PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: nervous
(physical condition) Set: elevated hr, shaky, otherwise normal
Setting (location): bathroom, dimmed lights, candle, psychedelic music (Johns Hopkins Music for Psychedelic Therapy)
time of day: 2300
recent drug use: none
last meal: big dinner at 2000
body weight: 88.4 kg
known sensitivities: not an experienced smoker
history of use: little experience with any drugs, first time DMT
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): enhanced leaf (fb DMT, mullen)
Dose(s): stopped measuring, but it seemed like a lot to me
Method of administration: vaporized via bubbler
EFFECTSAdministration time: T=2300
Duration: 1.5 hr
First effects: nothing, until I smoked more
Peak: 2350
Come down: 0000
Baseline: 0100
Intensity (overall): 2/4
Evaluation / notes: powerful body high, closed eye visuals geometric and reacted to music, effects were short-lived so it took a lot of smoking to keep it going
OPTIONALPleasantness: 3.5/4
Unplesantness: 2/4
Visual Intensity: 1/4
AFTER-EFFECTSHangover: 2/4; bitter, smoky flavor leftover after smoking, headache
Afterglow: 4/4; relaxed, feeling of "everything is okay"
REPORTI was very nervous coming into this trip. I had been thinking about doing it for a while, but decided to just go ahead and do it. My expectation was to go all the way. I wanted to have a breakthrough trip.
My intention was to gain perspective on my life. I wanted to go deeper and be closer to God. I readied my space and meditated for a few moments before getting started. I found that praying for forgiveness was calming, as I was nervous that some faults of mine would come up in the trip. I wanted to be ready to face those things.
As for setting, the bathtub lined with blankets and pillows seemed like the best place (easily ventilated, easy to clean, comfortable semi-fowlers position, private).
I measured out a VERY conservative dose (around 50 mg of enhanced leaf, which I estimated to be between 1:2 - 1:3 DMT:mullen) and loaded it into the bubbler. I felt nothing, so I measured out another dose, upping it to 100 mg. Still nothing. I began to wonder if I'd messed up the extraction, so I went for a hail mary and loaded the bowl. Being an inexperienced smoker, it was difficult to take in the smoke of a heavily loaded bowl, but I started to feel the effects.
The first rush of DMT was pretty intense and euphoric. The visuals were very complex and geometric, but I only experienced them with my eyes closed. They would ripple with the music that was playing. I had no visual effects at all with my eyes open. I would compare it to edible marijuana. The body feeling, though, was like a tight energy running down my whole body, and it was very sudden and pleasant. These feelings would wear off really quickly, like in seconds, maybe a minute. At a point I felt like parts of my body were dissolving, but that wore off quickly as well. I would take a few more hits, feel the effects, load up another bowl, and so on. I did that two or three more times until I felt like my lungs were tapped out.
Even though I was wanting to go much deeper than I was able to go, what I experienced was really positive. The feelings of nervousness went away shortly after the first rush. What was left was surprise and wonder of the things I was experiencing, and an excitement to go deeper. I felt like I was brushing up on the edge of something truly amazing. I also was left with the feeling of "everything is okay". I have had a bit of a rough patch in my life. Shame and doubt have been weighing me down. I've taken steps to improve my life, and I think I am on a good trajectory, but it has been a while since I have felt okay. I was able stand in front of the bathroom mirror and look at myself without so much criticism. I told that guy that he looks good, that he looks like a warrior.
If anyone has advice on how to better the DMT experience, please let me know. I don't love smoking. Maybe I need to make the enhanced leaf more concentrated so I don't have to smoke so much? I felt like I was going to have to smoke all my enhanced leaf if I wanted to break through.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.