Awesome, thank you for the in put. It was just a spritz from a spray bottle, just enough to douse it, and there was definitely more steam than just the water, so hopefully that was enough to produce at least some reaction of the CaCo3 to CaO. I've also opted to use some ash, just in case thats not quite enough. In lieu of any traditional wood for this purpose, I burnt about a gram of high CBD low THC hemp flower into almost pure white ash, and I plan to add some of that to the mix. Also, in addition to having it available, I kind of feel safer snorting cannabis ash over most other plants. I considered tobacco, but I only have some uncured leaves and flowers I plucked off my Rustica plants, and I'd rather not fast dry them and use it green. I also have a few grams of rapeh (feels weird writing it as "rape"

w/catauba that I considered using a few dashes of for whatever alkalizer is in there, plus the mapacho, but I don't want to add to the bulk of it, and I wanna see how well the shells work on their own, and that rapeh has lime and cocoa ash in there. (I bet cocoa ash would would probably make it feel like you shoved a reeses up your nose, lol) Also I suspect that little bit of tobacco isn't doing a whole lot, and if it is, I can probably just do it separate. Anyone had it with tobacco/mapacho? Does it help?
Yeah I could see this being a pain doing a big batch of them, but I'm probably gunna be sticking to small batches anyway. Don't get me wrong, from the couple other times I've had it, it's in the runnings for favorite substance. I experienced none of the awful side effects others report, no nausea or vomiting, no headaches, no body achs, flushing, or extreme vasoconstriction, just clear, calm, and highly euphoric, with gentle DMT like visuals for over an hour, and no hangover to speak of. I didn't even get much pain from insufflation, no more than I get from any rapeh blend, less in fact than most.
I don't know if I just didn't have enough to get sick, but it was definitely enough for a nice little blast off. At most I did 600mg in one sitting, but I have no idea how many seeds per gram were in his mix, and I'm unable to ask. I just know he uses a mix of snail shell and a small amount of baking soda, It's dark brown to almost black, and it tastes/smells like slightly burn peanut butter, and hardly burns your nose, and just for a couple minutes. Its easily one of my favorite experiences so far, but I want to push it a little deeper, without risking being so sick and in pain that I want it to end. I get thats always a possibility, especially with something that's supposed to vary so much batch to batch, but I feel like its always a good idea to minimize those risks.
So I just know I want to make it as close to that as possible, hence opting for snail shells. All the Lime stories I hear sound just awful, and the baking soda alone stories sound like a flop. This felt PERFECT, but I wish I had done just a little bit more to see where it goes, or if a breakthrough is possible. I suspect its not, and negative effects are likly to increase at higher doses, but even if I can't go past the level I had it, it was still a usful tool for me, and might even combine well with some other substances I want to experiment with.
Also it was just extremely pleasant. I know this might just be his particular batch since theres so much variation, not to mention mislabled Peregrina and colubina seeds that look almost identicle, but I'm hoping I can achieve something at least close to it. He said he used Peregrina, so thats what I bought (I hope), but who knows if his seeds were mislabled or mine were mislabled. Is there any definite way to tell I don't know about? I just know people say one is really heavy with the body load and sickness but powerful with the experience, and the other is supposed to feel a lot less toxic feeling, but not as visionary. I've heard some argument over which is which, but it seems most likely peregrina is the gentle one from what I can tell, which makes me suspect Peregrina is what he used, but I have little frame of reference, and could be the lack of CaOH too, I just don't know.
I've heard people say its more of a "long term substance", where benefits come after many uses, getting more familiar how to work with it. Its also apealing that the seeds are so cheap, though I suspect not for long since apparently there are supply chain issues for importing this and other entheogens that I don't fully understand.
Went off on a tangent, sorry. Anyway, The plan right now is snail shell, seeds, hemp ash, and water, made into a dough, kneed it for an hour, let it sit overnight to let whatever reactions take place,(some people suggest there's some fermentation needed, and will forment for up to 4 days, or that the remaining CaCo3 can continue to react to form the CaO, or turn into calcium Bufenate, I've heard others say thats complete nonsense, and I pretty much agree, but I'm doing it anyway unless someone gives me a good reason not to, because theres enough reports of it doing something extra that I feel it might be worth it, and there doesnt seem to be a downside to trying it), then dry it in an oven at 200 until its hard enough to grind back to a powder. I'll definitely report back with results when I try it.
Just a few more questions. When trying to pop my seeds, I threw em in a frying pan on low heat, as everyone suggests, but my seeds never popped, a could just split at the seems, but they never swelled and popped like the videos I've seen. Is this a bad sign? I heard they were supposed to pop anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes, but after 30 minutes and just two splitting a little, I decided my pan ust not be hot enough, and turned the heat up on my electric stove to almost medium for another 10 minutes, and still nothing. Not wanting burn the things I took them off and started peeling them by hand. I started with only 8 seeds just to make sure I'd have another chance if this was a failure. My question is, do you think I burned off the alkaloids by added the 10 minute on higher heat? Can you overcook these things? My understanding is that 5-ho-dmt is pretty heat tolerant, but I'm sure theres a limit to that, I'm just not familiar with. Also, is them not popping a bad sign? Do I have old/beat seeds? The vendor I bought them from said they were fresh and viable, but I also had tried to sprout 3 in a paper towel, and they all just molded over before they could sprout, so I'm kinda thinkin she lied to me. How long do these things stay good for?
Also, I'm finding it difficult to decide on a ratio, Ive seen "2 parts seed to 1 part baking soda and 1 part shell" suggested. I've seen people suggest "half and half seed and shell" but I've also seen 1 part shell to 3 parts seed" and even someone treat it like lime and do 1/10th shell, and its all a little confusing what works best. If anyonw has done this before and has experimented with the ratio a bit, I'd love to hear your advice. As of now, without reccomendation, I'm planning on doing 1 third 80/20 (give or take) shell/ash mix, to 2/3 seed. That seems like a reasonable place to start thats not too far in either direction, and it minimizes the amount of shell and ash I have to snort a bit. If this is definitely not enough to provide proper absorption, please tell me soon, because I'm about at that step now.
Also, sorry, I forgot that this is basically my first post so I should introduce myself a little. I've been experimenting with various substances for the last 20 years or so. Its always been a fascination of mine, I love talking about it, and I've successfully treated depression, anxiety, and other nuerosis through altered states of conciousness, where modern medicine has usually failed, and I feel its made me a better person overall. I've worked with Psilocybin, LSD, Mescaline (pure synthetic and sanpedro/puruvian torch), DMT, Ayahuasca, Salvia, 2cb, 2ci, TMA-1, TMA-2, MDMA, MDA, ketamine, DXM, N2O, Amanita Muscaria, and a pretty long list of various RC chemicals. I've had some pretty life altering experiences, and I've definitely had some struggles and difficult experiences, but I continue to experiment, because there seems to always be more to learn and I feel I've barely scratched the surface. I treat every experience like its a potential disaster, and I try to always promote harm reduction in all instances of substance use. I try to stay humble and aire on the side of caution, because I know, no matter how experienced you are, something can always, easily, come and put you back in your place, but I try to face my fears head on whenever possible. I'm pretty introverted, paranoid, and I have a tendency to self isolate, but I'm trying to be a little more outgoing. I don't want to go into too much detail about myself, because this post is already too long, and I don't want to post too much identifying information. I've lurked here for a while before I actually decided to post, and this yopo experiment seemed like a good excuse to get involved with the site and get some answers.
Thank you for having me here, and I hope I can contribute in one way or another. Don't feel like you have to respond to every question, and I get thats kind of a lot to read, so I don't blame anyone that doesn't.