My Microdosing Experience Options
#1 Posted : 2/21/2023 12:12:55 AM

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I’ve been microdosing psilocybin for the past 4 weeks. 1 day on 2 days off. I feel comfortable with mushrooms enough to eyeball my dose (generally not recommended). This is not my first time microdosing psilocybin. In 2017 I microdosed for a couple of months and I remember the experience as being quite beneficial; however, I was also smoking a lot of DMT at that time as well so it’s hard to differentiate the source of beneficial effects.

I have experienced significant anxiety and depression my whole life. While I would like to think I am neither for nor against mood disorder medication, in retrospect, it’s clear that I’ve been medication resistant. Nevertheless, my anxious symptoms became unbearable after starting my new job which I love yet frequently exposes me to vicarious trauma. Four weeks ago, I admitted to myself that my symptoms were unmanageable, so I reached out to a psychiatrist to schedule a medication consultation. While waiting for an appointment I decided to try microdosing again.

This time around, microdosing has been a life changing experience. My anxiety has not gone away, but I am more aware of it and am regulated enough to address it in real time. Consistently addressing anxiety as it comes up (and its source) has led to less frequent occurrences overall. I also had a breakthrough in realizing that I often dissociate to relieve my anxiety. It has been huge for revelation for me that I sometimes just “leave” conversations or social interactions when overwhelmed. I suspect this is part of why my memory of the past is so foggy. Overall, I am much more “in my body” these days.

Addressing my anxiety has been key to relieving my depression. I was stagnant for so long and now my emotions are flowing freer. I randomly have memories from childhood resurface. Nothing major or dramatic. Usually very subtle memories, for instance, how it felt to eat ice cream outside on a hot day as a small child. I am remembering that there is joy in the world, and I have experienced it (and remain capable of experiencing it). I feel “lighter” in the world and am able to see the magic in everyday experiences.

Most days I wake up ready to get out of bed and am actually excited to start the day and be others. Previously, my social anxiety was so significant that my days were organized so that I could be around people as little as possible. My partner told me last night that I’ve been smiling more.

I could go on and on, yet all this to say, microdosing has truly helped alleviate my lifelong anxiety and depression. I have canceled my appointment with the psychiatrist (for now). Though I want to be clear, I think psych meds definitely have their place. I don’t necessarily recommend microdosing for everyone; I happen to respond exceptionally well to psychedelics in general. As someone who previously preferred macrodoses, I can now say that I really do see the benefit of microdosing and being out and about in the world so that I can observe how I am relating to others.

However, one negative side effect is increased muscle tension. My neck and shoulders initially were uncomfortably tense to the point of calling out sick from work at least once. Like many psychedelics, I’m aware that mushrooms may cause vasoconstriction. I’ve been increasing my magnesium and that seems to be helping. However, I also know that I tend to store a lot of my stress in my shoulders. I’m wondering if part of being in my body more is allowing me to notice tension that I previously was ignoring. Either way, the overall benefits of microdosing outshine the physical discomfort for me (especially since the tension is starting to ease up with time).

I hope sharing my experience is helpful or interesting to anyone else out there. It’s been such a positive experience that I wanted to share!

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#2 Posted : 2/21/2023 2:48:05 AM

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Thank you for sharing. I also tout the benefits of microdosing. I just need to make sure I stay regimented. Like you, it doesn't make everything go away, but rather increases my ability to be able to manage my symptoms and their effects.

I do think that some of the extra tension you're noticing is a heightened awareness. Your senses are a bit more attuned in general when on a microdose. However, if you're concerned that it's a result of vasoconstriction, you may want to check out some vasodilators that can be found at fitness supplement stores. There are a lot of different kinds out on the market, many without any caffeine or other unwanted compounds. Small amounts while on your microdse may help.

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#3 Posted : 2/21/2023 3:28:03 AM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
However, if you're concerned that it's a result of vasoconstriction, you may want to check out some vasodilators that can be found at fitness supplement stores. There are a lot of different kinds out on the market, many without any caffeine or other unwanted compounds. Small amounts while on your microdse may help.

One love

Wow, thank you for that tip! Googling vasodilator supplements now.
I do agree that I am likely experiencing more body awareness overall. I've been spending a lot of time everyday using my acupressure mat, foam roller, theracane, etc. as well as receiving massages from my generous partner and it's all helping. My body was/is definitely communicating something to me.
#4 Posted : 2/21/2023 3:40:47 AM

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capsdream wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
However, if you're concerned that it's a result of vasoconstriction, you may want to check out some vasodilators that can be found at fitness supplement stores. There are a lot of different kinds out on the market, many without any caffeine or other unwanted compounds. Small amounts while on your microdse may help.

One love

Wow, thank you for that tip! Googling vasodilator supplements now.
I do agree that I am likely experiencing more body awareness overall. I've been spending a lot of time everyday using my acupressure mat, foam roller, theracane, etc. as well as receiving massages from my generous partner and it's all helping. My body was/is definitely communicating something to me.

There are ideas in transpersonal psychology that posit that trauma is stored in the body. Learning to relax and be with it, and then breathe into it until it intensifies and dissipates can be one way to explore meditatively. Listen to your body, and keep doing what you're doing.

BTW, acupressure mats are fantastic I love mine. What kind of foam roller are you using? Have you tried a ball like a tennis ball before?

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Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

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#5 Posted : 2/27/2023 12:13:05 AM

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I’ve always believed in the mind-body connection and a somatic approach to therapy/psychology. After this past month, my believe has only strengthened. I will say that as time has passed and I’ve tried to stay present, it has been easing up.

I think I may have actually gotten my acupressure mat because of something I read on the nexus, ha! I have a dense traditional black foam roller (don’t know the brand) and another pretty dense textured foam roller (Addaday brand) which is quite painful but targets sore areas well. Similar to a tennis ball, I have a lacrosse ball…amazing for trigger points. I really enjoy stretching, self-massage, acupressure, etc…especially after an edible. Very happy
#6 Posted : 2/27/2023 9:59:23 PM
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It might be the vasoconstriction. But then, it might also be - as you already indicate yourself - some sort of suppression mechanism.

From personal experience, mushrooms in low doses indeed are incredibly valuable for making you aware of your body. Did you ever try meditating on your shoulders? Just be with them for a prolonged time, not engaging with them actively, not trying to actively relax them? Just feel them honestly and openly? From your text, I think you already know what energy you are storing there; which makes it a lot easier to really feel it.

I doubt it is the vasoconstriction.
#7 Posted : 2/28/2023 1:16:29 AM

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capsdream wrote:
I think I may have actually gotten my acupressure mat because of something I read on the nexus, ha! I have a dense traditional black foam roller (don’t know the brand) and another pretty dense textured foam roller (Addaday brand) which is quite painful but targets sore areas well. Similar to a tennis ball, I have a lacrosse ball…amazing for trigger points. I really enjoy stretching, self-massage, acupressure, etc…especially after an edible.

MAGMA17 recommended the Shakti Mat to me. How ironic Laughing

I'm a bit of a gym-rat, so love and need trigger-pointing. I mainly use a vibrasphere (a vibrating ball about the size of a softball) or lacrosse ball if there's a really deep spot I need to hit with more precision, otherwise always a textured foam-roller. I'm not sure if it's that I'm hypermobile or what, but a regular foam roller doesn't seem to do anything for me anymore. It certainly used to.

Have you trigger-pointed while on your microdose?

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What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

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#8 Posted : 3/2/2023 4:08:27 AM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
I'm not sure if it's that I'm hypermobile or what, but a regular foam roller doesn't seem to do anything for me anymore. It certainly used to.

Have you trigger-pointed while on your microdose?

One love

Yes, the regular foam rollers lose their efficacy quite fast...especially if you have a lot of tension (like myself). I've trigger-pointed while very stoned on edibles and was pretty trippy. I could feel old memories come up and I imagined myself releasing those memories as my muscles/facia relaxed.

Have you tried trigger-pointing whilst microdosing?
#9 Posted : 3/2/2023 6:52:32 PM

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capsdream wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
I'm not sure if it's that I'm hypermobile or what, but a regular foam roller doesn't seem to do anything for me anymore. It certainly used to.

Have you trigger-pointed while on your microdose?

One love

Yes, the regular foam rollers lose their efficacy quite fast...especially if you have a lot of tension (like myself). I've trigger-pointed while very stoned on edibles and was pretty trippy. I could feel old memories come up and I imagined myself releasing those memories as my muscles/facia relaxed.

Have you tried trigger-pointing whilst microdosing?

I triggerpoint often, so have done so while in a full-blown trip, which tends to be pretty wild. Especially with eyes closed.

I've never had an experience like your while triggerpointing. I tend to get such psychosomatic connective awareness in stillness, which then usually leads to a series of discharges which is always relieving and cathartic.

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What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

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#10 Posted : 3/7/2023 9:47:19 AM

In Silence I Been

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Hi Capsdream, Voidmatrix and MuteUSO,

This is such a great discussion and I am also a big fan of microdosing psilocybin. The benefits it gives me at work is also been great, and I have more intuition and radiate contentment and able to have even better rapport with my colleagues which I write about here . I do a lot of studying too which it helps in focusing and giving me stamina to hit the books longer. Getting a microscale however has been a game changer for me, I measure everything now even my changa doses which some tell me is weird.

Why it is important to scale I believe is so that you can calibrate the most effective dose for you. I notice anxiety hits when the dose is too big and unexpected when I am trying to microdose so a scale will help you hit the sweet spot. Sorting out the vasoconstriction is great advise with anxiousness which I will also look into for myself, thanks Voidmatrix. Also herbal teas like lemon balm also help with anxiousness before or after dosing and valerian is a good calming herb in general. But the mushroom is the greatest healer I believe. I prefer mesodoses, slightly larger than a microdose so I can actually feel the mushroom but I am guessing that wont work in most work settings.

I also take a bit longer gap between micro/mesodosing like I do it every fourth day, so that tolerance doesn't build up too much and I can evaluate how I am doing without the cheat code (haha without my superhuman powers that psilocybin imparts). I have also been microdosing san pedro cactus which has also been great. Gives me a lot of energy that one. I wish I could get into a good exercise regime like you Void, sounds good.
mama matrix most mysterious

In the gforce of the carrier wave when my ego starts melting away I truly realize that I am who I am and yet everything that I say and say I did is an illusion. Any similarities in any name, form or experiences to a human being (past, present or future) is purely coincidental and no harm was intended first do harmalas
#11 Posted : 3/8/2023 1:37:00 AM

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PsyloCiBeen wrote:
Hi Capsdream, Voidmatrix and MuteUSO,

This is such a great discussion and I am also a big fan of microdosing psilocybin. The benefits it gives me at work is also been great, and I have more intuition and radiate contentment and able to have even better rapport with my colleagues which I write about here . I do a lot of studying too which it helps in focusing and giving me stamina to hit the books longer. Getting a microscale however has been a game changer for me, I measure everything now even my changa doses which some tell me is weird.

Why it is important to scale I believe is so that you can calibrate the most effective dose for you. I notice anxiety hits when the dose is too big and unexpected when I am trying to microdose so a scale will help you hit the sweet spot. Sorting out the vasoconstriction is great advise with anxiousness which I will also look into for myself, thanks Voidmatrix. Also herbal teas like lemon balm also help with anxiousness before or after dosing and valerian is a good calming herb in general. But the mushroom is the greatest healer I believe. I prefer mesodoses, slightly larger than a microdose so I can actually feel the mushroom but I am guessing that wont work in most work settings.

I also take a bit longer gap between micro/mesodosing like I do it every fourth day, so that tolerance doesn't build up too much and I can evaluate how I am doing without the cheat code (haha without my superhuman powers that psilocybin imparts). I have also been microdosing san pedro cactus which has also been great. Gives me a lot of energy that one. I wish I could get into a good exercise regime like you Void, sounds good.

I align with a lot of what you've stated. I am definitely sharper on the days that I take my microdose and experience less fatigue on those days as well.

Funny, changa is the only thing that I don't weigh the dose for. Laughing

I predose my microdoses into little capsules that come out to be around 200mg per dose, which for me with most mushrooms, is ever so slightly higher than a microdose. I do recommend CBD for anxiety while on a dose. It helps me out a lot with anxiety in general. I also find cannabis in general to be mood regulating and therapeutic so will sometimes smoke a small out amount if I'm feeling a little edgy. I work in the cannabis industry, so don't really have any professional or interpersonal concerns here. However, I do agree that finding an individual's subjective dose is a must. There are a lot of factors that can influence how potent a dose is for an individual.

Two other adjuncts for me are DMT and harmalas. I've been smoalking more changa at my leisure which has had benefits on my overall mood and well-being. I also like to smoalk some harmalas during some of my meditations with cannabis for a powerful meditative experience that is also therapeutic, healing, and growth inducing.

My new gym regimen has become a must for me now and is a return to some old habits. I tend to have a better day overall and am more centered and balanced if I can start the day at the gym, particularly at the squat rack. Though Sundays are an active rest day and reserved for hot yoga first thing in the morning.

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What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

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#12 Posted : 3/10/2023 6:00:45 AM

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Microdosing is the best lifehack lol. And since the topic of mind/body and tension etc. was spoken about I’d like to pop in and mention something called the Alexander Technique, very interesting story about Alexander and what he stumbled upon.
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