honestly feel strange sharing this as this method could be almost a little too effective.
I ate the seeds straight with honey on a fasting stomach (yikes!)
the honey helps a lot and really chewing the seeds with the honey rid me of a ton of anxiety and also stomach problems it was key for me to go slow and intentional each spoon full humbly pilled maybe a sixth of the spoon with washed seeds and the rest full of honey making sure to coat the seeds before chewing them. slowly and intentionaly basically praying with each spoon full that it help and not hurt me. i think i took 6 spoon fulls about 3.5 grams of rue maybe in total not exactly sure.
then I waited till I was sure I could feel the effects of the rue. my imagination tends to get stronger and my ablility to visualize as well as my energy starts to shift. I noticed a point where I was definitely feeling different.
I saw another person on here saying you could take the bark raw in the form of a smoothie or something. so I decided I would prepare more than enough bark (8 grams) in honey and just eat as much as I felt would be an ok place to start.
after I was noticing the honey have a hard time absorbing the dry powdered bark I had a spur of the moment idea and Im both proud and ashamed... I added Nutella. now I know this sounds really stupid and by all means there were consequences to putting a very sacred substance in with a junk food desert with lots of sugar. mostly a sticky icky feeling and entities associated with those feelings that dissapated once my body dealt with the sugar and ick from the nutella.
the nutella did some amazing things within moments I think I had eaten aproximately half the ammount of the 8 grams I had prepared. within i would say a few minutes I went from just sitting in my bed to full blown visions of sacred walls of hyperspace opening up like a vaporized dmt trip however there was a much more ancient quality to the experience and it felt almost more real. i think its the qualities of the syrian rue or esfand or esphand that make the experience seem more serious aincent and magical. the mimosa I find has the qualities of being incredibly revaling of the visions and energy present but also the energy that it carries itself are almost playful lighthearted and very healing in nature.
there was some stomach upset but little to almost NO NAUSIA!
I honestly don't feel like writing a trip report as i'm still processing the many many many things that happened as its basically a 4 hour long dmt trip. I was worried this would be bad and although I did get tired of perceiving all of the magical beauty and amazing things I found it incredibly magically enjoyable and it reminded me of the mind-blowing nature of my old dmt experiences. that moment when the visions crystalize into something absolutely non changing and real that is beyond your abilities to influence is to me the beginning of breakthrough experiences like the temple creates it self then becomes absolutely real and then you may enter. I still only made it to the outskirts from the outside looking into those realities or those realities at times coming to me and my body in this realm. I know whats past it because I have been there on vaporized dmt. its entering hyperspace and being able to actually go to those very real places.
I also know the very real fear tho of not being able to find your body any more and being stuck or even lost in hyperspace and this goes away very quickly on vaporized dmt I could see this being really bad if you had to wait actual hours as even minutes can be tough. altho I also know that im going in with a lot more respect and caution than before and still want to go further.
I know the next step is slowly going back into hyperspace and I know the most difficult part of the experience is even believing that its happening or coping with the fact that the impossible is occurring and you have to just accept that its a mystery and you will never understand how or why but just that it is. I think this is where most of my discomfort comes from is its realness. I think beings and entities can be less frightening when we are seeing them in weak visions but when they come for you irl in a way that is like thats a real thing and its not me... i think anyone would be a little scared and respectful and cautious around such things.
I have a good and almost mind-blowing feeling about a breakthrough with this method however i'm taking some time to let my stomach and brain to recover from that experience.
also I have noticed an incredible lift in depression following the experience. this may be due to beings who came to me in the end of the experience and seemed to examine me and heal my energy and stomach/ gut to where I didn't feel as much/ barely any stomach upset. it may also be due to excess serotonin dopamine and other neurotransmitters building up in my system due to the maoi. either way i feel very lucky and grateful for those effects. I have noticed them subside a lot though in only a couple days after the experience i'm feeling my mood stabilize to a comfortable neutral.
at the same time as the lift in depression i'm noticing feeling incredibly inspired and also very depleted of my energy at the same time. the experience kept me up almost all night so i think i was naturally tried as well as very energetically spent from spending the whole night perceiving and creating visions.
to anyone looking to do a mimosa rue i've been working with these substances for a few years now and can definitely say that this is the most visually potent method and the method that has gotten me the closest to breaking through with just plants. I would say listen to your gut and your spirit and be gentle with yourself and go slow and maybe use higher-quality organic chocolate than Nutella
hopefully I can try this again with better Mexican chocolat
hope your having a wonderful day thanks for reading this and good luck on your travels.
be safe and have fun! <3