So I did a few cybs hybrid teks and now I have a few bottles with base bark mixture. Both older teks and the one just finished yielded very low. I doubt bark source is the real issue because it's a reputable source,rather my technique. Could it be that I overacidified or maybe overbased? I did both respectively but still ended up with yields nonetheless around half percent yield. My very first extraction, also cybs hybrid I remember I got about 1% done everything more or less right, with for more in it, but that's too long ago.
The previous extractions from which I still have those bottles they have been standing still with a bit of Naptha left in each. I read that acid stage and basify stage are both to initially get dmt out of the bark and break down cell wall. I assume that the bark in these bottles that have been sitting for about 2 months now are completely deprived. What about I add about 50ml of naptha to each bottle and mix every 3-6 hours or so at room temp for a few days then pull, evap and precip. Will I get it all out in one pull or better to do multiple pulls?
Also then I would like to re x my dmt. I can probably smoke it rn but I wanna just get it cleaner for a better smoke, I mean if im going trough all the hassle whats the extra step anyway.
I'll have a jar of Naptha, probably half a liter if not some more that I want to get the dmt out of. I must say this jar has just been standing in my room in the light, has this maybe ruined the dmt in it?
If not, his point could i just throw in all the dmt in the naptha jar and then mini a/b this? So that would be, done twice, 500 ml water with about 60ml vinegar. Then topped with about 250-300ml of Naptha, mix 10x then suck up everything but the acid water. Then 50g of NaOH added to 200ml water, solution poured into the bottle. Add 50ml of Naptha, mix 5 times then pulled into one dish that ill evap to about half. So about 600ml evapped at room temp in front of a fan till about 1/2 to 1/4 remains. Then freeze precip 24 hours and scrape.