found an AWESOME new combo!!! Options
#21 Posted : 4/2/2009 6:49:25 AM

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SWIM tried Kava and DMT yesterday. I'll quote him: "Yes, the effects were MUCH more powerful and the session lasted a lot longer. I had far too much DMT and when my phone started vibrating during the session, I was immedietely brought back to planet earth while being forced back into hyperspace. Lost complete control. Opening my eyes revealed the typical geometrical figures time 1,000,000. Felt very unconfortable for about 5 minutes waiting for the effects to subside. The body high was there so I focused on that."
4 3 2 1
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#22 Posted : 4/2/2009 8:07:41 AM

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set and setting brother....set and setting....

....set your phaser to stun (ie: silent mode). nothing like a phone to ruin things....

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#23 Posted : 4/2/2009 8:21:39 AM

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antrocles wrote:
set and setting brother....set and setting....

....set your phaser to stun (ie: silent mode). nothing like a phone to ruin things....


oh yeah big time. SWIM is working out the kinks.
4 3 2 1
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- Peter Schilling
#24 Posted : 7/7/2009 1:02:11 PM

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I don't want to be that dude 'resurrecting dead topics" or anything.. I'm not usually any kind of necromancer.. but I took about 25 grams of kava and made an iso extract.. I ate nearly all of the resulting oily paste earlier.. I used to love using 80% kavalactone paste.. I took it and enjoyed it.. typical kava.. I did what people like you to do, searched for an appropriate topic to post my findings in.. I'm also interesting it how people see this combo, and wanted to know if anyone else tried it by chance, not even thinking of a synergy and just wanting some relaxation for the trip, and stumbled upon this powerful combo.

But then later.. much later.. about 5 hours later, I have smoked DMT.. upon smoking 2 hits or so, I was blasted off into a trip, the level of which rivaled my caapi copy and dmt pharma experience.. It was incredible.. I unfortunately had to go to the bathroom right when I came up. What a crazy shit.

I'm almost certain the kava had some sort of lengthening effect.. unfortunately, whatever effect it's giving to the DMT is increasing the "am I breathing?" worry 100%.. I still, 30 minutes after smoking or so, feel like I'm not breathing.. I keep having to consciously control my breath and yawn.. it's odd.. It could have been quite a lot of kava.. I guess 25 grams roughly.. I wanted to get a good experience out of the small amount I had left, so I extracted it all.. I can say, I'm gonna be scraping the rest of the goo I can out of the dish I put it in.. it seems to potentiate DMT.

It's pretty awesome.. I read a kavalactone is an MAO-B inhibitor.. possibly there's an MAO-A inhibitor in there and they just didn't identify it yet or something.. because something definitely is different.. Also, unrelated, I think cacao really decreases visuals now.. this night without cacao after two with it, the visuals were back.. The visuals for cacao combo were bland.. it made having my eyes open more interesting than closed.. but without tonight I think they're back, and then the kava seems to have boosted the DMT somewhat.. I feel so smeared.. relaxed.. but clear.. The trip was good, but I wish I hadn't had to go #2 in the middle of it.. That was ROUGH.. the shower curtains were breathing.. at one point with my eyes closed, at first I was seeing the amazing fractal-ish composed machines.. I saw another 'thing' looking in at me with my eyes shut.. it's sorta like Neo seeing the matrix with his eyes closed.. "I can see you".. It was scary but he gave me a thumbs up of sorts.. more of a psychic thumbs up.. said "you're fine", I felt like I really heard that in my mind.. quite intense.. It should be noted I used a little more DMT tonight than usual for the bowl, sorta by accident.. but also that I only smoked half, which is less than my regular dose I've been using.. so less did more with kava.. extree extree read all about it..

Also, while I said I think cacao decreases the visuals for me now that I've had a night without, it did however turn the DMT experience into a much more psychedelic-nitrous feeling.. It was like nitrous levels of existential euphoria.. but not very interesting visually.

Kava definitely should be investigated in combo..
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#25 Posted : 7/7/2009 1:42:39 PM


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Desmethoxyyangonin, one of the six major kavalactones, is a reversible MAO-B inhibitor and is able to increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. This finding might correspond to the slightly euphoric action of kava. - Wikipedia
All of the posts made are hypothetical and for educatiunal/entertainmint purposes only. SWIM (a fictional chaaracter) and his activities are completely fictional.
#26 Posted : 2/7/2010 10:54:59 AM

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1 Tablespoon of Kava and lots of spice ....
It wasn't longer and it wasn't very strong.
#27 Posted : 2/7/2010 8:00:43 PM

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Obliguhl, I've seen so many of your posts saying things like, "I tried it and I didn't notice anything form it". How is it that almost nothing works for you?

I recently experienced mild VISUALS from kava alone and was quite surprised by it. I was sleepy at the time and took it about 1 hour before bedtime. I think this had something to do with it causing visual effects. The dose was 400 mg of 40% kavalactone powder.

I tend to get long lasting effects from kava, and it increases my dreaming quite a lot. I don’t like that I can still feel the effects the next morning. When I woke up the following morning I continued to have very mild visuals from it for about 1 hour.

SWIM has not tried DMT with kava, but has tried LSD and mushrooms with it. Those are great combinations. SWIM also tried Nux vomica with it (also a great combination). Stimulants in general go very well with Kava. The only thing SWIM tried that did not go well with kava was a small dose of Datura inoxia (3 seeds I think) which is a sedative. It felt like it could become toxic at higher doses.

I’ve heard that kava and a little nutmeg is also a great combination. Never tried that though.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

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#28 Posted : 2/7/2010 8:35:55 PM

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Well, I can definatly feel kava. It's mildly relaxing for me. I've offered it several friends and none of them felt any effects at all. It seems that SWIY is blessed with a very low tolerance level for several drugs. SWIM just found out that this seems to be the case with mushrooms for him. But usually, he's a pretty hardhead and he didn't notice any potentiation of spice whatsoever. If it all, it was a less intense experience, but it could be that he still had some cross tolerance from mushrooms left.

#29 Posted : 2/7/2010 8:59:59 PM

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Obliguhl, SWIM found that the combination with LSD was not more intense, just very nice. It seemed to take the LSD down a notch in some respects, but add to it in others. The trip was less intense feeling, calmer, but more “entheogenic”. It did increase the visuals of the LSD as well. But the overall feeling of the trip was less intense, so some people might say it made the LSD weaker, but then the visuals were stronger, so some might say it made the LSD stronger. It all depends on how you look at it. It definitely alters the experience.

It’s possible that certain strains of kava are better than others, but I have not found this to be the case. I’ve not noticed any difference between any of the kava extracts, powders, drinks, etc. They all feel exactly the same to me. They are all weak, even at “strong” doses. The effect is never a strong effect. As the dose goes up the side effects go up a lot, and the mental effects only increase slightly. That’s been my experience with it anyway.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#30 Posted : 2/7/2010 9:04:56 PM

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That's also my experience with kava. I once took 15g and it was horrible! The positive effects didn't grow much. Maybe you just have to feel the subtle differences. SWIY might feel them because of his tremendous amount of experiences.
#31 Posted : 2/10/2010 6:19:16 AM

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There are tales at the Aya forums of someone winding up in the hospital with liver complications from combining Kava and Caapi.

So, if you are taking any kind of MAOI along with smoked spice--e.g. gearing up for ceremony with some Caapi tea--I would recommend doing lots of further research if this is a combination that compels you, and to act with extreme caution.

A two-day window on either side of Kratom should also be allowed before consuming full MAOI, because of the stimulants it contains, that can be greatly magnified by the MAOI. Stimulants and MAOI can be dangerous!

Love and judicious journey planning to all. Smile
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#32 Posted : 2/18/2010 7:08:39 PM

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i'm sorry but i'm just rereading this post i made almost one full year ago.....

...i'm SO glad i decided to drop that whole SWIM business..makes for such funky reading...

anyways, back on topic. MMM thanks for the head's up concerning kava and MAOIs. i've luckily never combined the two (or managed to take kava or kratom within any time period when i was using caapi, etc.) and now i will be sure not to in the future.

god i love this community and the collected wisdom we share so freely among one another. just awesome. thank you!

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#33 Posted : 2/18/2010 8:32:15 PM
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Some users of kava have even reported audio hallucinations and trance like states at high doses(toxcicity may be problematic here).

Antrocles, awesome report! They used to sell this tea called "Relax" by Arizona, and it contained kava kava. When it was still on the shelves it was an excellent addition to LSD and Mushroom trips! Shamefully I had almost forgotten about it though.

Enhanced duration on smoked journey's is beyond an important plus side of any combination!

side note -
Kavalactalone analoges in my opinion may have great potential for some unscheduled psychedelic activity, in my under-educated opinion.
#34 Posted : 2/22/2010 9:51:45 AM

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Metta, on one occasion, SWIM experienced mild visuals from kavalactones taken on their own. I've read about it being hallucinogenic only rarely but I never believed it for a second, until that one time. I'm not sure why it happened that one time, but it was definitely NOT placebo. This is the same batch of kavalactone extract he's used before and never got visual effects from it. Apparently there are certain cases where visual effects can be triggered by kava. Maybe diet, your mood, etc., plays a role in it. SWIM was sleep deprived at the time and that may have played a role in it.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

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#35 Posted : 2/22/2010 10:00:05 AM

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Erythrina mulungu is a very safe alternative to kava. It doesn't damage the liver and would cure much more problems, without being less potent.
Have you heard of it ?
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#36 Posted : 2/24/2010 8:00:53 PM

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A very long time ago (over 15 years), when i lived in the small town of Midland, Michigan, my friend and i heard that "Kava Kava" would make you trip. We bought some from the local supermarket and ate fucking loads of it and it didn't really do much. If only i knew then that it is better to combine it with other hallucinogens, my friend and i might have saved it for when we had some mushies. You live and learn i guess. Peas!
#37 Posted : 2/24/2010 8:09:59 PM

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It doesn't damage the liver

Kava doesn't damage the liver. The conducted studies are unscientific.
#38 Posted : 2/24/2010 9:50:38 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
It doesn't damage the liver

Kava doesn't damage the liver. The conducted studies are unscientific.

Yes, they were unscientific and designed with the goal of getting it banned. Kava sales negatively impact alcohol sales, and sales of many common sedatives. There are a lot of large corporations that want it banned.

Nations where kava is regularly used have very few cases of liver damage. Nations where alcohol is regularly used, have a much higher rate of liver damage.

Always be skeptical when reading any published study. There are a lot of “scientific” studies out there that bend and twist the facts to get their objective “proven”.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#39 Posted : 3/3/2010 5:16:11 PM
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Thanks for some very valuable information!

The more I read on this forum, the more I love it!

I wondered if anyone have noticed any effect from combining it with 5-meo-dmt?

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