Vapor Genie - Almost too much! Options
#1 Posted : 2/17/2010 1:23:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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So I'm clearly getting my new glass VG dialed in (thanks to much help from Madcapv2 and Dimitrius). I usually eyeball my spice dose, but in an effort to determine the effectiveness of my VG I weighed out 58mg and sandwiched it between some Elhaz smoking blend. My first draw got just a bit too hot and started to burn the herb blend, so I pulled the heat off and let it go out, and drew in the remaining smoke in the VG. I was starting to feel the effects pretty heavy, so I exhaled and put the flame to it again, and this time got a perfect vape of the remaining spice. What happened next I can not explain in very much detail. It's just NOT possible.

As soon as I filled my lungs to full capacity with vapor, I knew I was in for one hell of an experience. I was coming on faster than I could think, literally. I was able to set the lighter down on the table next to me. I tried to set the VG down as well, but my reality was so completely obliterated at this point, I simply couldn't. I just held it in my hand on my lap.

I can't even explain where I went next, but it was so intense and so completely chaotic that for the first time, with DMT, I thought. Oh shit, you did it this time. You took it too far. For the duration of this part of the experience I can't explain what I saw or where I went, just that every second felt like an hour, and that I was completely helpless to do anything about anything, like it or not.

At the point where I can start to describe things, it went like this:
I felt like my entire body had melted into a puddle of molten glass in my chair, and that my pipe had done the same thing. My legs, hands, and chair felt warm and wet. I was thinking it was just my body melted into liquid form. Then I thought, "Oh shit, you just pissed yourself, and you're also drooling into your lap, and your VG is spilling out upside down in your lap"! There were sooooo many entities yelling and screaming different things to me. Telling me that I'm "dumping my pipe and I'm making a mess". "Pay attention to what you are doing"! At this point I realized I just need to submit. This is honestly the first time I truly understood the meaning of submitting to the molecule. I started breathing deeply, and I figured I would deal with the piss, drool, and ash mess in my chair, once I returned. Nothing I could do about it in this state obviously! I remember so convincingly believing that THIS WORLD IS ABSOLUTELY REAL! THESE ENTITIES REALLY DO EXIST! THERE IS NO LONGER ANY QUESTION IN MY MIND IF THIS WORLD IS REAL OR IMAGINARY. These were my thoughts. There was no doubt in my mind at that point.

Finally I started coming back to a point where I could physically feel things again. With my eyes still closed I tried to rotate my pipe so it was right side up. It still felt wet and slippery. I was finally able to open my eyes and I looked down at the pipe. It was fine, it had not spilled at all, it wasn't wet, and I had NOT pissed myself or even made any kind of mess. Massive relief here! Razz

I was now coming back to just some of the strong, yet mild in comparison, afterglow effects. I remember realizing that all those crazy static-like, fuzzy line OEV's that you see when coming back, are actually all the molecules of matter in vibration. That I was actually able to see the molecular vibration in all matter. I tried to set my pipe on my laptop, but it wanted to slide and vibrate off. I had a WONDERFUL and amazing moment of understanding matter at the molecular and atomic level, like never before. Everything was vibrating wildly. It wasn't just understanding the laws, but rather actually being able to visually witness them.

Slowly things came back to normal. I went into this with a specific objective (as always try to do), and boy did I get it! I got it, and then some, and then some more!!

Wow folks. It's going to take some time for me to digest this one, but I really wanted to get it down as a report as soon as I could.

Peace, love, epiphanies, and stay safe my friends! I love being able to share these things with people who truly understand and care.
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna

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#2 Posted : 2/17/2010 2:03:46 AM

illudium Q-36

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idtravlr wrote:
I started breathing deeply, and I figured I would deal with the piss, drool, and ash mess in my chair, once I returned. Nothing I could do about it in this state obviously!

That's awesome... I am so stoked that you dig the VG. Great report.

I've had very similar moments where I realize I have no choice but to go with it...because I am not capable of fighting it.
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#3 Posted : 2/17/2010 2:08:45 AM

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Great report my friend..makes me want to get my little jar out right now!!!
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Rising up
And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.
#4 Posted : 2/17/2010 2:13:28 AM

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There yah go! Wink

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#5 Posted : 2/17/2010 2:47:50 AM

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idtravlr wrote:

As soon as I filled my lungs to full capacity with vapor, I knew I was in for one hell of an experience. I was coming on faster than I could think, literally.

I can't even explain where I went next, but it was so intense and so completely chaotic that for the first time, with DMT, I thought. Oh shit, you did it this time. You took it too far.

Peace, love, epiphanies, and stay safe my friends! I love being able to share these things with people who truly understand and care.

Great report IDT. And I KNOW what you're talking about. When its right and strong it's usually like that...the hyperspace blast sometimes happens so fast that you know there is no control, you're just going and there's not even time to think about it.
And that "You did it this time, you took it too far feeling" is very familiar to me ( and I'm sure many others) too, but if all goes well that feeling ceases within a few seconds once you settle into hyperspace. It's often a fine line between "oh shit too muchShocked " and "perfect hyperdrive launch.Cool " Laughing

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#6 Posted : 2/17/2010 4:02:05 AM

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^^^^It's just that a sense of fear is new to to me. It's usually so blissful and confidence inspiring. Even on the bigguns... But you're right, it did subside once I submitted.

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#7 Posted : 2/17/2010 6:27:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Excellent report bro

another member happy with there VG.

If I may ask idt, did you feel any difference withreference to heat of the vapour? Any better than your other smoking devices?
#8 Posted : 2/17/2010 6:32:40 AM
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I hate the "Why are you doing this to yourself? You don't like this! Stop fucking around!" feelings, but soon after entering hyperspace, they're blasted away. Haven't had them in a while though, except on pharma when I disrespected the power of DMT.

Now that you've felt the fear and come back, it should make future experiences more comfortable. It seems everyone has to learn to submit by an experience like yours.
#9 Posted : 2/17/2010 7:23:20 AM

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gammagore wrote:

If I may ask idt, did you feel any difference withreference to heat of the vapour? Any better than your other smoking devices?

Absolutely man! I had previously been using a more crude (glass bubble) type of vaporizer, and it was very difficult to control the fine line between vapor and smoke. Even the vapor would be a little hot, and intermixed with smoke using this old device.

The VG is the smoothest, coolest vapor EVER! Just noticeable enough to know you are getting something, but zero discomfort! It's a brilliant piece of work!Cool
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#10 Posted : 2/17/2010 7:39:05 AM

The Root

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reading that made my tummy feel weird - kinda like just before smoking spice Smile
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

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#11 Posted : 2/17/2010 8:37:41 AM

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And another member verifies that the VG IS one of the smoothest ways to vape the molecule.
#12 Posted : 2/17/2010 8:43:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Smashing report idtravlr!

What was your previous method that was seemingly ineffective? I too have a VG and it is very smooth. It still requires a technique to be learned. Do you only use it for spice?

If these are the effects you have felt with the VG and spice, I'd like to ask what your thoughts on Changa and Bong are?

Peace in mind, Love in heart
#13 Posted : 2/17/2010 9:55:34 AM

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ghostman wrote:
Smashing report idtravlr!

What was your previous method that was seemingly ineffective? I too have a VG and it is very smooth. It still requires a technique to be learned. Do you only use it for spice?

If these are the effects you have felt with the VG and spice, I'd like to ask what your thoughts on Changa and Bong are?


My previous method was by NO MEANS "seeminly ineffective". It was absolutely effective, but much less consistent and predictable. It took a lot of work to do a proper vaporization w/o burning the spice to some degree. What I was using was like a meth bong I guess. I never have smoked meth, and never will, but that seems to be what this thing was made for. It was a glass bubbler about the size of your fist, that had a mouth piece and a stem with bowl coming off of it. It had a small glass bubble about the size of a large marble with a small (~10mm) hole in it to load the spice. You would use a flame to heat the glass under the bottom side of the bowl until the spice melted into a puddle of oil. Then you would have to baby the flame a lot to get just to the vape temp. Too much heat and you would burn it, and the glass was very thin, so it was easy to get too much heat. The spice is also sitting directly on the glass, so even if you don't over heat the glass, the spice touching the glass will burn and stick to it regardless, and be wasted. This device would also collect a LOT of recrystallized DMT inside of it because the HOT vapor would cool rapidly when it touched the large volume of cool "chamber" glass. I used it with no water.
It worked well, but it took a lot of time and patience to get dialed in, and even then was unpredictable. Much better than a pipe or bong however.

Yes, I use my VG for only spice (it is now a sacred instrument for me), and yes, it takes a technique to learn, but that comes along quickly if you have a good resource like the Nexus, AND a good reliable torch lighter. The VG vapor burns so cool, that it doesn't even recrystallize much on the glass as it passes through the pipe, so you know you are getting the "full meal deal" so to speak. Lastly, since the VG uses only hot air to do the vaporization, you don't get spice oils that stick to the hot glass and get burnt, taste harsh, and go to waste. You are virtually vaping the spice in a bubble of super-heated air.

I have never tried changa in a bong or my VG YET, but the great thing about ANY vaporizer, is that it is ideal for changa because it will vape both leaf and spice without burning either. So, with a bong you are going to get a harsher (and probably less effective) hit (the way I'm envisioning it), than you would with the VG. That's MHO.

Bong or pipe are OK if that's all you have, but a vaporizer is worlds above. Other VG owners may have different opinions, or like to add something. I'm very new to the VG, but not at all new to spice, and I just can't believe I went along this long w/o one.

Hope that helps brother! Peace!
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#14 Posted : 2/17/2010 11:54:30 AM

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i am a proud owner of a GVG. I must admit that it did take me a while to get the hang of it and for a while there I was wondering what all the fuss was about. But once I got my technique down pat OMG it worked wonders! It is an amazingly effective device. Even the way I have started to hold and use this now sacred devices feels like an age old ritual that I am so familiar with. I swore by my water bong for a couple of years. I even have another little vap bubbler. But VG is the way to go.

Great post by the way idtravlr! I also got a funny feeling in my tummy kind of like preparing for smoking DMT while reading it. Happens while reading some of the good posts here on the nexus. And I definitely got intense energy ripples running down my goose bumps when I read part of your post. Made me vividly remember some experiences where I was SURE that the entities were real. Thanks

#15 Posted : 2/17/2010 5:19:03 PM

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yeah....i haven't used anything BUT my GVG for pretty much the last 5 or 6 months. it is just the best...simply put. once you get your torch lighter technique dialed you will never have "misfires" again. i pretty much have a 100% breakthrough rate with this little wonder. i just can't recommend it highly enough!

idt- sweet report. i really felt you on that one.....much love and gratitude for sharing such a palpable recanting!

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#16 Posted : 2/27/2010 4:39:26 PM

The Enlightend One

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Is the torch lighter the way to go? I have a wood VG that I use for weed. The prblem is that iI use regular bic lighter and since you have to keep the flame on it constantly I.feel im inhaling an exesive amout of lighter fuel. Thats also why I havnt used it for spice. Thx.
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#17 Posted : 2/27/2010 4:48:31 PM

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read down at the bottom BigInhale. you absolutely MUST use a torch lighter to get the most out of any VG. once you've got a GVG and a good torch lighter, you will dial your technique down in no time. i have 100% breakthrough on one hit now. as in- one hit, full breakthrough, every time.

nuff said!

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#18 Posted : 2/27/2010 5:51:19 PM

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don't know how i missed this one! such a great report, idtravlr, thank you!
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