Yocan Orbit Best Ever For DMT Options
#41 Posted : 9/22/2022 5:04:37 PM

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some one wrote:

The Yocan Orbit results reported in this tread by people who tried so far seem disappointing.
I look forward to reading people having repeatable one hit (max two) zero taste easy inhalation breakthrough success.
I'd definitely wait for solid feedback from several experienced users prior spending money on buying this device..

From my bit of usage I would agree with your sentiments, based on those criteria I don't yet see how this could be better than e-mesh. My testing now focuses on trying to find a use case where I prefer the orbit. If what someone is looking for is to breakthrough in one smooth hit then this device isn't ever going to beat dialed emesh, imo.

I am inexperienced being someone who started using emesh for their first and only device but I am looking for something else hence my interest in the orbit. I actually appreciated having to take a slower toke, or two tokes, and the dmt setting in more gradually instead of hitting all at once nearly instantaneously. To people who worked their way up through different devices it might seem like going backwards, but for me the ability to do something other than warp to hyperspace at ludicrous speed has novelty. Also, just the idea of being able to load a bigger dose and then only vape some of it, get a feel for it, then if I care to finish off the rest appeals to me. The predetermined dose and absolute efficiency of the emesh can be a bit stifling for me at times. It seems like a darn good single hit method has been already been found, I am now interested in what the best longer/multiple hit methods will be without going towards the inefficiency of ejuice.
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#42 Posted : 9/22/2022 9:12:05 PM
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I agree woth most of what have been posted. And i draw my own conclusions.

The Orbit won't beat emesh or other more sofisticated electronic devices. But as it has been said here. Sometimes you want something simpler. As in just push the button and give three tokes. So that slowly and with ease You can send a a friend to dmt lands.

So is the Orbit better than the apx volt? Or at least an upgade over the much maligned yocan evolve that introduced a lot of us into this roa of dmt.? In design it should be.

some one
#43 Posted : 9/22/2022 10:57:30 PM

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I actually appreciated having to take a slower toke, or two tokes, and the dmt setting in more gradually instead of hitting all at once nearly instantaneously. To people who worked their way up through different devices it might seem like going backwards, but for me the ability to do something other than warp to hyperspace at ludicrous speed has novelty. Also, just the idea of being able to load a bigger dose and then only vape some of it, get a feel for it, then if I care to finish off the rest appeals to me. The predetermined dose and absolute efficiency of the emesh can be a bit stifling for me at times. It seems like a darn good single hit method has been already been found, I am now interested in what the best longer/multiple hit methods will be without going towards the inefficiency of ejuice.

The Orbit won't beat emesh or other more sofisticated electronic devices. But as it has been said here. Sometimes you want something simpler. As in just push the button and give three tokes. So that slowly and with ease You can send a a friend to dmt lands.

I see.. Well, in that case why not try high concentrate DMT-salt ejuice? Should be efficient enough.
And good for stealthy, simple, multi-dose administration:

If that doesn't do the job I agree that finding a simple to use device to add to our collection for "casual" toking would be nice compared to the rocket blasting emesh or gvg haha. Funny to hear people desire to go back to slower build-ups. Didn't see that coming but I get the point. Another benefit is that the calmer vibe could make you vape more often. Not advising anyone to do more drugz lol. I believe DMT might be beneficial just like mushrooms are (see latest anti-depressive effect studies with good results) so occasionally vaping could be good..
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#44 Posted : 9/23/2022 2:03:56 AM

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murklan wrote:
Good questions. I have an Orbit but have not had the right time to test it yet.
But the reason why I bought it was that the coil is not in direct contact with the DMT. The coil is below but in contact with the quarts bowl. And the design regarding airflow seems suitable for DMT.

But I'm sure it's possible to burn the spice in it too Smile

The balls are called terp balls (or terp pearls) and when used with a certain type of carb caps they will rotate fast and bring joy and happiness to fellow human beings.

For vaping ... E mesh... has been king!.. for some time!... a great invention!

If you want something that works great..almost tastless .. the convection E mesh idea is just an off shoot from the origional conduction E mesh..

building this vaporizer is simple and cheap!

in post below..[convection perfection..easy top load..high speed E mesh] almost never burns spice!.. instructions to build this vape using almost any working mod..that has adjustable wattage...

this thread... now has been read over five thousand times... and is still going up..does this say something?Thumbs up

some one
#45 Posted : 9/23/2022 10:35:25 AM

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Thread: Convection perfection! ...easy top load... high speed E mesh!

I guess you could 1) easily load without hassle and 2) do multiple smaller inhalations for smooth take off.
I still need to build one, but it could be the perfect all-in-one device indeed. It's actually like an electric version of the gvg.
And at the side / on the dance floor a preloaded esig for total stealth and optimal convenience..
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Brennendes Wasser
#46 Posted : 11/9/2022 6:15:54 PM

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murklan wrote:
Hey Brennendes Wasser!

you mean that you prefer to use the balls with the spice? The original post was that it worked better without. But that is perhaps just the Yocan Orbit.

I'm really curious of your 'super-cheap self built glass setup'. Have your posted something about it here?

I wrote about this thing here but I philosophized way too much so it looked overly complicated Rolling eyes

But in fact it's just the easiest thing on earth ...

- get a hand bong
- buy banger + banger cap that induces circular airflow
- throw in 1 terp ball
- just hold as high above tea light until evaporation starts

Then it's more effective than any other device I tried.

You can make life even easier when holding it with a podest at exactly the correct distance. Never worry about anything as you now have your portable Dabbing-Station - electrified by candle. Because I'm a lego freak it had to be from lego of course:

Stuff needed

Ready for vaping

Video of 30 mg vape - 100 % without burning

#47 Posted : 11/10/2022 12:12:17 AM

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Great! That's just great! Not we just find out how to make the glas parts at home too.

Thank you. I'll see if I bump into the stuff needed, but I would like to try it.
some one
#48 Posted : 11/22/2022 1:34:52 PM

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I wrote about this thing here but I philosophized way too much so it looked overly complicated. But in fact it's just the easiest thing on earth ... Then it's more effective than any other device I tried.

I've been meaning to give the simplistic and super effective Brennendes tea candle dabbing method a go. Would be cool to share a .stl file for 3D printing the candle holder.

Sometimes you want something simpler. As in just push the button and give three tokes. So that slowly and with ease You can send a a friend to dmt lands.

Its not a 'slowly with ease' type of device, but definitely a worthy addition to the list of best DMT vapes in this "Yocan Orbit Best Ever For DMT" (it isn't) topic.

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#49 Posted : 12/12/2022 1:59:23 PM

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OrangeEnergy wrote:
Is there a particular reason folk want to smoke pure spice, as opposed to changa or making vape juice?
It seems like there is much difficulty to overcome when compared to my experience of changa or vape juice, both of which seem very easy to repeatedly regulate dose.
Is it a more pure experience? Is there something I'm missing?

It's largely preference of amalgam of ROA and experience. There are slight nuances in each approach. To be candid, I tend to use multiple methods and my choice depends on my mood.

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#50 Posted : 7/19/2023 11:08:40 PM

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After reading the posts about the Orbit, I purchased one. Works great for the most part, however you have to be careful about overheating and burning spice. If anyone has experience using the Orbit, that would be important info. I like the preheat feature, but to get and hold just the right amount of heat is a little tricky. A little too much and it burns.
I'm sure there is a tried and true method for using the Orbit and don't want to waste a lot of material trying to get the method dialed in.



Update: Decided to try the quartz balls included with the Orbit, just to test the effectiveness. Loaded two balls into the chamber and put in heaping dabber of spice, approximately 1 1/2 scoops. Used the dabber that is shaped like a spoon. I know that's not a lot, but I starting slow.

Preheated, a 10 second cycle. This alone, produced a nice vapor cloud in the chamber.

The coil was already set on medium setting, 3.7V.

Held the power button to activate the coil and took a deep pull, approximately 8 seconds. I could hear the quartz balls swirling around. Have to say, the effect was quicker and stronger than what was experienced without the quartz balls.

Afterwards, I noticed that all the spice had been vaporized from the chamber, except for a tiny bit around the sides. Without the quartz balls, the spice tended to splatter a bit, and stick to the sides of the chamber.

All in all, using the quartz balls, did assist in the vaporizing process. This is my personal experience and no reflection on the tests AbsolutelyPureDMT performed. His testing and evaluation process was thorough and extremely informative, much respect. The only thing I would add to this is that for doing side by side bench tests of different delivery devices, a Coleman 3 litre hand pump is OK, but not the same as a live subject taking a hit or an electric vacuum pump with a controlled, consistent air volume that is exact for each device. With a hand pump, there can easily be variations in air volume being pulled through the device. So, I think it comes down to personal preference. Some people prefer being shot out of cannon into hyperspace. Some would rather ease into it more slowly (me, for instance). At any rate, the Yocan Orbit work for what I need it do do and is a good fit for my particular preferences. I would encourage experimenting with the quartz balls and decide for yourself if they help or hender your experience.



Brennendes Wasser
#51 Posted : 7/31/2023 6:08:21 PM

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Your note on vaporization is really brilliant!

Just reading it now and while I already wrote in the physico-chemical properties thread that the evaporation we use for smoking our alkaloids is not the actual boiling point, this explanation just goes way further and now made some stuff clear to me.

So I can indeed account for the vapor being only visible because of small droplets, acting like refraction particles and making the vapor visible. In contrast I distilled some tryptamines at their true boiling point (which needed super strong vacuum to hit it at 100 - 150 °C, so 300+ °C interpolation absolutely makes sense) and here the vapor is absolutely colourless, as molecules now are truly dissociated which cannot refract light.

Therefore I made a link to your explanation on this thread to make it clear why only this aerosol formation is important for practical usage.

But what is much more interesting for me now is that this solved a mystery I had for a long time. When performing some experiments on tryptamine salts I got an overwhelming amount of pretty nicely vaporizing salts, basically at the same temperature like their freebase. That was already unexpected, but even stranger was that everything hinted towards the fact that this vapor would still include the salt in their ionic form as Tryptamine*H(+) and Acid(-). That sounded pretty impossible for me, but now that is the solution.

The salts simply form also the same aerosols and formally keep their liquid state, therefore not violating any rules of physics when being inhaled and still not in freebase / acidic form! Thumbs up
#52 Posted : 8/21/2023 9:42:18 AM
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unfortunate this didn't turn out to be the device to kill gvg/emesh.
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