight went but I remember that I moaned a few times.
A few seconds or minutes (who knows) later I just relasied that I was fighting my blanked LMFAO.
This fact shocked me so badly that i pushed myself off the blanked to the very edge of my bed.

The awakening:
I realised that I was tripping very hard and looked at my hand and arm.
My arm looked sort of "mecahnic" blueish with some 3rd visual shapes.
It felt like "I sruvived" and "The hpoyerverse does not refuse me".

The comedown:
It was really hard to realise what actually happened.
Me reading this trip report sound just insane.
I was lying on my bad and looking to the sealing for a few minutes while analysing the situation.
It tooke a few minutes to digest the experience.
At the end I was just so happy that I was not being refues by haperverse.

The "hyperverse" does not refuse you if you at least feel some dmt effects.
When you dont feel any dmt effect its probaly caused by the lack of dmt.
Dont drink too much and trip!!!

Open questions:
Me asking myself if I really consumed that much of dmt in the past few weeks?
Thats just too hilarious.

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#2 Posted : 10/26/2023 8:42:59 AM

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Homo Trypens
#3 Posted : 10/27/2023 10:09:42 PM

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Very interesting!

Glad you're alright Smile

And yeah probably better to stay away from psyches when drunk, especially DMT.

I had one changa experience where i had to fight. I smoked the bong, and immediately something frog-like jumped into my throat. I was coughing and fighting for breath for a full hour. That thing wasn't just taking my breath, it was absolutely foul mooded, reaaally angry, i was afraid to even smoke changa for a few months after that. Luckily, i never had to fight this one again. It did come near my trips a few times, but eventually i was able to give it love and it dissolved (i think). Of course it was probably myself all along.

I did my first juice experiments just a few weeks ago. I prepared 2 cartridges, one with only DMT freebase (.5g/ml) and one with the same strength DMT but also harmalas citrate added (.17g/ml, but it didn't dissolve completely, probably more like .13g/ml in the end). I use 100% PG so i could make them stronger if i want.

With the dmt only cart, while i do clearly get *some* effect, it doesn't seem to want to go beyond body buzz. Also it's not very pleasant to inhale, kinda offensive to the throat, as if it had a strong amount of nicotine in it (which it doesn't). I'll have to try it again, but my preliminary conclusion was that this cartridge is useless without prior ingestion of harmalas.

The "changa juice" on the other hand, was surprising me! 3 long tokes was about as strong as a medium dose of changa in a bong.
#4 Posted : 10/28/2023 4:34:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Ty for all the responses.

Ye lesson learned for sure.
I already knew that psyches shouldnt be mixed with alcohol but I didnt expect that.
That was just the opposit of risk reduction.

One more interesting fact i forgot to mention:
Right after i hit the 3rd hit i immediately had some kind of epileptic seizures.
I started to drool. And that was the moment I knew that i fked up.
When I stood up I remember that my legs were completly stiff.
Somehow i managed to make this 1 or 2 steps and let me fall or jump on my bed.
I am just happy and appretiate that I am still breathing.

I smoked the bong, and immediately something frog-like jumped into my throat.

Ye I remember when you reported about this once in the chat and I am happy that it resolved for you.
I dont feel that alone with my experience, although the situation differs.
Your situation lacks my supidity Very happy.

I did my first juice experiments just a few weeks ago.

I also remember that we talked about ejuice weeks ago.

With the dmt only cart, while i do clearly get *some* effect, it doesn't seem to want to go beyond body buzz

Thats interesting. I had really good trips with dissolved freebase.
My first few trip reports was with dissolved dmt freebase.
I can imagine that the low effects can be caused by MTL vapes.
DTL vapes consume much more liquid per hit.
What I observed was the longer the liquid stood around the less effective it was.
THe citrate lasted longer then the freebase.
But i am not sure if the dmt concentrated at the bottom of the tank which means that the oversaturated liquid is used first. That would leave behind non saturated liquid.
Or if the dmt is not stable in juice.
If the dmt falls to the bottom of the tank I just cant believe i already consumed the 1g.

Also it's not very pleasant to inhale, kinda offensive to the throat

The offensive feeling to the throat is caused by the PH of the liquid after dissolving the dmt.
Ph of PG/VG is around neutral. When dissolving the freebase it rises the PH to about 9.
Adding citric acid brings the PH back to neutral which makes seem less aggressive.
I didnt observe any offensive feelings on the throat when used freebase but i remember that my upper lip was feeling weird.

The "changa juice" on the other hand, was surprising me!

Thats interesting.
It means that harmalas can be dissolved in pg/vg.
Would probably be "dangerous" in a DTL vape.
#5 Posted : 11/5/2023 2:12:07 PM

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Wow! That is quite a trip report. Just wow. You really tried hard to get back to hyperspace and it sounds like you got a bit more than you bargained for and wound up in a resistance trip. I have had those and they are tough. The fighting of the ego to not let go of the body, to stay alive, to not die, is very very real when the DMT triggers our fight and flight response and loosens ourself from our body sense all at once.

I smiled a bit, understanding that you were dealing with a tough and intense situation, when you stated you realized you were fighting your blanket. Love

I know toshido liked to mix alcohol and DMT but even he said it drained out the colors. It seems the general consensus is that alcohol and DMT do not mix well together. If that is the lesson you learned from this trip, I am sorry it was learned in such a difficult manner.

If anything like this happens in the future, I would recommend a kind of mental buckling up, then trying with every molecule of your being to just let go and surrender. Often when the fight dissolves into surrender, crazy good things can happen on a DMT trip.

How are you feeling in the aftermath now that you've had a little time to integrate this experience?

Again, thank you for sharing.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#6 Posted : 11/5/2023 5:21:49 PM

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Ty for your reply Pandora Smile

Pandora wrote:
You really tried hard to get back to hyperspace and it sounds like you got a bit more than you bargained for and wound up in a resistance trip. I have had those and they are tough. The fighting of the ego to not let go of the body, to stay alive, to not die, is very very real when the DMT triggers our fight and flight response and loosens ourself from our body sense all at once.

That described my experience very well.

Pandora wrote:

I smiled a bit, understanding that you were dealing with a tough and intense situation, when you stated you realized you were fighting your blanket. Love

Ye it was kind of scary and funny at the same time during the experience.
I can still lough about that situation whenever I think about it. Very happy

Pandora wrote:

I know toshido liked to mix alcohol and DMT but even he said it drained out the colors. It seems the general consensus is that alcohol and DMT do not mix well together. If that is the lesson you learned from this trip, I am sorry it was learned in such a difficult manner.

It is ok. Nothing to be sorry about.
Every experience is an experience.
Although 1 beer helped me in the past to sort of loose the fear of tripping.
I think alcohol can be a good tool when used properly and if required.
After tripping a few times on 1 beer I completly lost the fear of tripping and was able to trip without any fear without drinking at all.
The amounth makes the poison.

Pandora wrote:

If anything like this happens in the future, I would recommend a kind of mental buckling up, then trying with every molecule of your being to just let go and surrender. Often when the fight dissolves into surrender, crazy good things can happen on a DMT trip.

Ty for the recommendation. I have been following it.
That usually works well but not when drunk too much.

Pandora wrote:

How are you feeling in the aftermath now that you've had a little time to integrate this experience?

I feel ok, as usual.
Dont really want to drink or trip currently.
Not that i got scared by this experience.
It is just "it was enough for a while".
I achieved what I wanted and got the answer to my question of being refused by the hyperverse or not.
Although I dont think it will last long as I still have my emesh lying around which I didnt try yet Pleased
#7 Posted : 1/20/2024 1:56:56 AM

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After successfully battleing uncuncious suffering for months I can clearly tell that this experience kind of broke my neck short term wise without being even aware of it.

The symptomps I had:
- depression, which was actually a normal state for my entire life
- Kind of fog in my brain. This was really intense. It felt like having ulcer in my brain.
- The desire to leave my job and enter uni got bigger as i felt like i am wasteing my time otherwise
- It felt like being someone else, personality changes, depersonalisation?
- My pushing mindset was missing
- Wasnt able to improve myself on a daily basis anymore

I kind of underestimated the setting part of safe-use.
For me "only feeling good" before a journey is not enough specially when a lot is going on in real life as:
- Stress at work
- Planning to quit my current job and starting uni
- Searching for a new apartment
- Health issues like eczema and overthinking
- Family problems

The other trip i did The box did not contribute to this situation in any long-term and positive way.
The intention of that trip was just to prove myself that I was not afraid of dmt after this "fight for life and death" trip.

I have not touched dmt for a long time and that will not change till i sort stuff out.
It is very important for me to share how I managed to break the chains.

About 5 weeks ago I started to bong weed after years of thc abstience.
This helped at first but after about 2 weeks I noticed that my overthinking getting worse again.
That was actually the reason why I stopped with weed years ago.
At this time I knew that I can not allow to let this proceed like that.

After 4 weeks of weed I stopped from 1 day to another.
The detox was really awful.
Neusea, threwing up, headaches, freezing, sweathing, feeling sleepy in one moment then hyperactive, no appetite, even stronger depressions.

Currently I am again 2 week off weed and didnt drink for weeks as well.
TBH I am not sure if faceing the additional suffering from the weed detox contributed to this situation.
But I definetly felt really good after achieving the goal of quitting.
The craving and the short-term handycap from this dmt trip claimed so many resources, engery and time.

Not sure if i can view myself resilient after managing this.
On the other hand would such a trip cause suffer for resilent people?
I dont know.

What also helped me was time, rest, a single dose of 25mg Trazodon-hcl and micro dosing harmala.
There was a few days gap between harmala and Trazodon.
I used low-dose Trazodon a few times years ago because of sleep issues.

I took the Trazodone a few days ago.
And the next day all the fog faded slowly away.
This was the moment i understood that somethign was odd the past few months.

My mood improved exponentially day after day without using any medikations at all.
I have not felt this well while being sober in my entire life.
It feels like being reincarnated.
I can feel the energy required to lift real life and tear trees apart.
I can enjoy music and dance to it again even alone in my room.

Sometimes I ask myself if I found dmt too early?
Or dmt found me too early?
I think it was required and on time.
I am thankful as I currently feel better then I ever felt in my life and not because I am sober. I feel better because I did not only survive the experience but also the suffering.

I will love to meet dimitri again in a much clearer state after sorting stuff out.
All the experiences shared the same setting and I believe this will be a great baseline for better times.
The good thing is that I am aware now of this kind of odds and I know how to evade or handle such situations.

Patience will be rewarded.
Sometimes destruction is required for a solid foundation.
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#8 Posted : 1/20/2024 1:35:46 PM

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I think isn't very hard to understand what happened in your first try: too diluted DMT.
1g for 5ml is a very low concentration.

1g DMT for 1ml liquid --> strong potency (not recommended for newbies)
1g DMT for 2ml liquid --> medium potency
700/800mg DMT for 2ml liquid --> low potency (microdosing) [almost no visuals, only body high. Very good to meditate or increase concentration (I'm ADHD, it simply works better than Ritalin)]

I do not reccomend taking DMT with alcohol, or with any stimulants like cocaine, caffeine, Ritalin, Venvanse etc.
DMT is safe in the perspective that it won't probably kill you, but it can traumatize you HARD if you don't respect it and do unrecommended dosages, mix it with other drugs (pharmacological included) or with bad set and setting. Please be careful.

Even if everything is ok, it is possible to get a bad trip, so don't facilitate it.

Tip: Try changing vg/pg for very good terpenes, indicated for dilution of wax, etc. It can calm you down.
"Whenever we pronounce something, we singularly devalue it. We believe we have plunged deep into abysses, but when we resurface, the drop of water on the pale tips of our fingers no longer resembles the sea from which it comes. We dream of having discovered marvelous treasures in a mine, but when we return to the light of day, we bring back only fake stones and shards of glass; nevertheless, the treasure gleams, unchanged, in the darkness." (Maeterlinck)
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