for almost a year now, i've been hearing tales of a mythical beast called bufotenine. how it captures the souls of men and transports them to impossible worlds with impossible landscapes. plasmic realities where geometry and conscious forms enter a dreamer's mind and share wonderments that transcend time and self. i had heard these tales and more. i had tried to know them for myself but never to any satisfying culmination.
until last night...
the tan crystals sparkle like some type of alien ore. mined from deep within a terran holy sanctum, the very look of the bufotenine belied it's pending wonderment. i knew this was going to work this time. something in me was already beginning to shift while i mindfully rolled the herbal cigarette that would carry me away. peppermint, mullein, lavender and 30mg. of sacrament. rolled neatly and placed on a shipibo tapestry on my alter.
time to drink my caapi... full strength brew. large mug. night time has a sound to it. a singing. every speck of emptiness i perceive with my eyes is full of life force. it is rainbow prismatic....there is no space that is "empty".
20 minutes later and i am love. the deepest peace has consumed me. i am a dream-walker. a shaman in the truest sense. both worlds are laid over one another to create a third world. this is where i am now. i meditatively walk into my bedroom with my cigarette, my GVG and my torch. there is the strongest sense that something magical is not only
going to be happening but already
is happening. this is one of those journeys that has been instigated by the "higher-ups". i am in no way making any of this happen now....
in bed. lights out. under my favorite cozy comforter. comfortable the way an embryo is comfortable suspended in the womb. i begin to smoke.
i never smoke, so to prevent my throat from getting irritated i take slow puffs and spread them out. over the course of about 5 minutes i have consumed nearly all of my cigarette and the sensations are already quite noticeable....

geometry beyond geometry. mayan warriors walk past me. it is almost as if i am in a movie of a time long past. farming. tribal. beautifully decorated people. proud people. simple, pure life and i am in a bucolic scene just filled with peace and oneness. a familiar alien energy is also present and i can see the machinery that i normally see on my way back from a DMT breakthrough. i am very aware that either i have had enough neurons awakened by spice to see the connection OR these two medicines are very closely related. either way, as new and wonderous as this all is to me, there is a wonderful familiarity at the same time.
which inspires me to raise my GVG to my lips in the hopes of bringing these two worlds together.
everything i was feeling from the bufotenine is now amplified tremendously. the village i am in has sound. REAL sound. language, singing, the sounds of footsteps and conversation. the sounds of baskets being woven and spears and bows clanging together. the sounds of feathers being attentively placed into head-dresses and dyes being applied to clothes and skin. the sounds of life. THIS life. i have never had such an immersive auditory experience as this. it is so immersive, in fact, that the visual sense of being in this place is almost taken for granted. i am utterly absorbed in trying to
hear what is being said and shared. at one point i even begin to speak...parroting what i am hearing.
i forgot to have my tape recorder on for this journey and for that i am truly bummed. there is no question in my mind that i was speaking an actual language. an ancient language. it just sounded and felt "right" as i spoke it. hard to explain....
the wonderfully massage-like quality of these three medicines: caapi, spice and bufotenine was utterly rapturous. my mind and my body felt as though they were being soothed on an astral level. i was deep. very deep. and yet, i was so at peace....i could have stayed there forever.
two hours later and i was still feeling the dreamy effects of my maiden voyage. i can't help but think that this is just the tip of the iceberg wtih this medicine. bufotenine has so many things to teach. paired with DMT, it is a completely immersive experience into another reality. add some caapi and you are going to experience another life altogether. this is, without question, the most synergistic amalgam of plant allies i have ever brought together in the same journey. i will DEFINITELY be working with this combination A LOT.
the mythical beast is my friend now. it has taken my soul as the lore described, and it has brought it back richer for the experience. i am moved to my core. i cannot recommend this medicine highly enough.
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."