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#21 Posted : 7/29/2022 9:57:33 PM
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RowRowRowYourBoat wrote:
fink wrote:
travellertime wrote:
Everyone who reads this will be around to see it


Not true, someone could read this and be hit by a bus the next instant. Your prophesy has at least that hole in it

Very happy

From their perspective that is the end of the world. I could say that "everyone will see the end of the world" is a truism about life and death. David Hawkins says that no one ever experiences their own death because they are dead and thus not able to experience it. I would consider this perspective the reverse-inverse of that, every individual's death is the end of the world because we only experience the world through our living bodies.

The plot thickens!
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 7/29/2022 11:45:19 PM

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Bill Cipher wrote:
My charlatan alarm is going off.

Feels like a deep, throbbing pain in my ass meat.

It's mental illness. These people appear and then disappear and I never know what happens to them. The time the stars align to show the trajectory of Chris Cantelmo's final years and users are incapable of discussing it.

I wonder how many users on psychedelics boards that I've spoken to about their mental health have killed themselves. I know 1, maybe that's it but I would guess at least 3. Maybe more? Still, no idea what to say. So I'll get all dour and off topic.
#23 Posted : 7/30/2022 7:07:54 AM

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i am surprised with the responses here. since i joined i have thought of this place as more open minded than other forums, certainly more patient with people and willing to look at things from a bizarre perspective.
i was under the impression that most people here knew that they actually know nothing about reality and were willing to explore ideas and concepts, no matter how taboo they might be to the mainstream ideas.
mockery is weak and just displays a lack of understanding. if OP was ever coming back to explain themselves, they are not coming back now.
#24 Posted : 7/30/2022 7:19:33 AM
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It seems very likely that the OP was deliberately trying to incite riot with no intention of ever coming back. While it was enjoyable to read the text they presented it is wise to remember that this is still the internet where taking things too seriously is the first mistake
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#25 Posted : 7/30/2022 7:38:27 AM
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PedroSanchez wrote:
i am surprised with the responses here. since i joined i have thought of this place as more open minded than other forums, certainly more patient with people and willing to look at things from a bizarre perspective.
i was under the impression that most people here knew that they actually know nothing about reality and were willing to explore ideas and concepts, no matter how taboo they might be to the mainstream ideas.
mockery is weak and just displays a lack of understanding. if OP was ever coming back to explain themselves, they are not coming back now.

I share your sentiment.

I read OP's post twice. I feel like he knows something we don't. Some of his insights are interesting and borderline profound.

Then I started reading the comments, and I was surprised by all the childish mocking, like this is a high school classroom.

No trace of curiosity - "Hey OP, interesting post, where did you get these insights?", but full of arrogance - "I know for sure you are wrong and I am right."
#26 Posted : 7/30/2022 7:45:18 AM

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pyron wrote:
PedroSanchez wrote:
i am surprised with the responses here. since i joined i have thought of this place as more open minded than other forums, certainly more patient with people and willing to look at things from a bizarre perspective.
i was under the impression that most people here knew that they actually know nothing about reality and were willing to explore ideas and concepts, no matter how taboo they might be to the mainstream ideas.
mockery is weak and just displays a lack of understanding. if OP was ever coming back to explain themselves, they are not coming back now.

I share your sentiment.

I read OP's post twice. I feel like he knows something we don't. Some of his insights are interesting and borderline profound.

Then I started reading the comments, and I was surprised by all the childish mocking, like this is a high school classroom.

No trace of curiosity - "Hey OP, interesting post, where did you get these insights?", but full of arrogance - "I know for sure you are wrong and I am right."

I share these sentiments as well.

I thought the post was thoughtful. Poetry, at worst.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#27 Posted : 7/30/2022 7:56:35 AM

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pyron wrote:
.. but full of arrogance - "I know for sure you are wrong and I am right."

yea, it was kind of hypocritical in my opinion.
although i do wonder if you are OP, what with the one post and all Very happy
Bill Cipher
#28 Posted : 7/30/2022 8:51:05 AM

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PedroSanchez wrote:
i am surprised with the responses here. since i joined i have thought of this place as more open minded than other forums, certainly more patient with people and willing to look at things from a bizarre perspective.
i was under the impression that most people here knew that they actually know nothing about reality and were willing to explore ideas and concepts, no matter how taboo they might be to the mainstream ideas.
mockery is weak and just displays a lack of understanding. if OP was ever coming back to explain themselves, they are not coming back now.

I think that people here are plenty willing to explore ideas and concepts. They're just not on board with dogmatic nonsense and dopes with messiah complexes.

I cant speak for anyone else, but what I was mocking was the arrogance and utter phoniness of the OP's presentation, and clearly I wasn't alone in my reaction.

Perhaps they take the message and reply a bit more authentically. Perhaps they never come back. But either way it beats the hell out of having one more in a long line of performative pseudo-Buddahs around here, endlessly monologuing and speaking in silly absolutes.

#29 Posted : 7/30/2022 11:53:49 AM

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I thought this was a "share your stream of counsciousness" thread.
#30 Posted : 7/30/2022 1:05:57 PM

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Bill Cipher wrote:
PedroSanchez wrote:
i am surprised with the responses here. since i joined i have thought of this place as more open minded than other forums, certainly more patient with people and willing to look at things from a bizarre perspective.
i was under the impression that most people here knew that they actually know nothing about reality and were willing to explore ideas and concepts, no matter how taboo they might be to the mainstream ideas.
mockery is weak and just displays a lack of understanding. if OP was ever coming back to explain themselves, they are not coming back now.

I think that people here are plenty willing to explore ideas and concepts. They're just not on board with dogmatic nonsense and dopes with messiah complexes.

I cant speak for anyone else, but what I was mocking was the arrogance and utter phoniness of the OP's presentation, and clearly I wasn't alone in my reaction.

Perhaps they take the message and reply a bit more authentically. Perhaps they never come back. But either way it beats the hell out of having one more in a long line of performative pseudo-Buddahs around here, endlessly monologuing and speaking in silly absolutes.

Going to jump back in here.

For everyone who wants to claim arrogance, and rudeness and what not in our responses, bear in mind the last damn sentence of the OP. Respect is reciprocal; you have to give it to get it.

Another note on arrogance, while taboo, and sounds pretty and nice and whimsical, they spoke in absolutes about many things that are largely unverifiable, and in a sense talking down to anyone who read their post.

I enjoy exploring ideas, but it's pointless doing so with someone who thinks they have some secret that no one else has and is lacking in critical thought, being led by their own confirmation biases.

There's not much here that's actually insightful or novel in my opinion.

Pyron, why do you feel this one individual is on to something no one else is (bear in mind, there's 7.8 billion people on this planet)? What here are you finding to be profound?

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#31 Posted : 7/30/2022 1:31:03 PM

∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ęRhe✟ori© ABe©eDarian $✞ȉllĨn✞hę©®@✟ę

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I feel like it was less mockery and more like attempts at lightening it up a bit after being told:

"If you change yourself you will be safe but most everyone will perish as they need to be cleansed. You got time to change yourself so get changing."

His dogma could actually be taken as a bit more threatening... not that I feel threatened. DMT experiences have more than once initiated the seeing of the light followed by hastily preaching about some higher understanding of the universe. It happens, and understandably so.

But I'm sorry, I meant no malice.

I'm a man from a place with hands and a face. Part of the heart of the human race. It illuminates. ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ę®ȉ©
#32 Posted : 7/30/2022 2:06:59 PM

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"One crazy person threw a stone in a well. Forty sane people rushed in but were not able to get the stone out."

~Middle Eastern proverb

The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#33 Posted : 7/30/2022 5:18:09 PM
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#34 Posted : 7/30/2022 5:44:07 PM
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[quote=travellertime]When you pass away. Don't go into the light. We are told to always go into the light. You know what the light is. It is us being reborn into this world again. It is the light at the end of the tunnel(womb). The light is the light of this world when we are pulled from our mother. Stay out of the light and you won't be reborn i to this shadow world.

Our sacred dmt or 5meo or any psychedelics journey is not supposed to be told to anyone. It is our special journey. That is the reason why everyone's is different. Here we tell everyone our sacred journey. If it was supposed to be the same then everyone's would be the same. But everyone's journey is not the same. Also that is proof psychedelics are not drugs. Drugs affect everyone the same. Psychedelics are different for every individual, and different every time. No 2 times are they exactly the same.

Remember when a tree was cut down the rings of the tree? Take a look at your thumb print.
Your dick, is a mold of a mushroom. Cat's dog's, bears and and many animals nose is a mushroom cut in half.
Womens placenta is the tree of life
8 fingers are the 8 spiders legs( which most of us use to kill the spider)
Our lungs, lie down underneath a tree and look up.
Your veins are the same as leaf veins and river and creek networks
You are elemental beings.
Your temperature stay at a perfect temp. That is our eternal flame keeping it that way unless we have an imbalance. We are fire
We are nearly 70% water, the earth is %70 water we are water and earth
Wind comes from our lungs. We are wind

Our feet came from the slug. Hahaha believe what you want as the choice is yours. 45 seconds anxiety, fear, depression can be gone forever but here when someone says they can heal, they are shunned, banned or not believed. Why can humans not learn to heal? Many humans can heal people. Over 20 people have given the gift of no more fear, anxiety and depression. Know they control it instead of it controlling them. Here's a hint, it ain't in your head but every doctor, psychiatrist or therapist will say it is in your head.

Wanna stop nightmares or ypur bad reams. Close your eyes in your dream. It will change. Or sit down close your eyes and meditate. Then you are in control and not the dream.

We have looked to the sky for our source when it was underneath our feet the entire time.

Have fun with this one!!

Get ready the end is soon.( laugh now) Everyone who reads this will be around to see it and at that exact moment of the end, you will be brought to this memory and will realize it was pure truth but for most it will be to late. If you change yourself you will be safe but most everyone will perish as they need to be cleansed. You got time to change yourself so get changing.

Your comments mean nothing. This is not for a reply it is the truth so nothing can change it.[
Bill Cipher
#35 Posted : 7/30/2022 7:47:20 PM

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And I guess this is the same person (who, "coincidentally" also has only one post, which, even more "coincidentally" is quoting the original post and adding nothing else, and eeeeven more "coincidentally" made their account on the very same day!!).

Note: I have bracketed the word "coincidentally" above, because while some of you sheeple may mistakenly interpret this as mere "coincidence", what it actually is is irrefutable proof of a shadow world full of foot slugs and mushroom dicks hiding in plain sight among us!!!

Your comments mean nothing. This is not for a reply it is the truth so nothing can change it.

Regardless... goodbye, Buddahs. Both of your troll personalities are welcome to come back here 2000 days from today.
#36 Posted : 7/30/2022 8:25:01 PM

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idk, I think anyone claiming "they know the absolute truth" are fake and maybe need help themselves

also our comments certainly mean something, why the effort otherwise?

are you trying to save our souls, OP?
#37 Posted : 7/30/2022 9:59:46 PM

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I told the neighbour's dog today, that his nose was half a penis.
He stared at me for a second and then urinated on a placenta.
#38 Posted : 7/30/2022 11:36:41 PM

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Bill Cipher wrote:
I cant speak for anyone else, but what I was mocking was the arrogance.

It didn't come off as arrogant to me. Maybe you should look in the mirror.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#39 Posted : 7/30/2022 11:47:54 PM

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I believe many of us have been there after the first few psychedelic experience, especially with DMT, that you feel that absolute certainty and don't quite know how to handle it. Of course it is something that you are supposed to learn to put into context, but it's still part of the process of growing up.

So, I think in order to progress in the first steps you need a balanced mix of forgiveness and understanding on one hand and people who remind you that you have got something right on one aspect, but you need more perspective to grasp actual wisdom.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
Bill Cipher
#40 Posted : 7/31/2022 12:46:39 AM

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RhythmSpring wrote:
It didn't come off as arrogant to me. Maybe you should look in the mirror.

If "Your comments mean nothing - this is not for a reply it is the truth so nothing can change it" doesn't come off as arrogant to you, I really wouldn't know how to even begin to explain it to you.
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