just shut up and do it... Options
#1 Posted : 3/2/2010 10:20:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 78
Joined: 07-Nov-2009
Last visit: 11-Mar-2011 what i just did.

thank you nexus...ive been away for sometime...havent worked with anything, but i still felt i was having breakthroughs in my own thinking here. so i wasnt working with spice, but i was still "working"

i just went.

i came home. hungry. tired. had a bad morning. i was getting ready to load up my bong and smoke some marijuana and sort some things out mentally, but i saw a gift that my dear friend ANTROCLES gave to me on my bday...god my hands and arms are shaking so much right now i can barely type.

i just did it. i had never worked alone before. i did it all. with all that weight and baggage(plus more ill spare you details)

i went in. it was so sudden...i lit it. and next thing i know. the buzzing throughout my body...byebye. electricity. i exhaulted! i was loud! i could feel it! i remember something in me, not me...saying "ENTER ME. BE ME. HELP ME. LOVE ME." an absolute surrender came over me without me thinking about it. (this is not to say i havent worked on my surrendering before.) but i did not consciously surrender...maybe just a constant state of surrender and opennessSmile

i guess i feel like my soul was doing the footwork on this one, lining up the piece, the timing, the lack of timing. it was just time for me to go.

i could see a blob of ____ i dunno just a moving blob moving upwards...appearing to be flowing up into me. i allowed it. i question nothing. i fear nothing. i am.

i remember seeing my guide, a tall, black rasta looking man with an orange disco suit that is too short, tall top hat, white around his eyes, and he is happy and carefree.( dont ask me how i know this, ive seen him a number of times looking at me, stepping over what i was seeing...meaning he would walk over the rooms and go from frame to frame...he would lean over at me and say "its all you man/brother"Pleased him and another person or group of ppl were focused on a part of my head to the side...examining it seemed.

then i felt like there was an asian girl or dark haired girl doing yoga next to me. literally in the room with me.

i kinda came back and lit what i had left and it was time to go again. more of the same. over and over.

i can feel myself exhaulting...thanking the universe for what was happening. my breathing took on a very long drawn out process..."in through the teeth as long as could, exhale out as long as i could(think of the sound you would make if mimicing a crowd or audience)

my legs would twist and turn. i would rub my hands over my fleshy, spongy, moist body...realizing that was the form i was in and feeling so if i was occupying this space now(i am not my body) my glasses were tossed to the side..i remember being told "be yourself. be you. you are you. quit getting lost" i didnt feel de ja vu...i was de ja vu.

i would see the happenings here..the activity in this reality...and then see that it just a cover or mask over what was really happening AND I SAW IT. from the side...kinda like if you cut the earth in half and look at each layer...but with reality and "reality"

my eyes would open. i would then leave again with my eyes open. i felt a connection then to that dimension and this one...a link. when i noticed i was still experiencing my trip, my eyes would focus on the room. out of the side of my eye i would see a giant hornet's head floating over was neon and clear...a pattern behind it made of the same material.

i thought to myself..."how wonderful i see in my room. you are welcomed. be."

not the epic write up i wanted to do, but i could write for days and days and not do it justice. i have a hard time remembering everything.

i guess the lesson learned today is, "put aside your plans, then get to work"

thank you nexus, i may be gone a lot, but im always present.



"wherever you go...there you are"

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#2 Posted : 3/2/2010 10:47:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 485
Joined: 20-Aug-2009
Last visit: 06-Dec-2014
Sounds great, and welcome back! It sounds like you got all the release you needed!

May the mother of the mother of tobacco bless you. Any friend of Ant's just has to be in good hands ;-)
Peace in mind, Love in heart
Bill Cipher
#3 Posted : 3/2/2010 11:08:10 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sweet report. Nicely done. This rasta man sounds like quite a character.
#4 Posted : 3/3/2010 12:39:17 AM

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Thanks for the report! Sounds fantastic.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#5 Posted : 3/3/2010 1:01:39 AM

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Awesome report IM! The Asian girl thing is interesting. I get that often, and I also know of others who do as well. Beautiful!

So, what did you think about doing it alone? Good times eh? Pleased

Thanks for the report! Peace!
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#6 Posted : 3/3/2010 1:05:17 AM

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idtravlr wrote:
Awesome report IM! The Asian girl thing is interesting. I get that often, and I also know of others who do as well. Beautiful!

+1... my friend also. I get this from all psychoactives, but mainly with jungle + rue extract... as in they always seem to be there Smile

Nice report! Smile
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