To witness the blessings and mysteries... Options
#1 Posted : 2/16/2010 10:23:52 PM

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I was blessed to experience the most incredible group ceremony this weekend, and bear witness to the positive, healing, educational, and transformative effects of working with the molecule... IN OTHERS! Shocked

Myself and four [VERY close] friends gathered for a night of Ayahuasca, mushrooms, and changa. One girl had lots of experience with private Aya retreats and the Daime; another had been with a shaman and tried Aya and Yopo; and two others had drank Ayahuasca with me on a few occasions. Only myself and the first girl, however, had ever smoked DMT.

Ceremony was held in "the bat cave," a bachelor basement apartment outfitted with lots of visionary artwork, crystals, shamanic accessories, and flower petals everywhere. Countless candles were lit, and the floor was covered in pillows, cushions, blankets, yoga mats, and purge buckets. Together, we had four rattles, two drums, a harmonica, and a didjeridoo.

We smudged...

First, the Ayahuasca was served. We all passed around a Selenite wand and quietly stated intentions, then made our way to the ceremonial space.

The medicine floored me immediately. The music of the harmonica resonated with my breath and felt like the contractions of the universe; Mama Aya flipped my palms upright and forced me to lie down in corpse pose. I began to weep, overwhelmed by visions of birth. My vision was prenatal; branches, "tree fingers," reached out to baby animals. I felt the power of life and connection, the interdependency of all animal life and trees.

I barely managed to crawl over to the space away from the circle, reserved for people in need of quite space/time to lay down.

I was taken again to the Akashic Records. In an ancient tower on top of a deserted mountain was The Library; wizards in white gowns were reviewing the records, and protecting them. I was allowed to gaze upon another book; when the book was opened, it shone a magnificent bright light upon the wizard's face. I was allowed closer, but not yet allowed to read them.

The wizards were so full of plants spirits, wisdom, and knowledge, that I could see through their skin and to their bones; their skeletal structure appeared grey, but, like branches. Their body was simultaneously inhabited with plant spirits, symbolized as dark tree bones. The details and knots in the bark of a tree were glowing inside him. In the center of his palms were bright, green, glowing orbs.

I eventually made my way back to the circle. The girl who had done yopo asked if anybody knew of "Continuum;" we all said no.

She produced an incredible sound through her mouth that resonated through her entire body, that sounded like a bell, a crystal bowl, or blowing over a bottle. After the sound, her body melted, and she began to flow and contort herself like limp noodles in water--movements completely beyond what is possible through a standard yoga experience.

She taught us how to make the sound: it's called a "Puffy O." A tiny "O" shape is made through the lips, cheeks are puffed, and breath is blown through the mouth, while saying, "O." If done correctly, the sound should resonate with all the fluids in the body. After several puffy Os, one is to pay attention to the body in the silence after the O, and becomes able to move freely. It worked for one of my other friends instantly.

Another friend brought "blue balls" to share: mushroom blueberry chocolates. We all nibbled the chocolates and passed them around. The mushrooms were powerful. We explored our collection of crystals, did yoga, and indulged in therapeutic laughter.

Finally, brains primed nicely with Aya and mushrooms, the grand finale of the evening was smoking changa from The Vase of Souls. The rule: virgins first.

While each person went under, the entire group stayed present in support, playing instruments for the duration of their journey. When each person returned, they shared the details of their journey. Discussion, decompression, reintegration. Amazing, amazing setting. This was also the time of night where all the candles had blown out, except for three forming a perfect triangle on the main 'alter' that we were all sitting around, candles in crystal holders: one rose quartz, one clear quarz, and one selenite. The whole energy and focus of this part came down to the small circle we formed in the center of the room.

And, again, to have an entire group of journey-companions playing music for the person who goes on a voyage is incredible. There was a 100% breakthrough success rate.

The first girl smoked, and she returned absolutely blown away: she had a full ego-death experience, and battled inner demons. Before she smoked, she was a bit apprehensive; I told her, that before I smoke, I always say, "I am here in love, I am here in gratitude, and I am here to learn; that way, even if I do get attacked by a three-headed crow demon, I have a strong foundation that can dissolve and transform the issue." She battled TONS of inner demons, and said my words were exactly what she needed. Her very first words when she returned were, "Thank you." The most sincere and heartfelt thanks.

Next, my guy friend obsessed with crystals and Alex Grey smoked. The molecule took him to explore the realms of sacred geometry in incredible detail. While holding the bong, he stayed present in the disintegration of his ego, and slowly, slowly outstretched his arms, and rested on his back. When he came back, the first thing he did was stand up, silently, and went around the circle to hug everyone. He grappled with language for a long time before being able to find anything to say about his experience.

The third guy to smoke was also new to the experience. Upon return, after a long, contemplative silence, the first thing he said was, "That was SO bizarre." He was taken for something like a spiritual aerial view of the city; he saw a world fabricated by man. He felt how all of humanity was a bunch of caged animals, and we were trapped in a world of synthetic, manufactured things created with ill-intent and negligence [profit, even at the destruction of biosphere, degradation of workers, etc.]. He felt a terrible longing in his soul for all things real and organic. He saw how the original imprint of negativity/destruction imparted on mass-produced items carried its energy into the world and compounded in the hearts and minds of people, and reflected back into the earth. He also saw that there were two paths we COULD take; the empty one must be dissolved, if we are to continue to exist as a species.

The other girl who was a more seasoned traveler among the others smoked for her second time; she saw the organic, infinite flow of life, creation, and ideas. She saw something like a nectar of life, from which everything sprang, plants, people, animals, in a river that constantly merged with itself through infinity. She saw how we were all meant to be free, and the confusion created by mixing ownership with love was not part of creation's plan. She saw the importance of reconnecting with ourselves sexually, and how a healthy sexual attitude literally supported the physical structure of the body (yoga perineum mudras, kegels, etc.).

Then, finally, I smoked. Twisted Evil I smoked until my visual perception shrank, the bong became 1/4 as long as it was in reality, and I had "hobbit vision." I laid on my back and let the shka-shka-shka of the rattles guide me: live music + DMT FTW. Smile Shimmering curtains of layers of reality were lifted until I perceived the literal pixels/monads of information that composed all of reality--very similar to the "code" in the Matrix. I watched these pixels move in patterns, until, through following the pixels, I was taken to the source of the energy moving the pixels: Quetzacotl. A giant, silvery, shaggy, feathered serpent/dragon danced, and his dance was the dance of creation, the dance that dictated the vibration of the most infinestimal points on the universe. Finally, my vision slowly faded from the micro- to the macroscopic; in fading, I saw how the pixels collected to form more intense waves of vibration. CELLS collected at these points of harmonious vibration; organs were formed by collections of cells; until, again, I was at normal size, and looking out of my own eyes.

We all felt so clear, refreshed, amazing, and recharged, with so much to think about. The LOVE, GRATITUDE, and POSITIVITY of the ceremony cannot be expressed in words.

Bearing witness to the profound impact the molecule had on all people, in a positive set/setting, bolstered my commitment to doing everything in my power to protect our right to experience these medicines.

The molecule is a gift... and after such an amazing experience, thinking back to what is happening with Jon Sloan... can't let this fade away. My soul is sworn to protecting this.

I love you all. Thank you. Your patience in explaining greenteks, and wisdom gained through sharing experiences, and comparing all kinds of notes about integration, has successfully been utilized to touch more souls. I seriously have the deepest love and gratitude for all of you. Smile
Some things will come easy, some will be a test

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#2 Posted : 2/16/2010 10:44:37 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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That's an intense experience in a strange setting with a variety of plant teachers vying for your attention. You were truly gifted to not only achieve your level of spiritual bliss, but to come out of it with actionable directives and maps for future growth. Bravo.
#3 Posted : 2/17/2010 12:43:46 AM

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So much love to u and your friends, brother. Thanks for sharing in such wonderful detail. Ritual, ceremony, sacred space - this is the sure way.
Namaste- translated: "The Divinity within me perceives and adores the Divinity within you"
#4 Posted : 2/17/2010 2:26:41 AM

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This sounds beautiful. Thank you!
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#5 Posted : 2/17/2010 2:32:03 AM

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Very happy Very happy Very happy

divineyes wrote:

So much love to u and your friends, brother.

...sister Wink
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#6 Posted : 2/17/2010 2:57:03 AM
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I consider you very lucky to have a group of people to experience this with. I have a hard enough time trying to convince any of my friends that their is any merit in psychedelics. Thanks for sharing.
#7 Posted : 2/17/2010 3:06:14 AM

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My one friend and I have a long history together, and he was very opposed to my Ayahuasca work, originally. Over a long period of time, he finally warmed up to the tea, but even after working with Aya, he was very skeptical and concerned by the extractions. I was so happy that he finally opened up to sharing, I cried.

The other people... god sent me through hell to get to a very special place. They were all so grateful for ceremony, and I was so grateful to have them with me. I've journeyed alone for a very long time...

I also learned SO MUCH just through the act of having ceremony with them: about spirit, about entheogens, about the world, about friends. Smile
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#8 Posted : 2/17/2010 3:25:45 AM

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oh wow reading that right now with the strongest caapi i ever drank coursing through me was an experience in itself...

Nice report minxxVery happy
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 2/17/2010 3:44:48 AM

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What a beautiful experience!! Thank you so much for sharing, the story was lovely to read. I would really love it if I had a so fantastic group of people to journey with. You are one lucky woman! Smile
#10 Posted : 2/17/2010 4:12:48 AM


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Good thing the bat-phone didn't ring during that...Wink

Sounds like a night of true healing and bonding. I am happy for you and your friends but my ego is envious! It sounds like a perfect indoor setting. Safe and loving.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#11 Posted : 2/17/2010 8:20:13 AM

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This sounds like a perfect example of how to do it, how to integrate it seamlessly into our XXI. century life.

You wrote that your friend was originally quite opposed to your work with Ayahuasca... I came to believe that there are only relatively few people in the world who should partake in the experience (the nowadays unrecognized shamans)... But your report now gives me hope that maybe one day we can all form these little circles of close friends and through such ceremonies can bring the message slowly to everyone. The Na'vi ritual in Avatar comes to mind, replicated in our homes, in our settings.

Oh how nice it would be to bring my mother, my father one day to such a ceremony, help them let go and finally *meet* them, in a real way, as I always wanted, but never could... Exporing the lineage together, discovering the root problems, the heredity, the darkness - and the light - we carry on from the distant past... How sad it is to feel that I can never share this with them...
#12 Posted : 2/17/2010 4:14:32 PM

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cellux wrote:
This sounds like a perfect example of how to do it, how to integrate it seamlessly into our XXI. century life.


Thank you very much for this ms._manic_minxx. Awesome report.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#13 Posted : 2/18/2010 4:58:06 PM

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Very happy

I can't imagine journeying with such open people in a setting like that...simply awesome
I'm very happy for ya minx

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#14 Posted : 2/18/2010 5:27:45 PM


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You are an excellent hyperspatial writer, thanks for bringing this to us!
Ice House
#15 Posted : 2/18/2010 5:41:56 PM

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wow, very nice, you are very fortunate to be part of such a spiritual arrangement that obviously brings a wealth of positive energy into your daily life.

thanks for sharing.

I am a solo voyager for life more than likely. Not by choice, but.... It would be nice to be able to interact on that level with other spiritual beings.
Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#16 Posted : 2/22/2010 5:20:57 PM

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i think i speak for the nexus when i say you are truly a blessing. your work and your passion shine through so clearly. i look forward to reading your posts.

"wherever you go...there you are"
#17 Posted : 2/22/2010 8:48:33 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Well prepared session, congratulations with the outcome!

Quite a responsibility isn't it: intruducing new people. I had my share of it with mixed success rate..
#18 Posted : 2/23/2010 3:17:51 AM

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Sounds like an amazing group experience. Your very fortunate to have such an open, like-minded group of people to journey with. excellent
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