DMT daydreams. The most amazing thing just happened. Options
#1 Posted : 2/23/2010 8:30:55 AM

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A couple of minutes ago I started day dreaming about the spice. My mate has a new electric vaporiser which we are yet to try. I imagined (day dreaming) that it was loaded up with 50mg, vaporised and then I inhaled and then exhaled and the world became a different place as it does. The next thing I know I am half back in reality and there are familiar patterns all over the walls and desk I am sitting at and my heart rate has sky rocketed. As soon as I fully realised I was actually seeing these patterns they stopped and full reality slammed back in. What do you guys make of that? Still half daydreaming or partial release of pineal dmt? And if so would it end so abruptly. I tried it again with no results as I was not so immersed in the experience as before.

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#2 Posted : 2/23/2010 8:56:23 AM

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I guess that would be a so called flashback.
#3 Posted : 2/23/2010 9:01:12 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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I've woken up at night tripping before, but nothing through the day.
#4 Posted : 2/23/2010 5:26:15 PM


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Yes. During stressful times of my life I too have woken up 'tripping'. It is a real phenomenon. I woke up from a very hectic and stressful dream and got up and ran down my hall all the while having the oddest but most extremely vivid hallucinations of FRUIT!! Floating icons of bananas, cherries, etc (like a vegas slot machine) in perfect rows and columns all turning simultaneously! It was gone in just a few seconds.

This was before ever doing spice but after having tried L.S.D. There was a particular type floating around called global when I first tried it (3 years prior to waking up to psychedelic slot machines) and it really did 'globalize' things. Everything had a round 'global' depth and the hallucinations were EXTREMELY ordered and intricate. No acid since has ever come close to acheiving the visuals that it gave me. The closest was waking up to that craziness.

Daydreaming? Not yet, but there have been spontaneous kundalini experiences. Very interesting stuff. Google it.

Also, as an aside. Shaktipat yoga is where an energy exchange takes place between a teacher and a student that stimulates the kundalini. Perhaps Aegle could shed some light on the subject. She is quite knowledgeable in this area.

I don't know very much about it or if it is in fact a real phenomenon.

Good luck,


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#5 Posted : 2/23/2010 5:38:41 PM


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haha shaktipat...
I've heard of so many people talking about this
and even received it
it's just hyped up mumbo jumbo for the word "Focus" and there's a LOT of BS that surrounds these yogi myths.

kundalini yoga is great and all, I've learned a lot from it, but don't believe all the weird myths you hear surrounding this kind of work.
I've heard/seen way more BS than truth.

sorry just had to chime in with that. HOORAY DMT!
#6 Posted : 2/23/2010 5:55:35 PM

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Instead of flashbacks (and while I am not a behavioralist at all), one could also argue some sort of Pavolvian conditioning? If you have an intense ritualistic practice ALWAYS before lifting off, experiencing one of the isolated triggers out of context (which could be a mental state, or maybe even something triggered by visualization) would perhaps allow you to slip through?

I took my sacred smudge set to another person's house and smudge for them; after letting all the resins burn on coals for long enough, I felt a heavy meditative state come upon me, the fuzzy-headedness after drinking the tea, but before the tea comes on hard and slaps you in the face. Razz

Just a rambling thought. Smile

And then, of course, there is also, "The Spirit World." Sometimes I smell Ayahuasca when she wants me to come and visit her. Pleased
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#7 Posted : 2/23/2010 6:07:20 PM

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Swim woke up tripping once, which turned into a lucid dream... it was amazing...

but he gets alot of fuzzy head, meditative state moments come on randomly.... those are fun
#8 Posted : 2/23/2010 6:31:51 PM

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meditation and the mind can do amazing things, sometime when you're cold close your eyes and focus your mind on being near a campfire in a comfortable place. i can completely rid myself of cold shivers and thoughts if i do this (i see myself on a mountaintop with a large campfire going)

I've got some trippy ass wallpaper thats not supposed to be trippy but occasionally when i'm thinking alot about spice the wallpaper and things throughout my house take on the ambiance, colors, and dimensions of a spice trip.
Who's this SWIM person and when do I get to meet them? They sound friken cool!
#9 Posted : 2/23/2010 7:38:47 PM

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No one really has a straight forward explanation for this kind of thing.
It happens in meditation and spontaneously sometimes, mostly at night though for me. Yesterday though something like this was going on, i could induce some flowing patterns by focusing. Right now i just woke up from a really freaky nap about spice and hyperspace. Everyone i'd ever known was popping out of the woodwork doing insanely uncharacteristic things..well not my resident assistant, at first he was trying to bust me in my own home for 'drugs' while impossibly beautiful alien bongs filled my closet, spice sculptures were on my desks, and it felt like i'd taken a huge dose of something. The RA seemed to completely forget about it a minute later. Relatives kept coming up to me asking if i had a problem with drugs, I never have, and I attempted to correct their stereotypical view of them to not much success. Someone must have spiked the punch with elf dust and maois because the scenes and people were changing so fast I couldn't make any sense of this strange party or remember much of it, most of what i remember just doesn't make any sense.

Then it turned into the real twilight zone. Someone heard a sound while coming in the back door, and turned around to see a white light. We all looked and walked out to see a huge train appearing in the distance from the back field behind my house, it was like the back to the future train sort swerved in front of us then careened by the house and we heard an odd splash like it'd hit some body of water in the distance. We all walked toward the field where more colors and strange sounds started appearing at first there, then to the north, then the east. There were shooting stars everywhere. I could feel that onset feeling and I seriously thought hyperspace was starting to impinge and leak into our reality or something. That or we were all peaking really hard LOL XD. I was sort of worried for these people because they were all really scared and so was I. I can't remember anything after that.. I think i woke up then.

Sorry for flying off topic like a mad man.Embarrased I think i experienced something like what your talking about yesterday and it was just funny reading this after waking up from that dream, I had to post. The mind is a very strange place indeed!

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#10 Posted : 2/23/2010 9:23:53 PM

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Hey good peoples,
Thanks for your responses. I have been thinking about it a bit and I have come to the conclusion myself that I was still half dreaming. Even though I was awake and daydreaming I was fully immersed in it and could not see the real world at all. Upon reflection, when I came out of it I had the feeling I was only half way out. This is when I could see the room and patterns etc. It was like this for about 10 seconds. As soon as I realised that I was actually seeing this happen when it shouldnt I came back instantly to full awareness and the patterns stopped. This is when I realised that my heart rate was up. I tried briefly to get back to it but it was too late. I think if it were a "flash back" it would not just go away like that. I guess an example of how this can happen as a lot of you guys have said above is when waking up after sleep and dreaming you are still in the dream world even though a part of your awareness is in the real world. On the flip side is when you hear of people that have been on something like amphetamines for days and they start tweaking. This is their brain starting to dream even though they are awake. It would be really cool if you could (and I guess you can through meditation) train yourself to sit at that halfway point as long as you want. I have played around with meditation a bit but never got serious. I have done lots of lucid dreaming but this was something else. Maybe its time to play around for a while with this brain of mine.
Cheers all.
P.S. Its good to be back here after such a long break.
#11 Posted : 2/24/2010 7:45:55 PM

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I have had quite a few lucid dreams in my life. Quite a few years back i was trying to sleep and suddenly found myself levitating about 4 feet in the air above my bed. My whole body started to shift to the right and then down into my carpet on the floor. As i was sinking into my carpet, i thought i was dead and was going into the afterlife! As soon as that thought entered my mind, i lifted out of my carpet and then landed back on my bed. There was no waking up moment, so it seemed sooooo real. I have had some other really similar experiences of hovering and also flying through my house. The mind is such a powerful thing. Peas
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