The Spice Muffler: Dulling the experience with harmaline Options
#1 Posted : 2/10/2010 7:02:58 PM

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After a recent rue extraction I decided to explore the effects of the harmaloids before taking the plunge and trying pharmahuasca.

The last time I worked with the harmalas was about a year ago when I came upon a harmala-infused smoking mix. Smoking this mix prior to, or with changa led to a deeper and longer experience until the last time I tried it. On this occasion the smoking mix appeared to ‘muffle’ the experience.

On my first experience of this muffling effect I found that rather than having my typical spice-flavoured CEVs I was confronted by darkness. After a short while I could make out what appeared to be the light of a very dim light bulb, and which seemed to be mostly covered by a moth or similar insect which flutttered occasionally. I soon tired of this vision and opened my eyes.

After this experience I resolved not to bother with using the harmala smoking mix again and stashed it at the back of my drawer.

A few months passed and I decided to investigate pharmahuasca and did a rue extraction. Rather than be surprised by the effects of pure harmalas I decided to test out my harmaline freebase a few times on its own. I found I quite enjoy harmaline in a joint to chill out and also found it to be a very effective sleep aid. Comfortable with the effect of harmaline alone I decided to give it a go along with vaped spice.

I smoked a joint with ~25mg harmaline and then put a 50mg golden rock of n-oxide through my water pipe. With the third toke effects were hitting hard so I put the pipe down, closed my eyes and curled up in my duvet.

More darkness! There was a green tinge to the space in front of me. I pushed and it became sharper, but still only filled a small area of my vision. It became clear that all I could see was a spinning shape made out of many triangles coloured in different shades of green. I pushed a little more and found I could zoom in and examine the vision closer so I did and it briefly changed colour to red but changed back to green again. These visions really had none of the ‘style’ of spice visions that I’m used to.

To be honest I was bored with all of this. Nothing was going anywhere so I opened my eyes. The CEVs were far more fun and had the typical tryptamine character to them. I sat in bed and watched as some of my artwork in the corner, now composed of many hexagons, rearranged itself repeatedly and even let me play with it a bit too. This kept me occupied for the rest of my journey and I landed a happy traveller.

I’m now rather confused though... Why is harmaline affecting me in this way? I’ve only read reports of enhanced experiences when people have tried smoking spice with the harmalas, not reduced effects. I know that harmaline is supposed to be quite sedating, but it also seems to completely change the CEVs of spice.

I also have some fairly pure harmine, but only 420mg to play with so I’ll be saving that for a pharma journey. I hear that harmine is more stimulating than harmaline so I hope I can experiment with smoking it with spice when I get round to another extraction. As for harmaline I don’t know if I will bother smoking it with spice again, it seems to kill the experience for me.
D × V × F > R

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/12/2010 12:13:39 AM


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Harmaline is rather stoning and I very rarely use it. Rue with spice split my consciousness into two halves, one calm and one freaking out. One of the weirdest thing I've had happen.

Caapi is mostly Harmine and THH and that combination seems the most loving, clear, soulful thing to synergize with spice. Always have a beautiful time with caapi.

I admit the difference is extreme between straight spice and with harmalas. I rarely go without caapi. I have a better idea of what to expect and it is usually quite blissful as well.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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