An encounter with a strange entity (very long) -updated Options
#1 Posted : 2/9/2010 3:56:07 AM
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This happened to me a long time ago, and i am still having trouble comming to terms with what happened. Up untill the point of seeing her, i never thought it was possible that the fantasic visuals and entities i've encountered on dmt were actually real. The first time i saw her was when i let a friend try dmt. My friend left a few hits and i finished it up. It was a relatively small amount and i did not expect to go far. I was standing in my bathroom and i felt this urge go walk into my bedroom and sit on the bed. As soon as i sat down my body was flooded with pleasurable feelings, akin to an mdma high.

Something did not feel right though, it felt like my thoughts were being forced apon me. I started to stand up and i immidietely felt like there was a tremendous amount of pressure ontop of me. When i did stand up the visuals around me changed from being flowing and peaceful to being very chaotic. I heard a faint eco of something saying nooooooooooo. It all felt very wrong, i figured that it was just me tripping and didn't think much of it. I went into my bathroom to smoke a bowl. At this point i had come down and was just experiencing the after effects of dmt. The strangest thing happened, 2 black snake like appendages came into the bathroom from the bedroom.
They looked exactly like this but black

This shocked me and i immidietely went to see what the source of these strange appendages were. What i saw I will never forget, it's one thing to see visuals on dmt but to have open eye hallucinations of this caliber after i peaked and came down off dmt really baffled me. These appendages were atleast ten feet long and as i suspected were part of something much bigger. There was a swirling black vortex over my bed and it was extremely angry at me. As soon as i saw it i felt it try to dominate me, get inside my head. It felt... evil. I've never dealt with something like this before but I immiedetly let go of all fear and put up a strong mental defence. I found courage from deep inside and willed the thing to leave my bedroom. After it was all over at that point i just attributed it to me tripping and tried not to think about it too much.

After this incident my trips on dmt changed drastically. I stopped breaking through, i stopped getting really strong visuals no matter what amount i loaded up. I wasn't even smoking it a lot so tolerance isn't even a question. What would happen to me though is that i would encounter this strange femenine entity, hallucinate open eyed. For instance, i was sitting on my bed one time and smoked a small amount out of my bubbler. A yellow fog then came in from under the door and enveloped my entire body. Infront of my eyes i could see a face, it was very beautiful. When the fog enveloped me it felt like i was having sex. I was moaning on my bed literally feeling orgasems shooting through my entire body. At the time i thought it was awesome, but i was always so confused that whenever i gave it to someone they would never have a similar experience....

Then the fateful night happened when my life will be forever changed. This night i got what i was told was 2ci. This drug didn't remind me of 2ci at all, in fact this was the craziest reasearch chemical i have ever taken. Every surface in my field of vision was literally exploding with colors. I also combined this with a bunch of mushroom aborts. I was tripping pretty hard needless to say. The details of the night are extremely sketchy, but from what I remember I will try to write down. Sometime in the night while tripping I got the bright idea to smoke some jungle spice. I look back now and I don't know why i thought it was a good idea at the time. Part of my mentality back then was, take it to the limit! I had no limit though, i reacehd no barrier where it was too much. I was a fool. I loaded up my bubbler with an obscene amount of potent jungle, i was too spun to accuratly guage how much i put in there, i basically filled half the chamber with jungle spice. Then i hit it, i didn't feel much with the first drag so i hit it again. My whole world erupted in visuals, elves were dancing around me, hallucationations, you name it i was seeing it at that moment. At that point i could barely see the bubbler. I knew this was gonna be a strong one. "fuck it" i said and hit it again. I don't know how i got a third rip out of the bubbler but goddam did it do me in. I fell back and layed on the floor and then i saw her. She came at me in an instant and i could feel her inside of me. I opened my eyes and i was no longer in my bedroom. I was in some vortex of every color imaginable, and it seemed like it was all comming out of my third eye.

It felt like jesus christ was finger fucking me in my third eye, yah that's fucked up i know. This is the only way i can describe how i felt at the time. It seemed to last an eternity, it was the most intense time of my entire life. When i came back i was just laying down on my bedroom floor shaking. I started to trip even harder at that point. I left my body and saw this blue globe come into the room. The globe sucked me up into it, inside was this bright white light which i went into. What i think happened at this point, is that i was tripping so hard my body went into shock and started shutting down so i didn't hurt myself. I had complete ego death and relived major portions of my childhood. What happened after this....remains a mystery. It took many hours for me to fully come back, i had rebuild who i was once more in order to function. An ego death of this magnitude is not something to fool around with. This is when i started having doubts about this mysterious entity that i saw.

It took me a long time before i was ready to journey again, but i felt like i needed to do it to somehow retrieve part of myself that i lost in my previous trip. I decided i would try to go for a strong dmt trip so i loaded up a rather obscene amount into my bubbler so it would be ready for multiple voyages. I smoked 2,3 hits and immidietely i started feeling her again. I didn't want to go in this direction, it felt like such a waste of spice to use it for pleasure in this way. I denied her, in the same way i built a mental wall previously. She immiedetely showed herself infront of me. When she came into the room, it litereally sucked most of the light out of the room into her. She was surrounded in this halo of darkness and it felt like it someone was trying to break into my head with a hammer. I've never felt something so wrong in my entire life. It felt very intelligent, very real. Instead of getting scared i got angry at this thing. It felt like a parasite and was stopping me from experiencing anything on dmt except sexual pleasure. I got angry at her, i built my wall stronger and thats when i broke through.

It literally felt like i went to dmt hell. It felt like this thing took me somewhere far far away. I saw it's true form and it was a nightmare. She looked like a 300 year old decaying woman riding on this prehistoric beast in the air raining down bits of skin and bone. It was flying over a lake of fire she held this trident in her hand and was laughing at me. It tried to cause fear inside of me, to control me. It tried to show me that she was the only thing for me and that i should accept it without a hesitation. Instead of being scared, it only made me stronger. I denied it with every ounce of my being and would not show any fear what so ever. What seemed like an eternity later it ended. When i came back, my bedroom was flooded with this brilliant white lite and i felt strangely at peace.....for the first time in a very long time. I felt more free then i ever have in my entire life. I felt like i had a ton of energy and this feeling has persisted since then. For some reason i was so sleepy all the time, like i needed to take naps in order to function normally. All of that went away.

That was the last time i encountered her...... Part of me wants to believe that it wasn't real, that what i encountered was all made up in my head, yet part of me believes it is real. I don't think i will ever find out. I've never read anything similar to what happened to me, i've never encountered something that felt so real on a dmt experience. Part of me thinks that this thing has been around me for a very long time, and that DMT showed it to me. I don't know what to think anymore.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates

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#2 Posted : 2/9/2010 6:51:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Why fight it, why fight her? All it's got to work with is your state of mind. If your mind is suspicious, if your mind is cluttered with paranoia of the occult, then this is what it will take from you when it tries to meld with you.

Surrender to her, let her into your head, they have work to do. They need to map you so that they can find the best way to give you what you need. The more you smoke, the more you fight and deny, the more horrific it will be.

You must let go.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#3 Posted : 2/9/2010 7:35:45 AM
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ghostman wrote:

Why fight it, why fight her? All it's got to work with is your state of mind. If your mind is suspicious, if your mind is cluttered with paranoia of the occult, then this is what it will take from you when it tries to meld with you.

Surrender to her, let her into your head, they have work to do. They need to map you so that they can find the best way to give you what you need. The more you smoke, the more you fight and deny, the more horrific it will be.

You must let go.

It's strange for me to choose to fight a psychadelic experience. I used to always be the type to just go with the flow especially when it came to the spice. I even accepted her presence for a long time...but things just got too wierd with it. I choose to fight this certain prescence because when i gave the least bit of resistance it tried to scare the shit out of me.

I'm not really paranoid at the accult lol, i just have a passing interest in it really. The only thing that i really read into with that anyways is projection and meditation techniques. I try not to read about negs for this very reason lol. Thanks for the response tho Smile.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates
#4 Posted : 2/9/2010 8:11:59 AM

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Redguard wrote:
ghostman wrote:

Why fight it, why fight her? All it's got to work with is your state of mind. If your mind is suspicious, if your mind is cluttered with paranoia of the occult, then this is what it will take from you when it tries to meld with you.

Surrender to her, let her into your head, they have work to do. They need to map you so that they can find the best way to give you what you need. The more you smoke, the more you fight and deny, the more horrific it will be.

You must let go.

It's strange for me to choose to fight a psychadelic experience. I used to always be the type to just go with the flow especially when it came to the spice. I even accepted her presence for a long time...but things just got too wierd with it. I choose to fight this certain prescence because when i gave the least bit of resistance it tried to scare the shit out of me.

I'm not really paranoid at the accult lol, i just have a passing interest in it really. The only thing that i really read into with that anyways is projection and meditation techniques. I try not to read about negs for this very reason lol. Thanks for the response tho Smile.

I find your story very interesting. I too have been to some very dark places where there was no light, I have never known such complete and utter darkness, devoid of life and light. I had two black glass beings muttering and contemplating my existence in this black void. I did not want to be there, I thought I had died and I asked for some light, something, some color. Eventually it came and I started slipping out of it.

At the time I was in my honeymoon phase with spice and obsessively smoking it to see where I would go. I was generally frustrated in life and was becoming increasingly frustrated with not breaking through or my journeys going all wonkey-like, like a tricycle that had lost a wheel.

I think my pointless persistence got the better of me and I had to remind myself of my intent. I had to take a step back and reevaluate why I was doing this, what it meant to me.

OK, it's so fucking weird that I couldn't possibly tell you what it means.

What I have had to do, and I have not had an easy ride on spice, was embrace it all, the dark and the light. The darkness has been a big theme for me, entities raping my mind and soul, being picked apart by metal mantoid pincers, having my head pinned down and probes in my ear and eye, having my head opened up and them picking around inside of it to reprogram me.

But I have been greatly rewarded for this. When you said that it felt like they were going at your head with a sledge hammer... the best thing to do would be to invite them, to let them in, surrender to what they need to do. If it does turn out their intentions aren't good, then first learn them in order to turn them away.

I had to let them into my head, otherwise they would have taken to it with a jack-hammer.

They needed this because they have to write a map, they need an API or what I call a Consciousness Interface. They need the contents of my head in order to plug me in. They can only work with what you bring.

My 'guardian',in hyperspace is a female serpent. So many times she has scared the bejeezus out me, for example if I resisted or if I lost focus and was not paying attention. Now that I have learned to let her have her way, I have been greatly rewarded and left feeling blissed out like a massive weight has been removed from my life.

I still have moments when I resist, I recently had a serpent thing going that was a little too much serpent for me. The serpents want to consume me. I know this is something I am just going to have to let them and their flickety little tongues do. They will consume from the inside out.

These are lessons, teachings and processes that we have to go through. They come, we face them, they pass and we move on.

They have work to do, they are busy-busy Wink

Good luck brother.

Peace and love.

PS. Have you tried Changa?
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#5 Posted : 2/9/2010 8:54:54 AM

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I had an experience with some similar elements - the beautiful woman very much physically in my face; not breaking through, but more a feeling of sliding across the membrane; dark, unpleasant visuals and a real sense of present evil. I got really fucking angry with it and fought my way out of the trip. Even somehow made a cup of tea, and had a shower. I had a really strong sense that this was definitely NOT something I wanted to be involved with in any way. It was fundamentally not the same as any other journey I'd been on.

There are dark places in hyperspace, but this was not the same thing. Also felt powerfully horny afterwards, almost obsessively so.

It was really difficult to go back In after that one; but I felt I had to. I haven't experienced anything like it since, but I really spend a lot of time preparing before I go in. Hours usually. Clean the house, make everything just so, go for a long walk and then stretch, meditate, clear my head until I get a clear sense of intent, and I feel the intent is wholly positive.

Good luck - sounded like a pretty horrendous experience you had - hope the next is sweeter.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#6 Posted : 2/9/2010 2:54:03 PM
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Wow, i really appreaciate the replies and see that others have experienced similar experiences. 88, the feeling of sliding across a cool dark membrane really hits close to home. Accept i could actually feel it inside of me stimulating my very being. Ghostman, the woman i see is very reptillian as well, very snake like. I have not felt her full presence for about a good six months now and i have been journeying semi frequently since then. It's hard for me see what her intentions our, but the relief i felt after my last confrontation with her, the fact that she hasn't come back since, seems to tell me that they were not good. It seems tho that she is part of me, and that i can call her at a moments notice when i am journeying.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates
#7 Posted : 2/10/2010 12:29:02 AM


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I had some dark experiences myself early on. There were timies when I would get a sense of evil like an invisible cloud coming in. Lurkers, waiting for me to let my guard down while toking spice. After several encounters with 'agents' telling me spice was used solely for 'milking' souls from 'stupid humans', I began looking up wards to post near where I would journey.
Once, on a journey, I felt the presence of darkness and I had simply had it and yelled, "BEGONE!". I meant it. I had no negative interference after that save the pesky little 'gnats' that seem like moths to a flame. And another where an entity (eyes open) threatened my fiance and pushed his hand through her chest and flicked me off. I felt no 'bad vibe' from him and simply ignored him. He went away. They all do. Whatever power they have I believe it is limited to intimidation. I still get the 'sign on the dotted line' feeling every so often, but I have a pretty active imagination.
This post and these experiences are the reason I have had such a hard time with 'surrender'.

Recently, I broke through after completely surrendering and was rewarded with...well indescribable beauty and bliss. However, since that time spice has not given me even close to the same effect. I feel like they got what they were after and now they are gone. I recall a short story where a tightrope walker made a shady deal with the devil. When the man asked what his side of the bargain was, the devil replied, "Don't worry, you wont even miss it..."

I don't miss it, either...yet.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#8 Posted : 2/10/2010 12:52:50 AM

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Question for you who've had these experiences;

Do you feel that your life has improved or worsened since these experiences ?

#9 Posted : 2/10/2010 1:57:58 AM


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This chemical has allowed this swimmer to make quantum leaps in self awareness and growth. It showed me that I was worth quitting all of the bad habits ruining my 'golden temple'; smoking, drinking, cannabis, carbs(hehe)

The scary trips are simply tests of mettle. After viewing the otherside one tends to be much less fearful of the mundane. I used to be so shy and never felt my feelings mattered but I've come to value myself for what I am, one of a collective of seven billion but still a child of the universe after 65 million years of evolution, a house for an ego that 'knows' it is at the top of the food-chain, possibly a vessel for a 'higher-self' or soul, possibly destined for great things or possibly just going to be reintegrated into the dirt from whence I came.

Thanks to the spice, whatever happens then, I am okay with NOW.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#10 Posted : 2/10/2010 4:18:20 AM
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Espiridion wrote:

The scary trips are simply tests of mettle.After viewing the otherside one tends to be much less fearful of the mundane.

I never looked at it this way before and you are 100% correct. The spice has really stretched my limits of understanding and has forced me to confront many problems in my life and as a result I am a much better person today then i was before. Thank you for your insightful post.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates
#11 Posted : 2/10/2010 4:18:11 PM


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It makes me happy to have been of service.Very happy



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#12 Posted : 2/16/2010 6:56:39 AM
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Due to the encouragment of other Nexus members i now feel more free to post more of what happened to me. I have also included what happened for me question just what kind of entity i was dealing with and updated the timeline. Possibly more to come at a later date. This is extremely personal and I have not told...anyone accept you guys at the nexus. I want to thank everyone for the positive words and encouragment, it really does mean a lot to me.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates
#13 Posted : 2/16/2010 7:59:27 AM

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Redguard wrote:
Due to the encouragment of other Nexus members i now feel more free to post more of what happened to me. I have also included what happened for me question just what kind of entity i was dealing with and updated the timeline. Possibly more to come at a later date. This is extremely personal and I have not told...anyone accept you guys at the nexus. I want to thank everyone for the positive words and encouragment, it really does mean a lot to me.

The Nexus is a family, really, these people rock. I was so happy to find this community. I mean who was I going to talk to about the amazing things that had happened to me?

You have to talk about it, you have to write it down.

What you get out of this community is what you put in. It's all about the consensus. We can all contribute and share, then can all reap from the share-pool. I have learned so much from the TEK information as well as peoples' accounts. It's like therapy to find the commonalities, to help us process the experiences.

Don't stop sharing Smile

Peace and Love.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
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