Introduction to The Flora and Fauna of Hyperspace, and Others Like Us Options
#1 Posted : 2/14/2010 8:00:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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You’ll have to tell me how familiar or new this is. I kept getting the feeling over and over again that “this is new!” “this is new!” “this is new!” but it don’t’ know how new. This was my adventure last night:

At around 8pm I felt the call. Though I had already had plans to go out for the evening, but I really got the impression They had some serious work to do. But I never know what’s the polite way to approach Them, am I to live my own life entirely free? Commit myself entirely to their purpose? Or be as free as I wish, but within their intergalactic plans?
As a drove to my buddies place I felt the call strengthen. I told them “alright look, make the check engine light go on and I’ll turnaround right here.” Nothing happened so I continued on. Ha, the evening workout in strangely away. Magically my buddy had somehow known to pay parking for me, before I realized my credit card had disappeared! So no drinking for me tonight. Buddies had some low energy, so I came home at 1:30am, the spice was waiting for me. I heard a truly bold Pharma call:

200mg Jungle Furmurate + 5g Caapi (equivalent) + 300mg THH in a cup of heated OJ

The Adventure:
I was so tired when I got home, though I figured They could do their work with me asleep. Sure enough, after 15 mins of preparatory yoga, I randomly awoke not knowing I had fallen asleep! I had no idea how much time had passed, but my head was spinning to those strange arcade sounds with a few hard to describe CEVs. I didn’t feel anyone around. I always like trying to meet my Intergalactic Scientist Handlers, sometimes I sense their smirks at my efforts. These fellows have spent so much time working on me I’d love to say hello and thank you. but I didn’t sense anyone. Not even the plant spirits. and then I started to float up and up through some CEVs. The higher I got the more menace I felt and my anxiety started to skyrocket for no reason. I saw the outline of a very evil seeming entity.

Then a thought hit me along these lines: you are not allowed up. You are not allowed striking visuals. This is too much spice. Only a little bit is needed for our work. I really felt sick, I felt a purge coming and forced my body to the trash can. I was stuck playing under the kitchen table. The table isn’t gonna move, so I needed to stop trying to jump up and down and hitting my head. I then burped and felt fine. In all my travels, I have NEVER seen OEVs, even at these high-dose levels...

I guided myself back down and instantly felt at peace as the menace lifted. There was a few more CEVs swirling, but I felt rather happy “staying where I belonged.” Then things became dramatically weirder as I crawled into bed. My perception started to shift and multiply: I began to feel my thoughts having thoughts of their own, about their own thoughts.
WAAAYYYYYY too many levels of perception here I thought about thinking about Thinking thinking. Then I started to meet the little hyperspace creatures, they exist wrapped up in our own consciousness like the ecology of our guts. Once I thought this, one of the little deepsea-worm-like-creatures said good….good you’ve found me. And he slinked away. I met other little creatures like this whos types I cannot even describe, each holding their own attitudes and feelings. The most annoying represented itself as the lost souls of aborted babies. They were VERY unpleasant and clingy. They looked like black combos of a three week old fetus and a baby alien from the movie Aliens. They’re souls with no identity and nowhere else to belong; not really apart of the spirit realm, and not the human realm. Yet they’re still “human,” and have to stay put around us.

I was so grateful for The Mimosa Spirit once I briefly met him, he at least was a plant! I understood plants! Not only that, but he comes from Earth! I saw then why these spirits like us, we’re all from Earth, AND we’re from the same physical universe of stars and stuff: practically the same culture! Though I soon felt sick again and felt a real purge coming. I flopped down onto the floor and leaned into the trash. Then the nausea disappeared for no reason. I felt as if it was taken away so I could continue the tour... I laid on the floor feeling conflicted: this is tough. I want to explore, but holy god this is tough. Then my nose then started to bleed.

I hate nose bleeds, I get them all the time in winter (though not so much recently). The room was dark, so I couldn’t really see my hand as I checked my face. Is this mucus? Is this blood? I tasted my hand to sense the blood, but I didn’t know what taste was. Why/how could I just randomly start a runny nose? I’m not sick. This has to be blood. I fumbled to the Kleenex box. What’s Kleenex I thought? And shoved some up my nose. I could really feel it coming. Crap, I suppose I got blood all over the floor too? I made a drunk stumble to the light switch and flipped it on: no blood. I looked as closely as I could; I was pretty sure what red was. Nothing. No mucus even. Everything was dry. I just crawled back into bed.
I sensed feelings of death, something’s wrong with the spice, I shouldn’t be feeling this! The sense to purge arrived again. But this time I received the imaged our eBook Wiki and the Health Section. There was something really really good in that section, something I needed to remember. Getting shown the idea instantly made me feel better. I kept seeing the image throughout the night with an alien finger pointing at it.

...Then The Galactic Chat Room started. The hyperspace spirits returned, but these ones where larger and yet younger at the same time. I felt my mind nudge against other clueless individuals, those “like ourselves” and completely inept at hyperspace, each of us trying to communicate but not knowing how. “This is new! This is New!” I kept hearing. “This IS THE OTHER! This is new! It’s started right now! This is the future”

I saw our very idea of “Culture” as an artifact of our own culture. The idea of “alien” is not an objective idea, but also an predefined expectation our culture. “True Otherness” has nothing to do with OUR CURRENT idea of aliens. True alienness has nothing to do with the idea of snow, standing on one foot, or smiling; as these things do not even exist for a true aliens! The Greys, The Mimosa Spirit, and other various Tentacle Monsters; they are not aliens, they’re our cousins.

I didn’t sober up until sunrise.


The universe is MASSIVELY bigger than I EVER expected. But I see I am only allowed to play with “my peers;” entities of a similar clueless level on their equivalents of Spice. Perhaps this is the only way we can both truly figure out how to behave in the wild jungle of hyperspace. A playground wherein yes, we are fundamentally protected by “the adults,” but we must learn to interact, thrive, and even defend ourselves on our own, all while we learn the truths of Otherness.

i am so so thankful for us humans being so familiar! this truly home


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/14/2010 8:31:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 372
Joined: 24-Oct-2009
Last visit: 10-Feb-2025
"200mg Jungle Furmurate + 5g Caapi (equivalent) + 300mg THH in a cup of heated OJ"
Shocked Shocked

Welcome home!

Thanks for the report. Don't know if I could keep it together at that dose!

#3 Posted : 2/14/2010 8:37:41 PM

The Root

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awesome report - intersting that nose bleed thing.
in za bushmen dance around the fire chewing sceletium in trance until blood comes out their noses due to the small blood vessels in the nose bursting due to dehydration - they keep going deeper and deeper into trance(kia) - its even visible in many rock painintings.
very interesting this whole entitys as a flaura/fauna thing.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#4 Posted : 2/14/2010 8:44:41 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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Wow, what a beautiful and deep journey...

Much Peace and Compassion
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