Permanent color enhancement Options
#1 Posted : 3/11/2019 7:12:36 AM
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Hi! I'm not too young, but pretty new one to entheogens. I'm sorry, English isn't my native language, so please be patient to bear my mistakes. Wink Last year I has quit an alcohol and began to read about Neurobiology, neurotransmitters and so on. One day I decided to try a legal "psychedelic", I mean a nutmeg. It was interesting experience. I got some of phenylethylamine features including euphoria, increased empathy and a color enhancement. Everything was positive. The strange thing is that few days later after that experience color enhancement suddenly turned on and became my usual state. Well, it is a bit lesser than it was in that experience, but definitely much more enhanced than my usual one. And it is the same now, six months later. Since that I tried Ipomea and got a very sophisticated DMT-like geometry with closed eyes, and later a nutmeg again and saw a really cartoon-like colors. Every trip gave me more strong colors, which subsided after it, but every time my normal color perception became a bit stronger. I would like to ask you guys if someone have a similar experience? Also I got a slight permanent acuity enhancement. Is it unusual or not? Is is HPPD? Besides my color enhancement I feel very good. Also now I better than before notice and like flowers, plants, patterns on clothes, understand emotions on human faces and some other things. Sometimes I feel euphoria while listening good music, starring to environment and so on. Is it normal? I asked the answer to my question on the web, but didn't find any proper one.

P. S. I suppose, it could be important that a half of year before my first nutmeg use I ended three months tricyclic antidepressant course.

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#2 Posted : 3/12/2019 9:47:58 PM

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It sounds like these plants have helped you to reconnect with the beauty of the world. Nutmeg itself has recognized antidepressant properties, perhaps that is why you chose it?

I also have permanently enhanced colour perception from taking nutmeg (as well as other things) and I accept this as a gratuitous grace. It's far from being an impairment to my life. Just be sure to avoid taking psychoactive doses of nutmeg too regularly as it could have a harmful effect on various organs, principally the kidneys and liver.

There's a fair amount of information about nutmeg gathered together here on this forum if you look for it.

And, Welcome to the Nexus!

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#3 Posted : 3/13/2019 10:23:17 AM
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Wow! Finally it happens! Thanks a lot for your response, downwardsfromzero! I'm not the only one! It is the first time when I met a person with the same state of color perception. I feel much better now. I was a bit confused when once a day I suddenly got that blue color is awesome just itself, no matter what object is blue. And I feel somewhat strange feeling when I see blue. And do you notice some more strange features except colors? Colors were just very perceptible. But then I noticed that for instance, every surfaces look more nice. Smooth surfaces have gained some shine and matt surfaces are slightly velvety. Also I see and understand the emotions on people's faces better now. And after second nutmeg trip (three months after the first) I began to see more details in the picture, especially noticeable on the periphery of vision. It's pretty weird indeed. Also now I like to see patterns on clothes. There are some another features which are difficult to explain.

During a couple of months I was scared of these colors. But after my Ipomea trip when I saw very cool geometry with my eyes closed and patterns on the walls I has became much more calmer about them. Now I feel fine, my mood is mostly positive, sometimes I even feel an euphoria. Hope I'm not going mad. Smile

Thanks for warning, downwardsfromzero! I know about harm for liver and kidneys. I use some medicine to protect them, milk thistle for example. And in my last experience I added cinnamon and cloves. I read that they help. And I really did not feel anything bad this time. I'm not planning to use a nutmeg more often than 3-4 times a year.
#4 Posted : 3/13/2019 11:25:45 AM

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Very nice , i got same permanent enhancement from LSD. When i think about my color vision before the use of psychedelic it was like i was living in dark cave haha Smile
#5 Posted : 3/13/2019 4:17:41 PM
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It seems to be that your appreciation for the way you see the world has been unlocked. The nice thing about psychedelics is that you can remember some of the way in which you saw the world differently when under the influence or how you even experienced totally different realities. And you can integrate it in your reality.

I remember very well how fascinated I was about the way I saw colors, trees, human beings, the whole "nature" of the universe when using LSD for the first time. And I was also aware that my perception will be changed forever. Since then I am naturally seeing colors more enhanced, I can have closed eye visuals I was never aware of before. What I realized is that this is highly enhanced after engaging in meditative practices - a little bit as if it brings me to a similar state of being when under the influence.

I would suggest you are thankful of that and try to be conscious to whether or how you can voluntarily influence your "levels of perception" (sober! :-) ). In the beginning I was also a bit scared and thinking whether is wrong, until I learned that a lot of what we see on psychoactive substances is already within us. That said, its probably not a bad idea to pay close attention to how this develops - HPPD is a real thing, so listen to your body. Although your description does not sound all too much like HPPD, the best thing would probably be to see a doctor if you are worried.

Until then, enjoy the colors! :-)

#6 Posted : 3/13/2019 5:49:20 PM


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As you become more in tune with ‘everything’ your vision will start to change. We call this Dissolution in alchemy. As you break down the artificial structures of the psyche further you’ll begin to see more things. This is well documented in esoteric studies and it’s a positive thing that is happening to you. Western medicine just have no clue, so they label it as HPPD.
“The art of alchemy is like a psycho-spiritual multi-vitamin and mineral elixir secreted by the cosmic mind to help heal the collective madness that has infected our world.”

“If the prima materia contains poison, then the more virulent the poison, the more powerful are its potential healing qualities. Accomplished alchemists are able to transmute the poison into a healing nectar.“
#7 Posted : 3/14/2019 6:02:27 AM
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boky0102, MuteUSO, theAlkēmist, thanks a lot! It's so pleasant to read you! I very like the word "unlocked". Yes, I have the very same feeling. I think, I'm lucky! Smile Love you all!
#8 Posted : 3/15/2019 10:57:59 PM
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Is there a specific kind of nutmeg?
and quantity? I read some places that say 3 Teaspoons, other places say 3 Tablespoons.

I ate a teaspoon of it the past few nights and there's no effect other than feeling full like I can't digest my food.
#9 Posted : 3/16/2019 5:59:10 PM
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First time I ate four crushed in a coffee grinder nutmegs with a kind of joghurt. Usually everyone hate a tast of it, but I didn't found it awful. It was fresh nutmeg which I bought at the street market in Turkey. My last time I ate five nutmegs with cinnamon and cloves and a sort of IMAO. And I also used drugs that protect the liver.
#10 Posted : 1/8/2023 4:43:02 AM
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Hi there! Seems, I was absent here for too long time. I'm OK, still joying with enhanced colors and I already get used to it. And now I got another pleasant feature. I feel very strong euphoria when I'm listening to the music which I love (especially house music) being in absolutely clear sober state of consciousness. It is mostly body euphoria, but sometimes it is more high level one. I allways loved the music and had those goosebumps in my childhood. But this is another level, much higher. And sometimes it comes with... Well, not visuals, but something like geometric fantasy movements, i don't know how to call them properly. guess someone knows the right names. Sometimes, but pretty rarely I got light flashbacks from different moments of my life. All that things are absolutely not annoying, rather pleasant and controllable. If it is HPPD, then very nice one. Smile So, does anyone feel something like that? Does it have a proper name for this feature?
#11 Posted : 1/8/2023 9:02:05 AM

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I know this very well, maybe that is it what people mean when they say "you cant go back".
Especially after strong psychedelic experiences, these symptoms stay for a time or permanent.
For example, since a certain trip, where tree are very much involved in the experience, the bark of trees looks much different for me even in a sober state of mind.
This is like that for a number of things, but i do not find it unpleasant or unreal.
The i can feel the bark so i am perceiving reality, it is just an other way of processing,
same for thoughts an imagination.
Some people will call this "backfalshes", some will argue that this is just another part of reality and that your brain is just in something like a "energy saving mode" thats why you dont see these colors that you see with color enhancement.
I am pretty sure i do not know but it would be good to know if there is a topic or more interest this phenomena.
I personally like the changes and they inspire for me the idea, that you can reach these sates of consciousness on a many different ways.

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#12 Posted : 1/8/2023 11:31:29 AM
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Thank you, M0K0!
As for trees, I too see them now different than before. Much more detailed. I see much more thin branches than before. And looking at the tree, now I wonder how I couldn't notice it before, that every tree is the whole world. I guess I saw trees very simplificated, like in the way we were taught to draw them in kinder-garden. But indeed they are much more complicated and detailed.
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