PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: Surface calm, meditated had smoked fb harmalas
(physical condition) Set: Bit tired from bit day yesterday but clearheaded and positive with intentions in place - continue the work, accept, let go of things I cannot change.
Setting (location): Bed, with cats on bed, Shpongle playing
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) Early afternoon
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) cannabis and harmalas
last meal: (Time and type) english muffin
PARTICIPANTGender: (m / f) F
body weight: (in kg pls) 62 kg
known sensitivities: N/A
history of use: (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form) very experienced but coming back after 7+ year integration break
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): (list all taken substances) bowl of cannabis with light sprinkling of fb harmalas x 2, fb DMT vaped
Dose(s): (in the same order as Substances pls, use metric system i.e. g/ mg/ �g)unknown, unkown, 10 mgs
Method of administration: (dissolved in water, capsuls, insufflated, vaporized...)
smoked and vaped
EFFECTSAdministration time: T=0:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.)
Duration: (x hours) 10 mins
First effects: Body load, anxiety, CEVs
Peak: (estimate a time range and note as e.g. T=2:00-4:00 for a range of 2 hours beginning 2 hours after administration) T = 4-5 mins Feeling much calmer, joy, smiling, but could tell hands were twisted into claws. CEVs developing in waves that come and go in intensity
Come down: 5 mins Feeling GREAT, calm, centered, at peace, CEVs dying back
Baseline: 10-20 mins
Intensity (overall): (use HRS-like scale i.e. 0-4: 0 = "Not at all;" 1 = "Slightly;" 2 = "Moderately;" 3 = "Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely."
Evaluation / notes:
OPTIONALPleasantness: (0-4) 3
Implesantness: (0-4) 2
Visual Intensity: (0-4) 2
AFTER-EFFECTSHangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration) Nothing noticeable
Afterglow: (0-4 ; what type of positive effects ; duration) Very calm and centered feeling. No regrets but no desire to continue.
REPORTIt had been over 7 years since my last experience. I thought I was done with the spice. But awhile back I heard the church bells ringing so to speak. DMT really is my church. Before I became a user I was a four decades long dedicated lifelong atheist. I even went to meetings of skeptics and atheists. But then the spice knocked my metaphysical socks off and I never looked back.
Began with a short work day, very light breakfast, and smoking a few sprinkled fb harmalas on a bed of cannabis. Meditated a bit and set my intention.
Smoalked approx. 10 mgs in 3 hits. First hit was a misfire. Rusty technique. 2nd hit I think I got it all. Third was just finishing off whatever was in the screens.
Very strong medicine. Came on quickly. Very difficult to keep eyes open.
Listening to Shpongle I was immersed in synasethetic patterns that are difficult to describe. Moving, curvacious lines, changing colors and moving, intertwining, spinning around each other. These lines helped to create evolving spaces - they made the walls and ceiling of a living, changing hylozoic space.
The feelings were profound and the body load heavy. I wasn’t sure I really wanted to do this and was sure I didn’t want to do any more. I tried to let go, tried to surrender more and the walls and ceilings of the synaesthetic spaces became more filled in, less like line drawings. These spaces were changing, opening, closing, invaginating into clefts, etc. Tunnels and clefts were a theme here.
The palate was a bit on the dark side but lightened as things progressed.
I found myself thinking about things that I really shouldn’t have, reacent stressors, etc. I was worred the body load was going to get to me. Darned ego still didn’t want to fully let go.
Overall I found myself smiling and coming back to vitals that felt fantastic. Not sure how much things are actually getting jacked and how much is my anxiety. May need to look at The Spirit Molecule again.
Opened eyes to a very calm, centered and peaceful feeling. Put the GVG away. Not sure when I will do this again. It is a kind of church for me but one that is very difficult to attend.
Thank you so much for reading.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU