I am new to extraction.
I followed the extraction tek to the bone.
1 thing i did that might have affected things is that i used the same naphtha from the previous time for the first 2 pulls.
When pulling the naphtha from the jar i saw some white-ish stuff floating(imagine it like tiny worms)
40hours in the freezer and when i take the jars out some DMT is seen inside the naphtha so had to strain it in a coffee filter.(maybe noticable in photo1)
As i let the containers dry up i notice that the the containers on the inside are sticky(photo2)
First question. Any idea why this happened and how it could be avoided?
Second question. Is the DMT same or should i throw it away?
http://prntscr.com/gaKCNDLwofwMextraction tek:
https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...ybrid_ATB_%27Salt%27_Tekhappymushroom12 attached the following image(s):

(68kb) downloaded 42 time(s).
(76kb) downloaded 41 time(s).