How do you all do on this fine day? Hope all is well.
Myself and a few other travelers have decided to put out a new experimental release dedicated to our love for all that is wonderful about the spice. It wont be anything too in your face.. a sort of abstract observation on our experiences with the molecule and everything we have learned from it.
It will be titled 'Ode to the Glass Spaceship'
Perhaps not a release one might play whilst traveling the realms of Hyperspace, but most definetely a release inspired by it.
I'm an experimentel vocalist along with my fellow artist Mista Bee. We have recorded various hip hop/fusion albums, EP's and tracks together, but we both want to move in a new direction with music. The thought of a big collaboration with likeminded people is somewhat tantalising to me.
We already have some producers on board, but its simply a case of "the more the merryer"
We need producers from all walks of the genres, whether it be techno, electronica, ambient, hip hop, D&B, or something totally different... we need you!
We need vocalists, singers, rappers and maybe even narrators.
Basically if you make anysort of music at all, we'd love to have you onboard for this project. It may seem like a mammoth undertaking, but its something we both have a lot of experience in putting together. It shall be a true labour of love

If you're interested in putting anything forward for this just drop me a PM or reply here.
Much love!
"accept the possibility that you may never come back, then your mind is truly open."
The playful ballad of the sacred salad.