To echo what the others have said, it's best to avoid combining MDMA and changa/harmalas.
That said, I've seen enough people do it without adverse effects that I no longer believe it's quite as dangerous as one would be lead to believe by just reading the generic contraindication information.
I'd hypothesize that using harmalas with MDMA would significantly increase the neurotoxicity since MDMA basically breaks open the SERT pathway and allows other neurotransmitters to be taken up and oxidize inside the neuron. Since harmalas increase the concentration of neurotransmitters in the synapse, it stands to reason one would experience a proportional increase in neurotoxicity when combining harmala with MDMA. This would be an interesting experiment for someone with the means to test it.
We don't have data on the half life of harmalas when smoked/vaporized, it's most assuredly shorter than oral or sublingal administration, but a good rule of thumb is to go with the oral numbers and have a gap of at least 3 days (72 hours) in either direction.
The synergy with LSD is better anyway.