talk about incredible.....

so, i spent yesterday making my gram or so's worth of bufotenine into a nice, simple changa for more effective vaping. i have a jar with about 100grams of crushed and pulverized caapi vine that i covered with 99% ISA and let sit for the better part of a week. every day i would pop the lid and grind at it for a few minutes with a pestal. needless to say, this "Ayasopropal Alcohol" that i use to make my changas is LOADED with caapi magic....
so i made a simply changa of bufotenine, mullein and the caapi APA. fluffy and soothing for the was officially dry and ready to teach at about 7pm. at 10pm i loaded a couple scoops into my freshly cleaned GVG and set it on my alter to "charge up".
my milligrams scale is super high-end. a birthday gift from Uncle Knucles.... the .035 displayed in the LED looks like SEOO upside down....pronounced SEE YOU.... the pile of THH that evokes such a message is deftly sprinkled under my tongue and i meditate on nothingness.
20 minutes later and the harmala's effect are physical. i'm almost trembling....a big dose of harmalas does that to me. i can also just FEEL that the slightest amount of any tryptamine is gonna send me to another galaxy. perfection.
in bed. lights out. cozy like a flea on a sheep. i take a lungful of soothing mullein vapor and observe...
the hit was probably a little more in one go than one should take when working with bufotenine. immediately i flush and prickle all actually feels kinda good....until the nausea hits....i actually grabbed my trash can (prepped next to the bed) and am 99% positive i'm gonna purge. i wait. it never comes.....i'm alright with that...
couple minutes later i take another hit. smaller. smart monkey learns from his previous experiences....the feeling is intense...the visions are beyond words...a minute later i take a final, fairly large hit....i have crossed over now...i am in awe...
the bufotenine hyperspace is identical to DMT hyperspace for me. as in, exactly the same in terms of immersion and visuals. however, there are three MAJOR differences that i have noticed from my minimal work thus far:
1. no carrier wave. none. this is extremely noticeable to me because lately my DMT journeys have become extremely audio-centric. the carrier wave has been making itself clearer and clearer to me and in the past couple weeks, i have almost been able to discern an actual language. it has been so profound for me that i have been completely dismissive of the overwhelming visual spectacle during these journeys! i literally tilt my head the way one would if you were trying to really listen as closely to something as possible. this new level of breakthrough has been extremely powerful for me, so for there to be ABSOLUTELY NO CARRIER WAVE during a bufotenine breakthrough is very noticeable....
2. at the peak, and it is a MUCH longer peak, i find myself as immersed and free of body/self as with DMT...but with one stark difference: the psychedelic nuances of this tryptamine are such that you can literally "think" or "control" the experience. you can almost make the visions go away if you, for some bizarre reason, needed to do so. you really have to surrender to allow bufotenine to do it's teachings. a few times i was SO FAR GONE and SO DEEP into a vision and then i would, for the slightest instant, be aware of myself and BOOM! the vision ended....

i would immediately surrender again and away i would go into another completely immersive is an extremely wonderful tool for staying out of your own way and becoming the "master of your monkey brain". i can definitely see how consistent work with bufotenine will reap HUGE rewards in the arena of mind control.
3. i NEVER open my eyes during a DMT journey. no desire to. i feel like it yanks me out of the classroom and usually results in my journey aborting prematurely. however, with bufotenine i found myself WANTING to open my eyes from time to time in the darkness to see the AMAZING geometry that floated and morphed in this world i currently exist in. DMT doesn't produce these kind of visuals for me at all. these are spectacular and really had me smiling from ear to ear when i decided to behold them.
also- whenever i've taken a deep DMT journey at night, i always come out of it so mentally refreshed that i can't sleep immediately after. bufotenine was the exact opposite. with all the harmalas involved as well, i just felt the most luxurious body load ever and the dreams just kept coming until i woke up this morning feeling like i had just slept for a week solid. really incredible....i pretty much only smoke DMT in the day and preferably in the sunlight. bufotenine has shown itself to be the balanced night-time ally i've been looking for. absolutely tryptamine in feel but definitely unique in it's 'approach'.
i can say with absolute conviction that bufotenine is amazing. i recommend it to anyone who enjoys the teachings of the holy tryptamines. it's voice is it's own despite it's familiar feel....coupled with caapi, it is a powerful agent for transformation that should not be missed!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."