What has dmt shown/changed in your life? Options
#1 Posted : 2/26/2010 3:53:29 AM


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Well I just took a few puffs of my first changa. Just some caapi leaf enhanced with jim jam. I took a few light puffs, slow tokes, and instantly felt my head and body feel extremely light. I didnt break through simply because every damn lighter I've had lately doesn't want to work. I think if I continued to take some tokes I would have for sure left, I could feel it coming.

Anyway, this was kind of the first feeling of DMT in my system in months, and remember I've never broke through but I've smoked it a few times and have come to notice a few things it does...

It seems to show you things you dont normally realize, like a pain in your back, or the way you turn your head, little wierd things that are subconscious. If I had to explain DMT in a few words(which would fail it ultimately) I'd say wacky, crazy, weird, nuts, color trip, zzzzzzzzzz, !!!!!!??????!!!!!!!!

God this spice really is no little thing. It should really be respected and taken when you are in good shape. I don't think I'm in a good state of mind to take it right now because I'm trying to figure alot of things out right now, such as school, work, family, etc. I have enough on my mind atm to be able to understand something this complex.....BUT I bet it would be wonderful to take when your mind is truly and absolutely at ease with life....

So what are you guy's thoughts on this?
"The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish." - Terence Mckenna

"Once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - Hunter S. Thompson

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#2 Posted : 2/26/2010 3:59:01 AM

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LSD made me notice those things that I don't normally sense, just like you said. I can feel my joints move and notice every small pain or discomfort. Well, saying that makes it sound just bad. I also notice warmth and pleasure more. And I can understand every small nonverbal queue from myself and others, and understand what the person is feeling/thinking based on them.

EDIT: Ah, just noticed the topic of the thread. I had just linked here from your chat post. I'll be taking my first steps into hyperspace tomorrow, so I'll answer you then!
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#3 Posted : 2/26/2010 3:59:02 AM


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#4 Posted : 2/26/2010 4:12:22 AM

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After I had my first couple breakthroughs it seems like my old self has died and I am renewed with a more aware consciousness. I go through life now without throwing up barriers that my ego used to subconsciously create. I live life to the fullest and with such confidence that I can choose and create every situation I bring into my life, that this is my reality and it plays by my rules. Knowing that nothing is material solid and I am aware that everyday objects are made of smaller particles, cells, atoms, that can always be broken down to infinite until nothing resides but pure energy vibrations; that what I see is my brain and senses creating a perceived environment at a certain visual level... I am conscious matter itself; living in a reality that we are all gods of.

My life clearly would have gone down a much more grounded average human experience if I would have never tried DMT. Although I have always been fairly intuitive, it surely has helped me become who I am
in this moment.
#5 Posted : 2/26/2010 5:29:15 AM


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DMT was the single most humbling experience of my life. I cannot really give you anything more here. I cried randomly when tying my shoelace, and just felt the need to sit down and sigh with my head in my hands. Months after the experience. Nothing has ever gotten close to what DMT did.
Its so very natural and yet so very alien.
It goes right to the very core of being.
It is more then i could ever have expected and then some. It is the teacher, the classroom, the book, the glasses.

My good friends, tread carefully. There is much afoot.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#6 Posted : 2/26/2010 8:21:55 PM

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DMT showed me that the world is MUCH bigger than this thin slice of consensus reality. Quite a relief, a greatly reduced fear of death was a nice side-effect!
#7 Posted : 2/26/2010 9:27:22 PM


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I have no more fear in THIS 3D world. If you can get past the rattling that spice don't have to be afraid of ANYthing else...and people can SEE IT in my EYES!Shocked

Very happy

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#8 Posted : 2/26/2010 10:04:21 PM

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not to be afraid.
To be grateful for life.
that there is more than this.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#9 Posted : 2/27/2010 12:57:12 AM
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Everything is infinite unto itself.

Everything is permitted.

Love & compassion is the essence of it all

1 BIG cycle.

To the very core, nothing dies.

Highly coordinated images of light we are.

The universe is sustained by an act of such stupendous and ineffable creativity that it simply cannot be reduced to any term or set of terms.
#10 Posted : 2/27/2010 5:39:23 AM
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DMT is teaching me about the ego.

When I began work with aya, I found the deepest part of me: my higher self. Since then I have been accepting it as my true self, while learning how its expression can be honestly and accurately expressed to those around me. Spice itself may be a portal to hyperspace, but it also can be used as tool for self-betterment.

I have been learning how to listen to that deep voice inside that says, "The day is begun, rise and enjoy!" instead of the small and weak voice that says "You can still be on time if you hit snooze button just one more time...". It's easier to listen to the latter, but each time I do what it wants (like: "do the dishes tomorrow, go watch some tv tonight" ) it gets stronger. Much of the time, the weak voice shows me the easy path and is lacking virtue and satisfaction.

With DMT, that small voice leaves and I can truly hear myself. It doesn't make it any easier to do what's right, "right" just becomes a viable option. I move from 'a lazy dead-beat', past 'another good citizen', to someone who 'leads by example' with my decisions. This change is not permanent, focus and determination are vital for its upkeep.

I now recognize the shell of external voices (those that do not run as deep as the voice of my higher self) as my ego. Obviously all of these voices are the complex makeup of "me", but DMT has given me the mental scrutiny required to understand these levels and facets of "me". I am only recently beginning to understand how this is expressed in other people: their egos, intentions, motivations, core, and even the complex colors that I understand them to be beyond the physical realm.

I can get in the habit of doing what feels right deep down and my life as a whole is more productive, constructive, and satisfying.

Recently ۩ made a post which basically said that many paths lead to self-mastery, for me this is precisely the case with DMT. Of course credit is due to caapi, bufo, meditation, proper diet and exercise for all they have to offer.

DMT, caapi, and bufo have proven to be irreplaceable as tools given the demands of my life. I don't have the time or money to join the local yoga institutions. Immaterial monk-hood just does not work with my goals as a contributing member of society. Organized religion is simply too cluttered. I have nothing wrong with the other paths out there, I have merely found mine.

All of this work does not happen purely in hyperspace; plenty occurs in the hours following, during the after-glow the following days, and even between experiences working with integration. Each of these time frames have something important to offer.

The progress that I've made is unparalleled, the clarity of the enthogenic message these tools bring is beautiful. It may be argued that other things in life assisted my growth, but to me these tools have been the nexus of change.
#11 Posted : 2/27/2010 5:54:54 AM

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I have less fear for sure. I feel this strong quest for knowledge. Recognition of true meaningful moments in life. more understanding, compassion for others. I have gratitude and generally feel emotionally better than I have in a long time. This molecule has had great impact on my life the implications of wich I contemplate everyday.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#12 Posted : 2/27/2010 6:16:20 AM

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1. any energy i devote to anything other than preparation for my moment of death/transition is energy spent buying into an illusion.

2. surrender the need to want

3. say yes

4. having been "awakened", i can no longer pretend to be asleep.

5. there is certainly something far greater than what we choose to limit ourselves to in this density.

6. it requires the diligence and courage of a spiritual warrior to continually face and see through an illusion that will never willingly release it's grip on your truest nature.

7. i have evolved from being a "human doing" to a "human being".

8. i can more clearly see the interconnectedness of all things.

9. i meditate more. my whole life is a sort of meditation now really....

10. DMT has shown/continues to show me who i am. my truest self. the self that cannot be destroyed. the self beyond the illusion of self. the self that is at once an integral piece of a great everything and yet unique in it's own right. it shows me that i am a little, immeasureably small piece of a giant ONE. in recognizing this, i have come to see that we are ALL little facets of it. i have never been so clear as now that the growth and evolution of ME contributes to the growth and evolution of ALL and VICE VERSA!! i have never been so in support of OTHERS growing and awakening as i have been since working with DMT.

in short- DMT has given me my truest version of life. with an eye towards wholeness, i embrace this new awareness of being and stand for all others who would seek it out.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#13 Posted : 2/27/2010 6:43:45 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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۩ wrote:

just everything? what about everything else?
#14 Posted : 2/27/2010 7:11:30 AM


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smokeydaze wrote:
۩ wrote:

just everything? what about everything else?

All else not encompassed within the momentary eternal focus of everything will remain unchanged.
The perception of such unchanged has, and will be tremendously reset by the brush tek filter system,
which performs permanent perceptual recalibrations.

Good day.
#15 Posted : 2/27/2010 10:48:04 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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۩ wrote:
smokeydaze wrote:
۩ wrote:

just everything? what about everything else?

All else not encompassed within the momentary eternal focus of everything will remain unchanged.
The perception of such unchanged has, and will be tremendously reset by the brush tek filter system,
which performs permanent perceptual recalibrations.

Good day.

Ahh! :idea:

Well in that case I'll take two.
#16 Posted : 2/27/2010 4:34:47 PM

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i'll take one too. supersize it please. actually, i'll take the everything combo with double everything, everything sauce and a large everything on the side.


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#17 Posted : 2/28/2010 3:25:38 AM


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Might as well beef up with some everything if your just a speck!

everything sauce....

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#18 Posted : 3/2/2010 11:48:40 PM

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MooshyPeaches wrote:
After I had my first couple breakthroughs it seems like my old self has died and I am renewed with a more aware consciousness. I go through life now without throwing up barriers that my ego used to subconsciously create. I live life to the fullest and with such confidence that I can choose and create every situation I bring into my life, that this is my reality and it plays by my rules. Knowing that nothing is material solid and I am aware that everyday objects are made of smaller particles, cells, atoms, that can always be broken down to infinite until nothing resides but pure energy vibrations; that what I see is my brain and senses creating a perceived environment at a certain visual level... I am conscious matter itself; living in a reality that we are all gods of.

My life clearly would have gone down a much more grounded average human experience if I would have never tried DMT. Although I have always been fairly intuitive, it surely has helped me become who I am
in this moment.


"wherever you go...there you are"
Jamie ONeil
#19 Posted : 3/9/2010 1:11:52 AM

Jamie O'Neil

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The 10 minutes that changed my life. That sums up my first trip - and only so far.

I believe I have heard the call. I think there are many of us who can hear it now. I have SEEN existence. Now that I have seen it, I know that everything here is just an illusion, but not without purpose. There is a reason we are all here, and we are fulfilling that purpose, no matter what we are doing.

There were 3 distinct phases to my trip, and during the second part, I was given instruction. I don't remember what it was, but at the end, I said out loud, and the words seemed to float from my lips and wrap around me like a blanket, "I get it." And I did. And I'm doing what I was told, even though I don't remember. I'm actually doing a few new things, and I wonder if these things are part of what I was instructed. I can't even really type it here, because it sounds crazy. Let's just say they are related to mass awakening on the planet.

I believe DMT is a vehicle to what's next. I believe it helps attune our minds and bodies to what is coming.

And something BIG is coming.
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all."
—Helen Keller
#20 Posted : 3/9/2010 2:04:10 AM

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Jamie ONeil wrote:
I can't even really type it here, because it sounds crazy. Let's just say they are related to mass awakening on the planet.

Many have this vision, it seems. Interesting.

I ask myself whether this phenomenon is related to like-minded people with similar behaviors manifesting some inner desire for 'world peace' or, maybe, is there something more to a whole bunch of people from many different walks of life stumbling upon these tools at a similar point in time?

Regardless, people are 'awakening' at an increasing rate thanks to an ever expanding understanding of consciousness brought to you by your fellow Traveler.

Further research needed...

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
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