long noob solvency question: ethyl acetic acid derivation and freebase desert plant alks Options
#1 Posted : 3/23/2022 3:12:48 AM
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Hi, I'm new here. So new that this is my first post, so I trust that this isn't a "utilization the internet searcher" question. I have an exceptionally restricted comprehension of the natural science of extraction and just can't track down any information about the dissolvability of freebase trichocereus alkaloids in the dissolvable ethyl acetic acid derivation an ester compound delivered in wine maturation.

Here is all I know:
XlogP is a worth which has _something_ (yet perhaps not everything?) to do the dissolvability of a compound in a dissolvable. The XlogP of mescaline in the "Properties of Psychedelic Compounds" list is given at 0.7, equivalent to that of ethyl acetic acid derivation. Mesc fb is dissolvable in natural solvents with a lot higher and lower xlogP (xylene 2.5, isopropyl liquor 0.4) and insoluble in ether which is 0.9 xlogP. Accepting that any of that is exact data, I actually has no clue about what that implies.

I've heard that the freebase type of mescaline is nonpolar so it is dissolvable in solvents like toluene and xylene, however not very nonpolar, as it is marginally (alter: "reasonably"Pleased solvent in water and insoluble in a few nonpolar hydrocarbons like light naphtha or cyclohexane*. I likewise heard-tell that ethyl acetic acid derivation is additionally marginally nonpolar. Excuse the dispersed information, I have no clue about what I'm referring to, simply attempting to introduce all that I know up to this point.

I've heard that ethyl acetic acid derivation is poisonous, however not very in this way, and not likely hazardous at the degree of openness that could happen during a commonplace corrosive/base extraction. I've heard that it's a famous dissolvable for alkaloid extraction, and is utilized for an enormous scope to decaffinate tea and espresso, and I believe it's a cleaning dissolvable too. I think it responds with solid acids and bases to deliver ethyl liquor/acidic corrosive OR sodium acetic acid derivation (expecting Na+ base) and ethanol. These aren't hazardous builds for rough extraction, and the response occurs at a progressive rate which doesn't disallow its utilization as a somewhat normal dissolvable for a/b extraction of alks...I think.

I've seen mescaline blend techniques that notice taking shape the eventual outcome (perhaps freebase?) out of ethyl acetate**, however I don't know how appropriate that reality is to its utilization as a dissolvable for a/b extraction from plant material.

I know that it's more risky than a few different solvents however I have an unmistakable desert flora extraction that calls for it. I really want a dissolvable for desert plant alkaloids which isn't over the top toxic or costly, doesn't smell too appallingly, and will dissipate promptly. In short I want non-solvent ethanol. Isobutanol (which has been tried to have similar ingestion range as EtOH of mescaline FB, whatever that implies) would be a subsequent option, however it's somewhat more miscible, somewhat more costly, could pull a ton of tar, and dissipate more slow:

I would utilize ethyl acetic acid derivation like one would d-limo in a portion of the more famous desert plant teks for the accompanying proposed formula for a palatable planning of cactus medication:

-Desert flora powder is pulled with EtOH/water x3
-dissipated to eliminate the liquor, lessen to a fluid concentrate of little volume
-defat with paraffin wax x1
-base to 12 with lime or lye
-pull w/ethyl acetic acid derivation x3
-carbonate wash
-dissipate to lessen volume, adding limited quantities of dry ethanol to cleanse all the ethyl acetic acid derivation
-to the dry** liquor/freebase, add dissolved cocoa margarine in how much one scaled down square for every 25-50g dry beginning material
-dissipate remaining liquor from cocoa margarine with an attractive stirrer set in a dehydrator on low
-add fine sugar, premium crude and dutched cocoa powder blend, and soy lecithin
-blend to homogeneous (around 12hrs) on low (50C/120F) in dehydrator
-fill molds, set in the refrigerator

Freebase desert flora alkaloids are supposed to be burning/possibly disturbing, however so are numerous fundamental plant oils (peppermint, oregano, d-limo) which are usually devoured weakened in food varieties. While I am hypothesizing about whether this will work, from past endeavors I do KNOW (instead of all his reasoning) that 1/2g of prickly plant freebase broke up in a dim chocolate transporter in a past preliminary didn't pose a flavor like consuming (Simpsons, anyone?). Fortunately it didn't taste that vastly different than dim chocolate.

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#2 Posted : 3/23/2022 3:52:26 AM

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Hello and welcome!

Ethyl acetate works and there's no need to reinvent the wheel - save yourself some time and just read this. The version in the wiki is a shorter read, of course.

In summary:
Cactus powder is mixed with lime and made into a firm paste with water
This is pulled with several portions of ethyl acetate
The alkaloid is recovered by adding crystals of citric acid
Crystals of monomescaline citrate form
The solvent is drained off and the crystals are washed with a little fresh ethyl acetate

It's very simple, but make sure you read and understand the full instructions to maximise your chances of getting the best results.

Dark chocolate appears to be a viable administration medium for this extract as well.

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