thinking back on some experiences Options
#1 Posted : 2/23/2010 2:12:15 AM

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DMT has shown me wonderful, incredible things. Things i can't describe, and things I can no longer remember. I feel like it is absoloutely wonderful that we have access to this mollecule, be it a tool, or a toy, or some thing with divine purpose - I do not know.

I feel like I have to breifly highlight some of the negative side effects of DMT use in order to maintain a balanced approach, since this report seems to be overwhealmingly positive and could even encourage non-dmt people to try it. so bear with me:
DMT experiences are not always nice. You can just as easilly see the world made of cobwebs as you can glimmering places of glass.

DMT sometimes hints that there is some way to transform reality, to literally step into what you experience from vaporising a chemical, that all your dreams are going to come true. Clearly, that's impossible. There is always the suggestion that there might be more to learn from another trip, and that worries me. Its not habbit forming, but I haven't stopped using it ....

The worst of all though, Is when it does nothing or almost nothing, because it leaves you doubting the validly of your experiences, wondering if your even smoking the same shit, and wanting to go back for more.

Anyway, on with the good stuff:

In some trips, Everything was completely entangled. It was so apparent how we were all one. It was right there on the
surface, infront of my eyes. Everything was there, connected, entangled.How could we not be aware of this simplicty
normally? Connected, to the neighbour, to the neighbours neighbour, to the neighbours
neighbours neighbour. one giant interconnected mess. bless this mess.

okay, so I was witnessing an extremely powerful hallucination but the meaning is real and is still with me:
we are all connected, we have everything, and everything exists right now. everything is connected. you've read that before
probably a hundred times but you don't get it. i say everything is connected, as I experienced it, I mean everything is connected. a butterfly flaps its wings in thailand, a hurricane in new york - why not? can you prove otherwise?

In other trips, otherwise normal things take on extreme significance. Entities of the most wonderful type, beings within beings appeared to my doubting eyes. I've perceived the music as a tangible sphere, talking to me. I remember it to this day. the music orb said: Listen to your inner-outer self.

The power of this stuff leaves me absolutely humbled. What else could this be for than a force of good? I think there is no other option when dealing with something at this level of intensity, complexity, simultaneous simplicity and beauty.

Another session, My hands morphed into eighteen fingers. really, I shit you not. What the bleeding fuck? Who else gets to experience that level of craziness? And that's not all; I've seen real life smoke make the exact same shape as the emerging elves - in my kitchen, while I was stone cold sober. twice on seperate occasions.

I have seen how a fourth fith or even sixth dimension could easilly fit into our daily perception and 3-D reality without
anyone batting an eyelid. I've been as a child, wandering through the rooms in my house when suddenly, like a giant game of tetris, some extra-dimensional entity (some responsible party, I was informed; like a council worker) literally moved the parts of my perception of my house around, and entered into my house via a space that I did not know existed. I felt them. I met them on several different levels. I know this to be real because I experienced it. It was wonderful. I will always remember the nobility, the perfection, the vibe and idea of that place: it was beautiful. I think everything might be perfect, but we are too busy, to broken, or too stupid to see it as it really is.

Additionally, on another adventure, I had more forrays into n-dimensional space. Its so simple, a subtle rotation on a non existant axis. not x, not y, not z, but Q. Qzxyrmynrnmnwmnr!

I love it, I have witnessed real chakras, essentially an eastern concept displayed infront of my very eyes in all the hues of the rainbow.
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. beautiful, irridescent violet. I have seen anothers third eye; right in the middle of his head, while incredible auras and hughs and other eyes floated around him. The incredulity of that experience runs deep
and I carry it with me to this day. Unbeleivable. Do you doubt these things exist? I say let go of that, and maybe you will experience them. What a gift, this molecule is. I am so grateful for having had these experiences. They are all wonderful, and so unique.

I feel very privalidged to have experienced exactly what is on the cover of rick strassmans' book (death by alex gray). I was awestruck when the word I uttered, "wow" splintered off (splintered?! WHAT?!) yes, splintered off into a million pieces. (how can a word splinter?) some infinite being must have designed that algorithm, far superior in clarity to anything we have represented in movies or music so far. Incredible glitching fractal dissemination, of the highest callibre. I am lucky to have felt such gold-dust in my minds eye. I wish you could have seen and heard it.

I will never forget that beautiful, sparkling, swirling emblem of timelessness. I actually interfaced with a hollogram of somesort. You won't beleive me when I say that time almost stopped. As I turned the hollogram of the human lovers round and round, incredible in its sparkling curvy detail, I became aware of those coool, coool bastards. I must have been like a moron or a child to them. I feel like a total nutcase knowing that I met the aliens they look exactly like they're portrayed in the movies. Big eyes, pale skin. but I can tell you a few more things: they're calm and collected. cold almost. they'll answer you, but in one word answers, they don't have time for playing, and they are very buisnesslike. I hope you meet them too, because although it was a freaky experience, I feel accomplished knowing that I met those guys which our culture is fascinated with. I finally understand now why no one can agree what they look like exactly; because they are always moving, always changing. you won't get a good look at them, they're from a higher dimension than you can understand.

I miss the elves, the entities, their playful cheeky squelchy gooiness. they told me they loved me, I love them too. how can one not love them? unfortunately, the first kind of elves I saw didn't last long into my experience, only a few journeys involved them. But later, there were other elves, different kinds of elves. not the oozing woodwork elves which terrence mckenna described (so sexy, so chubby, so cute and so ... weeeeeeeeeeeird) but also cloaked elves, and human like elves which transformed out of my wallpaper to fuck incessantly, cheekily, naughtily.

I am still in awe at the brilliant place of white light I went that day, when I needed help. I came back from that trip fully in the knowledge that everything was going to be allright from that point onward. I met beings of light that day, and it turned me forever more toward the positive. I helped to help myself and they helped me even further. I was so thankful that day. Their selflessness and willingness to help forever touched me and made me want to be like them.

I hope that this can inspire, I hope it encourages you to integrate your experiences, and to think about them, and I hope you enjoyed the read. I'd just like to point out the incredible truth that this is all real. smoking DMT has left me with lasting impressions, real core feelings and things learned that I would not have if I hadn't smoked it. I carry them with me every day.

I'm very glad I smoked DMT.

Thankyou, everyone for listening.


ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
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#2 Posted : 2/23/2010 6:36:33 AM

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Thanks a lot for sharing, it was a great read.
#3 Posted : 2/23/2010 7:15:15 AM

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This could also go into the "Why we do it" pack, together with ms_manic_minxx's Ayahuasca group experience report.

If we had 10 such posts, we could put them up as a kind of FAQ for first time visitors.
#4 Posted : 2/23/2010 11:38:36 AM

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Im very pleased to say that mrs manic minxx has offered to put this report summary into the eBook which you mentioned. Thankyou mrs minxx, and everyone!

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#5 Posted : 2/23/2010 1:54:27 PM

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This is an awesome post. Your smoked DMT experiences have spanned a wide spectrum of the universe and it seems that the variety of events you bear witness to and participate in never ceases in its ability to amaze.

Isn't it strange that we all seem to have that feeling of connectedness and oneness in the psychedelic experience? We use that to frame our understanding of the world and that insight provides us with a knowledge that is uncommon in western culture. But what if there were a family of drugs that made us feel alone and separated from the world, it made us understand that we are in no way connected. There might be drugs like this, but what if we assigned those drugs the same value as we give DMT? Would that be a valid insight? I try to critique these experiences as I would any other. DMT makes me feel a certain way and I like it, so I allow its effects to become insights and wisdom that I adopt. But why? Because I like it and the insights make me feel good? I don't know if that reason is good enough or if that strategy is conducive to a firm grip on reality. It feels right, but is it truth? I guess we all struggle with the integration.
#6 Posted : 2/23/2010 2:17:55 PM

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joebono wrote:
This is an awesome post. Your smoked DMT experiences have spanned a wide spectrum of the universe and it seems that the variety of events you bear witness to and participate in never ceases in its ability to amaze.

we all here at the nexus, participate in, and experience these things!

joebono wrote:

Isn't it strange that we all seem to have that feeling of connectedness and oneness in the psychedelic experience?

Psychedelics may switch the ego off allowing "us" to truely perceive ourself as we are, godstuff. That what my experience tells me anyway. Thats the meaning of the word entheogen, to catalyse god inside.

joebono wrote:

But what if there were a family of drugs that made us feel alone and separated from the world, it made us understand that we are in no way connected.

heroin, fentnyl and other opiates would do a fairly good job of this imho.

joebono wrote:

Would that be a valid insight?

I always try to remember that everything is as valid as everything else: you can't have black without white or light without dark. At University, the drop-outs are just as valid as the graduates. Its weird I know Smile

joebono wrote:

Because I like it and the insights make me feel good? I don't know if that reason is good enough or if that strategy is conducive to a firm grip on reality. It feels right, but is it truth?

Who knows? who knows. We've smoked it now!!

I think maintaining a balanced life, and not focusing too much on the extraterrestrial worlds of DMT is a sensible approach. Its for that reason that i've been considering leaving the nexus for a while. I have no idea what change it will catalyse in my life, no idea at all. I think it'll be good.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
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