My intentions were for the future of our community... the future for all life on Earth, for freedom... to dissolve the blocks in my consciousness that are manifesting as horrendous grabs at world domination (coughcoughFDA

I drank a massive double dose of Aya and prayed with a huge Selenite wand. Slipped on the speckled Ring of Merlinite, retired to the bat cave, got comfy under my blankets, and marveled at the instantaneous strength of the brew.
Next, I was woken by other members of the house leaving for work at 8am.
For some reason, I always black out/fall asleep when I pray for other people. ALWAYS!!
However, I felt (and still feel) magnificently calm and clear. My heart was open... the way my arms rested at the sides of my body... I was stuck in mountain-pose... I had a full-body energetic alignment...
(also received some powerful and synchronistic emails that I will hopefully be able to share soon, r.e. entheogenic rights + research)
Well, the Vase of Souls was loaded with Sexy Changa and waiting for me... first morning launch ever!
I saw GLOWING RED TOMES OF KNOWLEDGE. There were many sacred books, records of ancient knowledge, that had been stationary in a safe place for a very long time. For the first time in [massive epoch unbeknownst to puny monkey mind], these books and the knowledge they contained had to be moved, to protect them. The books exchanged hands and were dispersed among different types of people, all over the world. Some were stuffed into briefcases, others were tucked into coats... it seemed like The Knowledge was being split and scattered, preserved by people who were willing to do what was necessary to protect it.
I didn't get to READ the books.

Hmm. I wonder if this is us, evidence of our work, organizing in hyperspace?
It was interesting. The books were literally hot and glowing. The mood was urgent, but aware, expectant, and organized.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test