Books to Take During a 2-3 Week Solo Ayahuasca Retreat in the Jungle? Options
#1 Posted : 6/14/2022 9:49:43 AM
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Curious if anybody had any good book recommendations for books to read during the solo time during a 2-3 week Ayahuasca Retreat (solo sessions with a local shaman I know)?

The 'goals' and intentions have to do with further spiritual enlightenment reaching, further understand of us/the universe, channeling sexual energy from unhealthy (unaligned with my higher self) practices to creation (writing/coaching).

Last time I took Conversations of God by Neal Donald Walsch with me and it was great to take that. I will bring it along again with me this time too, but was curious about bringing other materials too.

Most of the time I will probably remain silent, write/journal, and try to go deeper/gain more clarity on my present/future.

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#2 Posted : 6/15/2022 8:13:36 PM

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Location: Floating down a river headed toward the Temple of the Mind.
I'm really liking "I Am A Strange Loop" by Douglas Hofstadter. Less spiritual and more questioning the mechanisms of thought and "self-hood". If anything, it may help with the meditation, as it may provide insights into the mind.

Best of luck with the journey, and may you attain what you seek. Let us know how it goes when you've had time to process/integrate the experiences.
#3 Posted : 7/12/2022 5:31:25 AM
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American Gods by Neil Gaiman is a great read!
#4 Posted : 7/12/2022 5:33:25 AM
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Small Gods by Terry Pratchett
#5 Posted : 7/12/2022 5:38:54 AM
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Bardo Thodol

Another Bardo Thodol

Book for the Dying, for you to learn how to die.
#6 Posted : 7/12/2022 1:02:33 PM

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I am That - nisargadatta Maharaj
The power of now - Eckhart Tolle
Diamonds in your pocket - gangaji
True meditation - adyashanti
Vaster than sky greater than space - Mooji
Who am I - Ramana Maharishi
This - papaji

Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.
#7 Posted : 7/16/2022 10:28:07 AM

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Thought of one more good one..

Osho: Tantra - the supreme understanding.
Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.
The Sofa Traveler
#8 Posted : 7/16/2022 11:10:40 AM

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Albert Hofmann & Richard Evans Schultes - Plants Of The Gods
Humanity has invented gods, the reverse remains to be proven.
#9 Posted : 8/1/2022 2:03:45 AM

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The Tibetan Book of the Dead (HH Daiai Lama Translation)
Any book by Adyashanti

Enjoy your journey!
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#10 Posted : 8/1/2022 7:21:04 PM

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The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell is one of my favorites to help me unravel and understand the path of life. Its quite dense and has a lot of academic thought and research behind it which is part of what makes it so powerful to me; a rigorous and academic approach towards attaining fulfillment and understanding. It combines the teachings of all the great myths and religions of the world and views them through the lens of analytical psychology to explore the true lesson of those stories and to decode how we can apply them to our lives as individuals living in the modern world.

Koduckushi wrote:
I'm really liking "I Am A Strange Loop" by Douglas Hofstadter. Less spiritual and more questioning the mechanisms of thought and "self-hood". If anything, it may help with the meditation, as it may provide insights into the mind.

Best of luck with the journey, and may you attain what you seek. Let us know how it goes when you've had time to process/integrate the experiences.

I read part of that book, moved residence, and haven't been able to find it to finish, same with my copy of Godel Escher Bach which I was slowly getting through. Maybe I'll cave and buy the ebook just so I can finish it, as I do think about derivatives of the concept quite a lot.

Arunachala wrote:

Vaster than sky greater than space - Mooji

I greatly enjoy Mooji's guidance but I've never actually read anything of his. I will be looking into obtaining this book forthwith. I will also take a look at some of your other suggestions, thank you.
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