Reaction on bipolar experience with DMT Options
#1 Posted : 12/27/2022 11:21:01 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Please Move post if i posted it wrong.

So my girlfriend is well aware that she “suffers” from bipolar disorder. She is incredible in control of her disorder.

She tried smoking dmt with me for some time ago, and we both enjoy it once in a while.

After some time, she was able to turn on and off the effect it dmt.

Now as far as i have heard from previous experience by other “users” it is not common to be able to switch on/off the effect of dmt nor other psycadelics aswell.

Now i would like to hear, if others has experienced the same or heard of something simular.

Now when i say turn on/off the effect, i mean the visuals part. Yet she is not able to turn of the part where feelings is taking in part.

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#2 Posted : 12/29/2022 9:32:20 PM

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It sounds like your girlfriend may be experiencing HPPD. I'm not sure, of course, but is sounds similar. I have had hppd at several times during my life. In the early 1980s I thought it meant I had "fried my brain" thanks to drug war propaganda, and being young and uninformed. It caused me incredible amounts of anxiety. I took LSD quite a bit, but never had HPPD until I smoked cannabis during an LSD trip. It made me so anxious. Eventually, I was so alarmed by it I stopped taking psychedelics for 20 years.

I should have just enjoyed the pretty colors in oncoming headlights and the swirling after images.
That's what I do now if I get it. I had it a bit a few years ago when I was taking a lot of dmt and mushrooms. I had closed eye visuals whenever I closed my eyes isn a dark room. My only complaint is that the visuals were dim and chaotic. Not organized. HPPD doesn't bother me if it happens now.

Be aware that dmt and other tryptamine drugs may trigger manic episodes. I am not bipolar, but I have started getting close to a drug induced hypomanic state, while in a phase of using extracted harmala on a daily basis and vaping dmt a few times a week.
Luckily, I knew when to back down. I felt great, but I was starting to believe in some strange stuff I wouldn't usually believe in. I'm usually fairly agnostic on all subjects.

I would encourage your girlfriend to read up on using psychedelics in combination with bipolar disorder. I know that people with bipolar have been helped by psychedelics, but I know the opposite has also happened. If I were you, I would encourage her to research and use caution.

I'm sure others with more solid info on bipolar and psychedelics will chime in,
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#3 Posted : 12/30/2022 3:55:14 PM

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Mister_Niles wrote:

I would encourage your girlfriend to read up on using psychedelics in combination with bipolar disorder. I know that people with bipolar have been helped by psychedelics, but I know the opposite has also happened. If I were you, I would encourage her to research and use caution.

To elaborate on what Mister Niles said, I would also encourage you to read over these drug interactions especially if you are taking SSRI's or some other medications. A relative of mine has bi-polar type 2 and takes lithium. Be safe.

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#4 Posted : 12/30/2022 9:59:35 PM

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i have a similar talent in myself which maybe every other one has,i had psychotic periods in my life and i know how it looks.
so i can change my normal vision into schizophrenic vision.although i am not that good at it but i can somewhat do it.
schizophrenic patients see things different than others they may not see faces like other humans.they see things simpler and from out of box.
i learnt this talent by seeing these stuff frequently every night because i changed my antipsychotic medication and i used drugs so they affected me and caused me to experience hallucinations sometimes.
and i slowly realized whats the differences between them and how to think like that when i am not out of mind.
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