null24 wrote:You could freeze precip in any suitable container, but you’ll want to consider the ease with which you’ll be able to remove sticky, powdery, gooey stuff from it. My favorite is a square Pyrex baking dish with a well fitting lid. Curves aren’t your best friend in this situation.
I cut corners on a recent extraction and got a cheap round pyrex and a good part of the last couple yields will likely never be harvested.
Cut corners, double entendre?

Couldn't the leftover stuff be dissolved in a solvent and precipitated in the aforementioned square pyrex? Perhaps as a part of a future extraction, or in some solvent to be used for a re-x?
I have corner buildup in my rectangular pyrex dish, I'll be dissolving in ethanol to make a changa with.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.