I too feel that the stuff inside of the cactus extraction further heavily increases the solubility of (at least) Mescaline Benzoate. So no idea what this stuff is, as it is all left behind in the elegant CIELO step, but seems it cannot be transferred to other solvents / acid combinations

Even when you use a concentration similar to what I used with a pure material - but instead with the Toluene directly from extraction - then no precipitation is seen. Something inside which comes along with the mescaline makes Mescaline Benzoate much more soluble and stops it from precipitation.
I tried Limonene, which should work even better. But no precipitation.
I tried boiling Heptane, which I guess should dissolve Mescaline above its melting point (melting it into a potentially mixable goo) at 45 °C (I think I read sth like that), but this yielded also no crystals.
Still just as a sidenote here you can extract from Cactus Paste (needs to be more dry than CIELO paste) with boiling Heptane and then something will form clouds in the freezer. Would be super cool if Mescaline would be soluble in boiling Naphtha (would make sense, same effect like Bufotenine in boiling Xylene) and then be dropped out as Freebase in the freezer. Not much will be dissolved along the way, so I hoped this would not get all the stuff into the extraction liquid, that stop other Mescaline salts from precipitating in Toluene/Limonene. But sadly first results were not too meaningfull and now my big cactus is gone
To me it seems like Mescaline + Citric Acid in EA seems the only viable way so far, as this will drop it 100 % due to the insolubility of Citric Acid in EA - quite determining also the overall solubility of the salt. Because of that Mescaline Benzoate does not work with EA, because Benzoic Acid has a super high solubility here. Solubility of Benzoic Acid in Limonene is still something like 3-4 g / 100 ml. Also not low.
Just Benzoic Acid in Heptane is just ~ 0,7 g / 100 ml and I hoped this could be a cool alternative:
(1. Defat dry basified cactus powder with cold Naphtha to remove fats)
2. Extract dry basified cactus powder with boiling Naphtha to dissolve only Mescaline-like Alkaoids, leaving behind R-OH type alkaloids + chlorophyll (which potentially increases Mescaline salt solubility)
3. Bring your Naphtha again to a boil and dissolve 2 g Benzoic Acid per 100 g Cactus Powder, place in Freezer
But at least it gave just clouds and no crystals, so that was also tossed for now ...
I even tried to overcome the high Mescaline-Benzoate solubility by crashing it out forcefully with super-excess benzoic acid, that will even precipitate lots of Benzoic Acid itself. But then no idea how to separate that stuff, as you have little product with lots of impurity instead of the regular opposite case.
So in other words so far I see no combination of solvent + acid + whatever that will directly drop a directly smokable salt