totally orgasmic Options
#1 Posted : 1/31/2010 9:57:45 PM
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Full moon last night, bit of a S.H.E. going on but I was a few hours late for that.

I had an ounce of my weekend 'go juice' right around midnight. This juice was made with a CWE on some plants, egg white tek'd, reduced, and then fortified with jungle. One ounce probably contains: 3g syrian rue, 4.5g caapi, 3g mimosa, 80mg jungle fumarate.

At around 30 minutes, I went outside to smoke a bowl of jungle infujzed leaf while staring at the moon. My trees looked really waxy and alien, it would make an great painting.

I go for a bowl in the shower at about 60 minutes, still feeling the after effects of the moon light tokes (I looked really elvish in the mirror). Lights off, water temperature set to just above warm, bowl packed and lighter at the ready.

I take the first of two rips and while holding it in I heard the droplets of water whizzing by me like digital blades cutting through the steam. One of them hits the ground and a short burst of blue laughter erupts from the floor. The streams of water begin to take on chattering voices.

I take the second rip, carefully place the pipe outside, sit down, and close the 'shower door' (hardly recognizable). I close my eyes and am blessed with a room of vividly bright colors and an entity or two made of twisting ribbons with rushes of colors and patterns engulfing and streaming off of them from a few different centers on their bodies.

And they are very, very happy. Ecstatic, dancing, writhing in their pleasure, and very welcoming. When I move my head just the slightest bit I can see their pattern centers move in turn. The dimensions don't overlay at all; my left is all sorts of directions for them. They can hardly contain themselves, shuddering and vibrating, guiding me to where the water is best for them.

One screams (with yellow), "OOOOH RIGHT THERE!" and its pattern centers begin resonating with some wild kind of symmetry.

Entities merge. "I" am dissolute. For a lack of better words: everything explodes.

The complete physical and spiritual bodies combined and over-intertwingled-layed in some insane isomorphic transcendence as every pixel of being is erupting with insatiably divine zero-point ENERGY!

There is a span across more than many rooms, but multiple channels of hyperspace. Everything is exploding in each of these channels as they are powered through with incredible voracity.

Some number of entities, all down from room partiers up to channel overseers, are flowing through and inhabiting this body. They^we are aware of it physically from the perspective of the dimensions and angles of hyperspace, inside and out.

There is no space for thought or emotion, the orgasmic feeling of "OH GOD OHGODOHGODOHGOD!" is far beyond extreme bliss.


This godly incredible experience lasts, and lasts, for an unknowingly long period of hypertime.

These eyes open under their own volition and each these hands have twenty some-odd fingers, the shower appears to be another of the many rooms of hyperspace, yet dimmer. A glimmer of thought appears, "GOOD GOD! whathe fuck iswasis thathis!?" The eyes close to return and previously orgasmic feeling is down just a notch as there is now room for a piece of shared sentience. With some help, the divine energy is found and ridden out until full thought sentences are capable of occurring.

Soooo good. Just having this in my memory's experience bank is like having a la-z-boy on tap.

I have not experienced anything remotely similar to this before on any journey, any ticket, or any combination of ingredients. Not that I know of anyway.

I went to bed for another bowl, but this was not anywhere near as intense. Colorful though.

Spice had gone colorless on me for a few months, I am extremely happy the color has returned.

I think I may have caught the 'go juice' at its peak, combined with some overlap effects from the previous bowl under the moon. Also the heat from the shower probably increased something.

The 'maybe' side of me thinks the full moon's energy played a part. Also the other people on Earth who were out partying hard due the full moon or saturday or both, may have synergized on the collective unconscious or hive mind level.

In reality, I still have no idea what happened Laughing

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#2 Posted : 1/31/2010 10:24:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds like a really nice breakthrough!

I sure like your way writing reports, brother! Keep the ColOurs flowing Very happy
#3 Posted : 2/1/2010 12:24:07 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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Awesome report. Glad to read such experiences. I had a nice time under the moon the last few nights, I love the moon.

Much love.
#4 Posted : 2/1/2010 12:52:44 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Awesome report - I love the details! I've had something similar happen and wound up calling it a "soul orgasm." Incredible experience. Came out of it yelling, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" and expecting the neighbors to call the cops I was making so much noise as I emerged from trance . . .

Whatever happened to you, it sounded wonderful and your report was delightful. Thanks.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#5 Posted : 2/2/2010 4:25:21 PM
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Pandora: I could see calling it a "soul orgasm" Very happyVery happyVery happy
"indescribably transcendental beyond-bliss" sure is a mouthful Laughing

I'm glad someone else can relate Pleased

I read your report "Odd & wonderful manifestations of healing" and noticed that we both built up to the experience with multiple doses.

Have you been able to recreate the experience? What conditions beyond the DMT (physical or metaphysical) do you think played a part in it?

Spiceman: Can you elaborate some details of how you get to those places? Is this just one of those "the spice will show you when the time is right" sort of things?
#6 Posted : 2/2/2010 8:59:34 PM
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Spiceman wrote:
Very nice report... ive came back from very similar places and realized id actually had a physical orgasm. godspeed

This seems to have occured with other people as well.
Wsaged has also written about it.

I have a simmilar experience. I remember that it was even quite a large amount of fluid being released.
#7 Posted : 2/3/2010 3:27:33 AM
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polytrip wrote:
I have a simmilar experience. I remember that it was even quite a large amount of fluid being released.

azrael wrote:
Have you been able to recreate the experience? What conditions beyond the DMT (physical or metaphysical) do you think played a part in it?

#8 Posted : 2/3/2010 5:07:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome report =p DMT can make you feel amazing and vibrating with tiny sexy blue shapes haha, but then sometimes it doesn't. Swim hasn't found the secret to these orgasmic trips yet they seem random.
#9 Posted : 2/6/2010 5:01:28 AM

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Wow!!! Sounds like quite a journey my friend.

Though SWIM has not yet felt this state of ineffable bliss you speak of (at least not to the extent that you seemed to experience it), certain aspects of the journey remind him of things that he has encountered before. During his second to last experience, SWIM was greeted by an entity that sounds exactly like the one you encountered ...

I close my eyes and am blessed with a room of vividly bright colors and an entity or two made of twisting ribbons with rushes of colors and patterns engulfing and streaming off of them from a few different centers on their bodies.

Seriously, you described her exactly as I remember seeing her. Just curious...have you encountered this entity before? did she appear to have a feminine presence to you as well? how did she make you feel?

The reason for my curiosity is that until recently, SWIM had not encountered many entities and meeting this particular one was very meaningful for him...her presence was warm and radiant and made SWIM feel protected and loved. He suspects that she is a sort of "spiritual guide" that had revealed herself to him for the first time.

On another note, there really was something special about that night you speak of. The presence of the full moon enticed SWIM to go for a journey as well. What resulted was his first full breakthrough and his deepest, most profound experience to date. He has not yet had a chance to report on that journey but will do so in the near future (keep your eye out for it)

Anyways, this dreamer is being called to journey again tonight and this has set the tone quite nicely. Many thanks.


You seem like quite a colorful character. Keep up those trip reports. Best of luck to you on your future journeys.


"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite"
-Aldous Huxley

"Though it seems that I know that I know, what I would like to see is the I that sees me when I know that I know that I know."
-Alan Watts

Please note that all my posts are 99% fictional. The remaining 1% is a direct manifestation of my overactive imagination and exaggerated accounts of things that may or may not have happened. Therefore, I shall not be held accountable for any statements, beliefs, or ideas expressed here. Furthermore, by choosing to accept what I say as fact, you are subjecting yourself to the viewpoints of an individual who in accordance with societal standards, might just be considered "crazy".
#10 Posted : 2/6/2010 5:30:31 AM

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azrael wrote:
Full moon last night, bit of a S.H.E. going on but I was a few hours late for that.

I had an ounce of my weekend 'go juice' right around midnight. This juice was made with a CWE on some plants, egg white tek'd, reduced, and then fortified with jungle. One ounce probably contains: 3g syrian rue, 4.5g caapi, 3g mimosa, 80mg jungle fumarate.

At around 30 minutes, I went outside to smoke a bowl of jungle infujzed leaf while staring at the moon. My trees looked really waxy and alien, it would make an great painting.

I go for a bowl in the shower at about 60 minutes, still feeling the after effects of the moon light tokes (I looked really elvish in the mirror). Lights off, water temperature set to just above warm, bowl packed and lighter at the ready.

I take the first of two rips and while holding it in I heard the droplets of water whizzing by me like digital blades cutting through the steam. One of them hits the ground and a short burst of blue laughter erupts from the floor. The streams of water begin to take on chattering voices.

I take the second rip, carefully place the pipe outside, sit down, and close the 'shower door' (hardly recognizable). I close my eyes and am blessed with a room of vividly bright colors and an entity or two made of twisting ribbons with rushes of colors and patterns engulfing and streaming off of them from a few different centers on their bodies.

And they are very, very happy. Ecstatic, dancing, writhing in their pleasure, and very welcoming. When I move my head just the slightest bit I can see their pattern centers move in turn. The dimensions don't overlay at all; my left is all sorts of directions for them. They can hardly contain themselves, shuddering and vibrating, guiding me to where the water is best for them.

One screams (with yellow), "OOOOH RIGHT THERE!" and its pattern centers begin resonating with some wild kind of symmetry.

Entities merge. "I" am dissolute. For a lack of better words: everything explodes.

The complete physical and spiritual bodies combined and over-intertwingled-layed in some insane isomorphic transcendence as every pixel of being is erupting with insatiably divine zero-point ENERGY!

There is a span across more than many rooms, but multiple channels of hyperspace. Everything is exploding in each of these channels as they are powered through with incredible voracity.

Some number of entities, all down from room partiers up to channel overseers, are flowing through and inhabiting this body. They^we are aware of it physically from the perspective of the dimensions and angles of hyperspace, inside and out.

There is no space for thought or emotion, the orgasmic feeling of "OH GOD OHGODOHGODOHGOD!" is far beyond extreme bliss.


This godly incredible experience lasts, and lasts, for an unknowingly long period of hypertime.

These eyes open under their own volition and each these hands have twenty some-odd fingers, the shower appears to be another of the many rooms of hyperspace, yet dimmer. A glimmer of thought appears, "GOOD GOD! whathe fuck iswasis thathis!?" The eyes close to return and previously orgasmic feeling is down just a notch as there is now room for a piece of shared sentience. With some help, the divine energy is found and ridden out until full thought sentences are capable of occurring.

Soooo good. Just having this in my memory's experience bank is like having a la-z-boy on tap.

I have not experienced anything remotely similar to this before on any journey, any ticket, or any combination of ingredients. Not that I know of anyway.

I went to bed for another bowl, but this was not anywhere near as intense. Colorful though.

Spice had gone colorless on me for a few months, I am extremely happy the color has returned.

I think I may have caught the 'go juice' at its peak, combined with some overlap effects from the previous bowl under the moon. Also the heat from the shower probably increased something.

The 'maybe' side of me thinks the full moon's energy played a part. Also the other people on Earth who were out partying hard due the full moon or saturday or both, may have synergized on the collective unconscious or hive mind level.

In reality, I still have no idea what happened Laughing

Wow really amazing report Azreal. It reminds me very much of m y last toke which was one or two nights ago that i took prior to retiring for the evening.
For me it's been awhile since the intense colors (that you put in your post) have made their presence and also a long time since I heard the auditory hallucinations. Most of the time I will at least get the ringing in my ears but the other night I got the high pitch singing that you sort of were describing. That and I was too was in those brightly colored rooms with the intense colors. Very intense and very other but at the same time I didn't lose self-awareness in this one. Which is just another examply of how this drug continues to surprise me. It's always different. The whole time "I" still existed and was aware of my toes and legs and arms and breathing but at the same time was, with closed eyes, way out there, or in there, not sure which and my lord was it a trip.
I still am unable to move through these environments and get clear images of the entities I am seeing. They always seem to be in my periphery and always seem to be laughing and I also can never seem to look around. Only look forward as the world changes and shifts in front on me.
Oh and man one time a months or so ago I opened my eyes while in a breakthrough and I had about twenty fingers too. They were in silhouette against the little bit of light behind my closed blinds from the distant street lights outside....
In any case this isn't my experience thread and I don't know if this is not kosher talking about your own in another persons and if it isn't then I apologize but I just thought I would remark on some of the similarities.

Really great choice of colors in your post and really great post bottom line.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Your pal,
#11 Posted : 2/6/2010 9:50:46 PM
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Thanks, I love commonalities between experiences Very happy

This particular creature was shaking and dancing, brimming with whatever was going on. Don't know if I've run in to it before, and I say "it" because I didn't really get a gender vibe this time. I'm still not sure if what happened was from this one creature or the general space I was in overall, but it all most certainly made me feel quite good.

I don't know if I'm right at all, but I think of the entities made of flowing ribbons as one of the hyperspace species out there. I ran into one that was like a corporate zombie type bummed out about something but happy to show me the alien text it was composed of. Some merely acknowledge me, some enjoy putting on a show, some don't even notice me. Some are larger than others, made of more ribbons, flowing faster, tighter weave - but like humans also have pretty unique personalities.

Sounds like you met a great one! If you get a chance to meet her again, try respectfully asking her about herself or to show you some things. Let her do the work though, I've had experiences snatched from me for trying to impose my desired perceptions on entities. "Relax, let go, receive with love" and all that sort of stuff is good advice.

Will look out for your full-moon report Pleased


Thanks man, glad you can relate Very happy

As for the entities on the periphery, I know what you mean. Try increasing the dose just a little bit, it can help a lot. Beyond that, sometimes it's just a matter of doing some real deep work in and out of hyperspace - they reveal themselves to you when you are ready (I never liked that point of view, but sometimes it's just the way it is)

Clarity is a neat topic, some good ideas are buried around the forum. I'm not really at a time in my life where I can experiment so I haven't really researched these avenues, but: piracetam, lsa, stramonium, and of course harmalas (specifically caapi or thh over rue) are reported to bring sharper definition.

IMHO pot makes everything, in and out of hyperspace, hazy as the coast before sunrise. I don't know if it's your thing, but if so then take a few days break before a launch and see if it's different. Other people find pot to work positively with hyperspace, I consider them very lucky Smile

Before mixing in other things: try just getting up early, eating healthy, and putting in a good long day of work before an evening journey to get an anchor to work from (as the control sample). This was a personal lesson taught to me by the spice and once I followed it I began receiving glorious rewards.

For a while the entities literally would tell me "why are you doing this? you're hungry for real food, go make a sandwich and get some shit done," or "and now you're going to be up late to get a late start tomorrow on the shit you should have done tonight," or "this is not where you can try to go to get away from anything, it is where you might get to go once you get your shit done." Laughing

After taking their good advice, they started opening up waaay more. I also started getting my shit done on a daily basis, after however many thousands of voices had to tell me to just get on it. Very grateful for the spice.
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