Hello, long time lurker and ex-account haver here, forgot my password so I made a new one.
Here is the situation:
Doing a STB extraction for the first time.
I have done A/B twice with success, many years ago.
I let the alkaloidal material sit in the basified solution overnight, and it's time to add the non-polar solvent and stir it up and so on. While stirring, the basified bark solution gets onto the sidewall of the jar, about parallel to where the non-polar solvent will be(when the layers separate)
I'm wondering, won't the basified solution residue on the walls of my container from stirring, end up contaminating my alkaloid saturated solvent??
And also, usually use wooden spoons. They seem to be slightly melting/layers coming off into the basified solution...is there a better alternative? It's probably not the worst considering that will not be pulled by the non polar solvent, the wood debris
Thank you