CIELO goo - current best recovery method? Options
Twilight Person
#101 Posted : 7/23/2023 9:39:10 PM

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I already wrote in the other thread that it seems you can just re-x mesc citrate in ethanol. Boil it until everything is dissolved, then you can even evaporate everything to make sure to get 100 % back. If it is decanted with the fridge rest then it will anyways be quite pure even if it formed goo. And therefore you can simply evaporate all the ethanol and you will get crystals.
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#102 Posted : 7/24/2023 10:29:21 PM

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Twilight Person wrote:
I already wrote in the other thread that it seems you can just re-x mesc citrate in ethanol. Boil it until everything is dissolved, then you can even evaporate everything to make sure to get 100 % back. If it is decanted with the fridge rest then it will anyways be quite pure even if it formed goo. And therefore you can simply evaporate all the ethanol and you will get crystals.

Thanks Twilight I just found your post,
"#3 (by far the easiest and best)
just do a ethanol or IPA re-x
heat the slime in boiling alcohol (probably both ethanol / IPA work the same way)
let it cool down to room temperature, then put it into fridge and then into freezer (as a sequence to create the biggest crystals).
If you dont use too much alcohol, then you can easily recover 80-90 % of your slime. You can alternatively evaporate off the last alcohol which you decanted after fridge in a second jar to get the last 10-20 %.
This will form nice white crystals and is probably the easiest method."

Big grin I am definetely going to give this a try and report back if it works for me, do you have any suggesting on roughly how much ethano used? Does 30ml sound appropriate, or just the minimum amount of ethanol needed to dissolve the slime, thanks heaps!
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Twilight Person
#103 Posted : 7/24/2023 11:12:04 PM

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In theory if you did the freeze decant step then whatever goo you have should still be mostly pure mesc citrate. Just for whatever reason it seems not to crystallize in these cases Twisted Evil So that means if you used too much ethanol then you could simply also just evaporate everything to dryness and then it will not matter if you initially used too much.

But of course the ideal case would be to place it in the freezer and then decant what you have on top. Because of that it will be very easy to simply use very low amounts and heat to boiling, then mix very well with spoon or similar and then adding more if still not all is dissolved.

Maybe I would try like 10 ml for 50 g initial cacti powder.

I will probably need to do exactly the same again soon, as I failed to do the 69ron limonene tek properly and so I had to improvise by using CIELO on that emulsion, which nicely broke then emulsion then. So I will throw some citric acid on top soon and then if my luck continues will need to tackle that goo again Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
~ O ~
Fruit is life
#104 Posted : 7/29/2023 1:26:12 AM

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Dissolved my brown goo in 30ml boiling Ethanol and immediate separation of goo/mescaline citrate occurred, after filtering that and adding the Ethanol to the freezer some more xtals formed, worked great 👍🏻 brown goo ~> 700mg white mesc citrate powder with 95% Ethanol. Big grin
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#105 Posted : 8/10/2023 9:43:02 PM

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Fruit is life wrote:
Dissolved my brown goo in 30ml boiling Ethanol and immediate separation of goo/mescaline citrate occurred, after filtering that and adding the Ethanol to the freezer some more xtals formed, worked great 👍🏻 brown goo ~> 700mg white mesc citrate powder with 95% Ethanol. Big grin

Can you post a more detailed step by step? I have some goo that I can't figure out how to separate. I've had it in the freezer for a while and it's saturated in water. Could I drink it? lol
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🙌 "Dang, that's really impressive for a first extraction. Those xtals are nicely resolved." - Benzyme 🙌

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