I think something about this last post was wrong, but maybe I understood it better now.
Maybe it sounds reasonable that if both molecules are dissolved in the same phase, they can have contact to each other and possibly interact as Host-Guest. But as Loveall said it would be then mandatory to evaporate it. If I just dissolve both in DMSO, and then add water, then there will have been no complexation while stirring in DMSO even for years, because Salvinorin will always prefere staying just in solution (of DMSO) instead.
Even though maybe for some drugs it might work by just mixing the solids by hand in a little water, I think this whole process mostly works as follows:
The drug has to enter the |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | as a solitary molecule, meaning fully dissociated from any previous solid state. That could be achieved by dissolving it, but without removing the solvent, it would still just stay separate from the |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |. But from this successfull experiment with 5-MeO-DMT I guess this is the way what happened:
5-MeO-DMT cannot dissolve in water where we already have all the |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |. But it can be molten, thus dissociating from each other. Now both need to be fixed as much as possible. While this is essentially still a 2-phase-system it maximizes contact area between both phases. This allowed the (now solitary) 5-MeO-DMT molecules get in any possible contact with |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | and therefore be absorbed. Therefore I also think the |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | concentration should be as high as possible to accelerate this step. After cooling down the 5-MeO-DMT did not precipitate as an oil on top. The whole thing stayed homogeneous. As it normally must precipitate (and form a brown layer on top) I am quite sure that the complexation worked indeed and probably also happened like described above.
That means liquifying a drug due to melting and then mixing it with a high-concentration |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | solution in water might do the job.
Now that can't be done for Harmalas / THH and also Salvinorin.
So I was testing a different method. If Something precipitates, it will quickly form crystallization nuclei from previously solitary molecules, which grow and grow to large crystals. If I let Salvinorin precipitate in a high-concentration |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | solution, maybe it will be absorbed faster by complexation than it can form crystals.
Trial 1: Precipitation from DMSO
10 mg Salvinorin
90 mg |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |
500 µl DMSO
stirred at 600 RPM.
Now I added water in droplets until it became opaque, indicating Salvinorin Precipitation. At this point I hoped that when stirring so fast the molecules will rather be complexed to the excess |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |. The precipitation started at addition of 250 µl water.
After ages of stirring it sadly stayed opaque ... indicating that some or all Salvinorin just precipitated, maybe crystal formation was still faster than complexation?
Trial 2: Fast Precipitation in H2O
Here I wanted to use even less Salvinorin to make likelyhood of Complexation even higher. Also make a super fast precipitation instantly in water, to have the most and therefore smallest crystallization nuclei formed, which might also slow down crystallization.
5 mg Salvinorin
in 100 µl Aceton
200 mg |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |
in 600 µl H2O
stirred at 600 RPM.
Now threw the Salvinorin/Aceton into the |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |/Water. Obviously instantly got some white clouds, but these stayed and did not vanish. So I guess same happened like with #1.
If I would be super lucky, still SOME Salvinorin got complexed. Or that precipitate was |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | instead - but very unlikely ...
Therefore crystal formation might be always faster than complexation so this is possibly not a viable route. Anyways you need > 220 °C to melt salvinorin, so I have no idea how to create solitary molecules of Salvinorin A inside of a |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | (water) solution. Picture attached shows both trials. No crystal formation and just an opaque solvent would be more likely to precipitated |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |. But I'm more convinced this is still Salvinorin, smashed so hard while precipitation that it formed µm-crystals which float around.
Might try out that stuff which I made for bioactivity later, but not having high hopes
Anyways it could be easily tried by heating a |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | solution to 70 °C
without stirring.
Drop your DMT on top. It will melt and form an orange oily layer.
Turn on stirring as fast as possible for ~ 5 min. The |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | should have a high concentration and be used in excess to boost this process.
Stop stirring and verify if you will get an oily layer on top again or not. If not it was successfully complexed, which shows that the Alkaloid must be molten to enter the |
High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | if water is used. The water could be evaporated down later to a desired volume. If you dont see a new brown layer forming, complexation remains. 69ron said the water cant be removed completely, it would stay a sticky mess. But I heated it off with a flame and it indeed went solid - but it's super hard and harsh to be removed from the surface / broken apart then, like
candy sticks.
I think the problem with stirring both in the same solvent instead and evaporating it could be that if both substances dont precipitate somehow at the same speed, you risk only precipitating 1 too early and it will form crystals instead of entering the host. Then again this other route above is restricted to drugs having a melting point < 100 °C, which are luckily still many.
Brennendes Wasser attached the following image(s):
(55kb) downloaded 76 time(s).