Hello. Thanks for the reply. I am just waiting for my fumaric acid to arrive by courier, then I will use the FASA method to do some science.😜Thus, I obtained washing soda (soduim carbonate), 1kg of it. It would be great financially, if I could use the washing soda as my base chemical.
I also bought oxalic acid first, as that was al the shop had. I then realized that the name of the tech is "Fumaric Acid Saturated Acetone", for a reason, so I bit the bullet, and ordered fumaric acid online.
But now I sit with the oxalic acid. 🤔
I am starting to get it, that one need something to lower the pH, and something to up the pH.
What I need to know, is it possible that washing soda, and oxalic acid, can theoretically work for my Tech? 🙂