bufotenine is amazing..... Options
#1 Posted : 2/28/2010 8:57:30 PM

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talk about incredible..... Shocked

so, i spent yesterday making my gram or so's worth of bufotenine into a nice, simple changa for more effective vaping. i have a jar with about 100grams of crushed and pulverized caapi vine that i covered with 99% ISA and let sit for the better part of a week. every day i would pop the lid and grind at it for a few minutes with a pestal. needless to say, this "Ayasopropal Alcohol" that i use to make my changas is LOADED with caapi magic....

so i made a simply changa of bufotenine, mullein and the caapi APA. fluffy and soothing for the was officially dry and ready to teach at about 7pm. at 10pm i loaded a couple scoops into my freshly cleaned GVG and set it on my alter to "charge up".

my milligrams scale is super high-end. a birthday gift from Uncle Knucles.... the .035 displayed in the LED looks like SEOO upside down....pronounced SEE YOU.... the pile of THH that evokes such a message is deftly sprinkled under my tongue and i meditate on nothingness.


20 minutes later and the harmala's effect are physical. i'm almost trembling....a big dose of harmalas does that to me. i can also just FEEL that the slightest amount of any tryptamine is gonna send me to another galaxy. perfection.

in bed. lights out. cozy like a flea on a sheep. i take a lungful of soothing mullein vapor and observe...

the hit was probably a little more in one go than one should take when working with bufotenine. immediately i flush and prickle all actually feels kinda good....until the nausea hits....i actually grabbed my trash can (prepped next to the bed) and am 99% positive i'm gonna purge. i wait. it never comes.....i'm alright with that...

couple minutes later i take another hit. smaller. smart monkey learns from his previous experiences....the feeling is intense...the visions are beyond words...a minute later i take a final, fairly large hit....i have crossed over now...i am in awe...

the bufotenine hyperspace is identical to DMT hyperspace for me. as in, exactly the same in terms of immersion and visuals. however, there are three MAJOR differences that i have noticed from my minimal work thus far:

1. no carrier wave. none. this is extremely noticeable to me because lately my DMT journeys have become extremely audio-centric. the carrier wave has been making itself clearer and clearer to me and in the past couple weeks, i have almost been able to discern an actual language. it has been so profound for me that i have been completely dismissive of the overwhelming visual spectacle during these journeys! i literally tilt my head the way one would if you were trying to really listen as closely to something as possible. this new level of breakthrough has been extremely powerful for me, so for there to be ABSOLUTELY NO CARRIER WAVE during a bufotenine breakthrough is very noticeable....

2. at the peak, and it is a MUCH longer peak, i find myself as immersed and free of body/self as with DMT...but with one stark difference: the psychedelic nuances of this tryptamine are such that you can literally "think" or "control" the experience. you can almost make the visions go away if you, for some bizarre reason, needed to do so. you really have to surrender to allow bufotenine to do it's teachings. a few times i was SO FAR GONE and SO DEEP into a vision and then i would, for the slightest instant, be aware of myself and BOOM! the vision ended.... Sad i would immediately surrender again and away i would go into another completely immersive is an extremely wonderful tool for staying out of your own way and becoming the "master of your monkey brain". i can definitely see how consistent work with bufotenine will reap HUGE rewards in the arena of mind control.

3. i NEVER open my eyes during a DMT journey. no desire to. i feel like it yanks me out of the classroom and usually results in my journey aborting prematurely. however, with bufotenine i found myself WANTING to open my eyes from time to time in the darkness to see the AMAZING geometry that floated and morphed in this world i currently exist in. DMT doesn't produce these kind of visuals for me at all. these are spectacular and really had me smiling from ear to ear when i decided to behold them.

also- whenever i've taken a deep DMT journey at night, i always come out of it so mentally refreshed that i can't sleep immediately after. bufotenine was the exact opposite. with all the harmalas involved as well, i just felt the most luxurious body load ever and the dreams just kept coming until i woke up this morning feeling like i had just slept for a week solid. really incredible....i pretty much only smoke DMT in the day and preferably in the sunlight. bufotenine has shown itself to be the balanced night-time ally i've been looking for. absolutely tryptamine in feel but definitely unique in it's 'approach'.

i can say with absolute conviction that bufotenine is amazing. i recommend it to anyone who enjoys the teachings of the holy tryptamines. it's voice is it's own despite it's familiar feel....coupled with caapi, it is a powerful agent for transformation that should not be missed!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/1/2010 12:19:43 AM

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Very happy

Thats bufotenine!

I have started to notice than there is a sort of ringing I get with bufo..but i have to relax and listen for it..then it is there..its nothing liek the DMT carrier wave. When i focus on it it pulls me deeper and is sort of like a dialup tone into bufo space in a way..but nothing like the buzzing humming wave that DMT and psilocin induces for me..

Bufotenine is amazing..I just came out of 4 nights of caapi and bufotenine and one long night of caapi and mimosa ayahuasca..and I dont even know what to say anymore..after the things i have seen this last week im at a huge loss for words..though I am going to attempt to find them later..

Oh and you did get nausea?..i get that feeling like im sure i will puke as well when i take too large a hit at once..but i never do actaully purge..

Also have you noticed the stages that bufo seems to take?..the second stage that is very very relaxed and feels pislocin like?..i still need to write the report but 2 nights ago i took a HUGE redose durring that phase..and it was nothing like the innitial bufotenine was soo different..less hyerpdimensional space machines and more organic sort of earth based jungle scenes..fully immersive..there is def something going on with bufo where after 15-20 minutes or so it changes into another very active tryptamine in the body..but usaully by that point the visuals intensity is dying out a taking another full dose at that point helps to bring out the visions of that second stage.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 3/1/2010 1:23:30 AM

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"Ayasopropal Alcohol", hahahhaaha, epic! To read that tripping as hard as I am, that is immensely funny. I assume the rest of your post is just as sexy but I must sleep.
Bill Cipher
#4 Posted : 3/1/2010 1:42:33 AM

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I gave your handiwork a go last night and found it to be pretty interesting. It was anything but nausea free, but the visual intensity was impressive. Strange to be immersed in the tryptamine visuals with such minimal mental effects.
#5 Posted : 3/1/2010 3:34:59 AM

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First things first - Beautiful report brother! I have been waiting to figure out what / how to best use my a. colubrina seeds in a more effective manner. I absolutely love mulien as a base, so perhaps I will batch up some of this changa that you speak of. This report was the boost I needed to get off my rumpus and do it! Cool
antrocles wrote:
lately my DMT journeys have become extremely audio-centric. the carrier wave has been making itself clearer and clearer to me and in the past couple weeks, i have almost been able to discern an actual language. it has been so profound for me that i have been completely dismissive of the overwhelming visual spectacle during these journeys! i literally tilt my head the way one would if you were trying to really listen as closely to something as possible.

(Slightly off topic, but) - Man, I think I know exactly what you're talking about with regard to the language thing! I have been struggling with this (in a good but frustrating way) for a long time now. It's not just a sound to me, it's a language of some sort. I have posted about this before and it actually almost feels like it's the name of a location or something, for me it's like this language is something that would be impossible to translate using human linguistics. Hence, I always want to grasp it and bring it back, but I never can...
ant wrote:

bufotenine was the exact opposite. with all the harmalas involved as well, i just felt the most luxurious body load ever and the dreams just kept coming until i woke up this morning feeling like i had just slept for a week solid.

This sounds very, VERY nice! Like a warm fuzzy cocoon... As you suggested I bet the harmalas really helped with this.
ant wrote:

i can say with absolute conviction that bufotenine is amazing. i recommend it to anyone who enjoys the teachings of the holy tryptamines. it's voice is it's own despite it's familiar feel....coupled with caapi, it is a powerful agent for transformation that should not be missed!


May I ask what tek SWIY prefers for his bufo extraction when planning on making a changa out of it?

Behold the great GVG! Razz

Wonderful read, as always! Peace!
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#6 Posted : 3/1/2010 5:57:53 AM

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awesome ANT!! so im wondering..the GVG actually works?!?! thats great i just have to get a new one so i dont dirty up my dmt pipe with bufo...coooooool

ive been looking for a nice bufo pipe...but havent found the right one yet....i always thought that the VG didnt get nearly hot enough..but perhaps with a torch lighter and the glass vg....things are different...HOw exciting indeed....but please tell me more about how the GVG performed
it's a sound
#7 Posted : 3/1/2010 8:10:59 AM

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antrocles wrote:

smart monkey learns from his previous experiences...

you crack me up manWink
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#8 Posted : 3/1/2010 5:59:23 PM

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thanks for the love you guys. i really and truly cannot recommend this medicine is quite magical!

j- funnily enough, i just ordered a second GVG so that i have one for anything containing spice and one for bufotenine and anything NOT containing spice. just make a strong changa (1:1 or stronger) and the GVG works like a charm.....just don't take too big of a hit or you'll have that good ol' bufo-nausea to deal with....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#9 Posted : 3/1/2010 6:22:34 PM

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yeah that is my only that it might take some practice getting it just right...practice = nausea Razz
it's a sound
#10 Posted : 3/1/2010 8:50:44 PM

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It has to be one of the great discoveries of the Nexus that bufotenine is not just nasty stuff that makes you look red and puffy Pleased

Great work again Antrocles, it really inspires me to make the most of that tiny bag of seeds that's waiting!
#11 Posted : 3/1/2010 9:12:39 PM

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It's Jonathan Ott that we should really be thanking. He is the first to publish these findings. The nexus members made it available to the public by means of an easier tech than what Jonathan Ott gave. Ott’s tech is difficult for the average person, but does end up with pure bufotenine if done right.

I would not have posted anything at all about bufotenine had it not been for Jonathan Ott testing it on himself and many others. Jonathan Ott is the MAN here.

Jonathan Ott, if you are reading this, thank you very much! Your work was greatly appreciated! Before reading your work, I thought bufotenine was nothing more than a toxin to be avoided. As you can see, many here are thankful for finding bufotenine. I think it’s your initial work that really got the ball rolling. Now we have a simple tech for purifying it for the masses. The thanks there goes to a few select members of the Nexus for sure.

One of the great things about the Nexus is that we have group of highly intelligent people who are willing to think outside of the box and try new things. This is my favorite forum bar none.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#12 Posted : 3/2/2010 12:06:27 AM

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In have to agree with you, 69ron. This place is the most amazing forum online with out a doubt. I would love to read about J OTT's work with bubfotenine. I've have seen him live and met him a few times. He plays in London now and again. Would love to read his stuff. Also, Ant... you have inspired me to dive into some new realms of psychedelia! If you say bufotenine is a great ride, i trust you enough to try dip my toe in these unfamiliar waters Smile

This place really does help break personal battles of fear... as it has been said before, but must be repeated- We are all psychedelic warriors on a mission to delve deeper into the vast sea of consciousness. How else will humans be able to evolve and learn about what life is all about? Sometimes we do need to hit that control-alt-delete button to help put things back into perspective. I love all you guys! I feel honored to be part of this community. Thanks to everyone who has taken time to reflect and share parts of themselves. I feel so proud to have found this place, as i don't think my life would be where it is now without it. Peas!
#13 Posted : 3/2/2010 2:22:21 AM

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Ott is one of my great heroes..i really love both him and raetsch..
Ott was the first one I had read that got me interested in bufotenine again as well.

"I would love to read about J OTT's work with bubfotenine. I've have seen him live and met him a few times. He plays in London now and again."

Are you sure your not confusing Johnothan Ott with Ott the musician?
Long live the unwoke.
Big Inhale
#14 Posted : 3/2/2010 4:49:54 AM

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#15 Posted : 3/2/2010 8:54:43 AM

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DoingKermit wrote:

This place really does help break personal battles of fear... as it has been said before, but must be repeated- We are all psychedelic warriors on a mission to delve deeper into the vast sea of consciousness.

I can relate completely. I almost feel like a coward sometimes when the thought of smoking DMT enters my mind, I know there is no danger or reason for my apprehension, but something inside me is reluctant to let go.

However doing some reading on the nexus always motivates me a little. Hearing about the experiences and rewards of others who were brave enough to venture into the unknown makes me smile a little knowing what that little jar in my closet has in store. I feel lucky to live in a time and place where this type of information and this type of community exist.
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#16 Posted : 3/2/2010 12:05:05 PM

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Fractal... you are right. I got confuzzled Smile Thanks for clearing that up!!!

allnatural, i feel so privileged to be in this time too. I wouldn't have ever tried extractions if it wasn't for this forum, and the internet in general, making it easier than baking a cake. I love this place and more importantly love you all. Peas!
#17 Posted : 3/2/2010 7:36:00 PM

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69ron wrote:
It's Jonathan Ott that we should really be thanking. He is the first to publish these findings. The nexus members made it available to the public by means of an easier tech than what Jonathan Ott gave. Ott’s tech is difficult for the average person, but does end up with pure bufotenine if done right.

I stand corrected, now that you say it I remember. Sorry Ott Embarrased

But the Nexus is pioneering in this area, much credit to the involved members too!
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