Seeking advice on experimentation with Acacia Floribunda Options
#1 Posted : 10/5/2022 3:40:55 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey nexians
I'm a typical long time lurker, first time poster
Having my first real jumps into extraction of tryptamines
I have been reading up as much information as possible and already conducted a few experiments so I think its time I reach out for the opinions of those with some more knowledgeSmile

So the property I live on has a large hedge consisting of around 100 acacia Floribunda. These trees all exhibit slight variance in their appearance but from all I can tell and some people I've asked, they're all acacia Floribunda. This property is a large farm about an hours NW of melbourne.

My first experiment involved Phyllodes from a single tree. Harvested late July. These were dried and sat in and out of the freezer for a month while I slowly collected other materials to have a go at extraction.
I followed a very basic method
- boiled 100g rough chopped Phyllodes in 50/50 vinegar and water
- filtered and combined all boils and let stand overnight
- basified with an unmeasured amount of lye, I would estimate roughly 40grams
- pulled with naptha
From 4 naptha pulls I yielded 250mg of light tan coloured was. It smelt very DMT like haha. I enhanced a little leaf with some and a lovely experience.

From this basic brew I also attempted to pull with limo and then salt with vinegar. I believe ended up with a little limo in my vinegar however after some time evaporating I was left with a near identical product. The yield was much greater from the one pull of limo than the naptha. I got just over 150mg. I haven't tried this result so I can't comment on its effectiveness however while looking near identical it smells quite different. Very similar to the results of a 69ron tek on some cacti I did years ago. Is this simply a nornal smell for acetates? I wouldn't say it's vinegary, just it's own smell haha

My second experiment used 200g of dry material from all different trees collected in early September. This wasn't frozen and thawed prior to working with it.
All the same steps were used.
I also added some salt after basifying tho I dont think I needed to.
The yield here was much lower than my first experiment tho resulted in much the same product. I've only pulled with naptha and I haven't tried the result.

I'm wondering about any improvements I may be able to make to my method. I'm not chasing pretty crystals so that isn't much of a worry.
Is it worth trying actual lighter fluid as opposed to our typical brands of shellite?
Or are there other solvents (relativelt easy to obtain) i could experiment with?
Limo does seem to be a good contender but I dont have a sep funnel and using the baster was a bit tricky to ensure there wasnt any Limonene getting into the evap dish.
In the past when doing 69ron tek I tried putting the vinegar and limo in the freezer so as to pour the limo off the frozen vinegar in a couple of hours however Im not sure thats efficient?

I'm also curious on any tips on plant selection. There's a mixture here. Mostly quite light coloured flowers. However I'm noticing their timing in flowering isn't all the same. Seems most of the ones in full flower now have slightly shorter and wider Phyllodes and most still with just preflowers(?) have longer and narrower Phyllodes. I will say this rule doesn't fit every plant in the row as a few break those rules haha.
Any tips on plant traits it might be better to look for?

I'll figure out photos to upload but thought I'd put this out there now Smile

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 10/5/2022 5:39:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Do you plan on doing a summer harvest and extraction?
Disclaimer: All my posts are of total fiction.

#3 Posted : 10/5/2022 6:13:42 AM
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I can harvest and collect as much as I like, whenever I like
I'll probably leave here about the end of December though
#4 Posted : 10/5/2022 8:17:52 AM

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I'm not sure about A. Floribunda but I believe A. Acuminata has it's peak DMT content in Summer during the hottest part of the day. This may be the case for A. Floribunda. I think nexian's have found extraction around A. Floribunda's flowering time to give inconsistent results.

You may be able to increase yields in summer. However, reports on nexus have been mixed.

I should add a quick glance at this thread, I don't think floribunda has had a LC-MS conducted on it would be interesting.

You may want to check out.;m=1081787#post1081787
Disclaimer: All my posts are of total fiction.

#5 Posted : 10/5/2022 8:22:38 AM
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Ive had a pretty deep dive into those threads Smile the information here is unbelievable but im sure im only scratched the surface

The info I got from a friend who is close with Julian Palmer currently was to harvest during flower, and try to choose specimens with strong anastomising veins in the Phyllodes

I've seen a lot of hit n miss with flori in here but from what Ive been told it's a pretty reliable source in the right places. Apparently there's someone who frequently uses it for aya

Edit* actually I hadn't seen that last thread you linked me before thanks Smile
#6 Posted : 10/5/2022 10:03:30 AM

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GallusGallus229 wrote:

So the property I live on has a large hedge consisting of around 100 acacia Floribunda. These trees all exhibit slight variance in their appearance but from all I can tell and some people I've asked, they're all acacia Floribunda. This property is a large farm about an hours NW of melbourne.

Nice to see you making use of whats available. Floribunda is very nice, but expect 0.1% or less, so you need to up your starting weights a bit.

GallusGallus229 wrote:

My first experiment involved Phyllodes from a single tree. Harvested late July. These were dried and sat in and out of the freezer for a month while I slowly collected other materials to have a go at extraction.
I followed a very basic method
- boiled 100g rough chopped Phyllodes in 50/50 vinegar and water
- filtered and combined all boils and let stand overnight
- basified with an unmeasured amount of lye, I would estimate roughly 40grams
- pulled with naptha
From 4 naptha pulls I yielded 250mg of light tan coloured was. It smelt very DMT like haha. I enhanced a little leaf with some and a lovely experience.

Sounds about right, however without a defat step you can probably expect some other plant oils and waxes have found their way into your yummy yield. Maybe up to 50%

GallusGallus229 wrote:

From this basic brew I also attempted to pull with limo and then salt with vinegar. I believe ended up with a little limo in my vinegar however after some time evaporating I was left with a near identical product. The yield was much greater from the one pull of limo than the naptha. I got just over 150mg. I haven't tried this result so I can't comment on its effectiveness however while looking near identical it smells quite different. Very similar to the results of a 69ron tek on some cacti I did years ago. Is this simply a nornal smell for acetates? I wouldn't say it's vinegary, just it's own smell haha

Yep, I used to pull with Naptha and then follow up with Xylene. The broader spectrum solvent would always pull more goodies.

These days I do three or four sunflower oil defats (a few bursts of a microwave oven destroys any emulsions fast)
Then a naptha defat to make sure all the oil is removed before proceeding to base.
(You could use this trick with your vinegar saltings to remove any remaining limo)
Of course, don't nuke the naptha Cool

GallusGallus229 wrote:

My second experiment used 200g of dry material from all different trees collected in early September. This wasn't frozen and thawed prior to working with it.
All the same steps were used.
I also added some salt after basifying tho I dont think I needed to.
The yield here was much lower than my first experiment tho resulted in much the same product. I've only pulled with naptha and I haven't tried the result.

I'm also curious on any tips on plant selection. There's a mixture here. Mostly quite light coloured flowers. However I'm noticing their timing in flowering isn't all the same. Seems most of the ones in full flower now have slightly shorter and wider Phyllodes and most still with just preflowers(?) have longer and narrower Phyllodes. I will say this rule doesn't fit every plant in the row as a few break those rules haha.
Any tips on plant traits it might be better to look for?

Probably some of the trees in your mix were low or zero yielding.
I wouldn't worry too much about freeze thaw if you can use a good blender and are doing multiple boils. (I do 4x60C 'cooks' and that gets most of everything out)

As for plants, the ones in my area are the opposite, the narrow phyllode ones flowered first and the shorter wider ones are still finishing up now.

My advice is stick to single trees. I've found certain individual trees are consistently better yielding, so maybe do a number of small batches side by side and compare. (yes I know its hard work but rewarding)


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