yesterday i smoked roughly 400mg of dmt over the course of 4 hours.
i kept redosing ~100mg doses every 60 minutes, or as soon as i physically could.
the first couple doses were weird.
sometimes dmt doesnt go to my head but takes over my body.
this happened the first two times.
no trip, but when i finally opened my eyes, everything had water flowing over it.
it was bizarre.
more like an acid trip where everything is the same, but modified.
not typical dmt visuals where everything is brand new.
the third dose took me to a place inhabited by "star wars" figures.
in "attack of the clones", obi wan goes to the planet where the clone army has been made.
(also the planet where jenga and boba fett live)
the creatures that made the clone army are super tall, white, skinny, alien beings.
i saw them.
they were peaceful though.
peering down at me with loving, slightly curious eyes.
the fourth dose, i changed my method of smoking to a crack pipe in the top of a little tweeker bong.
i took two hits and was gone.
i zoomed through the veil.
down the tunnel.
i came to the end of the tunnel.
i had been here before, so was not worried.
(near death experiences have been happening more often than not lately.)
then i broke through the end of the tunnel.
there was my guardian.
he was standing there with a puzzled expression on his face, his arms outstretched.
he said "why are you here!!!???" "how the fuck did you get here!!??"
then, that was it.
he said,
"game over.
you took too much.
thats it.
youre done.
no more.
game over."
i was dead.
i was deader than dead.
that was it.
i didnt expect to come back at all.
i dont remember much of the trip after that.
all i could do was be dead.
then, somehow i made it back.
when i became conscious, i made a mental check of my vitals and was having a huge problem breathing.
i was gasping for air, with the phlegm associated with smoking .5g of dmt blocking my airways.
do you think its possible for dmt to cause cardiac or respiratory arrest?
also i wonder if the explanation in "the matrix" of the relationship between mind and body is correct?
if someone dies in the matrix, the brain thinks its dead and then kills the body in the real world.
i swear that yesterday, the dmt told my brain that i was dead.
subsequently, my body began to shut down.
i need to start videotaping my trips.
ive smoked dmt 500+ times , but only like 5 times with any one else present.
i see no use for a sitter when on dmt.
what could they really do for you..?
plus, human presence fuckkks with me hardcore.
lately my dmt trips have been psychological battles.
theyre really trials, not trips.
its crazy.
respiratory/cardiac arrest possible via dmt..?
or possibly via anxiety..?
have any of you had death experiences?
(not near death, or even watching your body die and be reborn in front of you. ive experienced those. this was death. he was telling me "game fucking over man. no more."