First Time Experience... Lackluster Options
#1 Posted : 9/28/2021 12:29:30 PM
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I tried DMT in a vape cartridge for the first time tonight. At first, I did several small tokes to get a feel for DMT... a combination of Nitrous Oxide (body high), Salvia (initial blast off), with geometric visuals similar to LSD, but colorful displays similar to shrooms with eyes closed.

On my next couple journeys, I hit the vape as long as I could then held my breath until I needed to breath and inhaled more oxygen holding it for longer, then exhaled and toked another deep hit all while it was kicking in. Each time before, I could hear the music in my headphones so I knew I was still grounded but this time, I experienced ego death... but still, it was nowhere near as intense for me as the time I ate half a sheet (roughly 40 tabs) of acid! The visuals were very Aztec themed, but what I've heard others describe as mother earth watching over them during their journey somehow I knew that presence was MY identity, not some existential being. As the trip became stronger, I lost myself entirely and the visuals gave way to a cascading rainbow of the back of an Aztec jaguar who might of been the snake Quetzalcoatl. But I digress... this experience was absolutely nothing compared to Salvia 100x. The visuals quite calm compared to the time I ate a half an ounce of high potency shrooms. I guess my point is, with all of the hype, I really thought DMT would be a much different experience, but apparently I have either already reached those maximums from my prior experience with different compounds, or my DMT vape is simply not strong enough to get me to a breakthrough. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

All in all, I have definitely had much more cathartic experiences from LSD and shrooms than my experience tonight with DMT. I toked about 20 trips tonight, each time taking multiple hits to really feel the effects. I didn't really feel there was much to take away from the experience to be perfectly honest. Based on my experience tonight, I would recommend DMT to first time trippers for sure as a starting hallucinogen, but for the real experience, especially ones that help with PTSD or depression, I would recommend shrooms or LSD over DMT, or for a more powerful trip, Salvia. Please let me know if my experience matches yours, or if my liquid vape pen is perhaps too low a dose? I appreciate honest answers, and my feelings won't get hurt.

Thank you all and have a wonderful day!

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#2 Posted : 9/28/2021 1:42:36 PM

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I have no experience with carts but my best guess is you can't get a dose big enough for a breakthrough with the cart. This is from personal experience and not sure if other people can relate but I try to get my dose in below a minute and I am almost guaranteed a breakthrough.

A proper dose of spice is really intense, 2 big hits of changa and I'm flying around in places too beautiful to describe and the visions I have with my eyes closed feels clearer and crisper than I am seeing right now. Every time after I have been to hyper space I am left thinking what was that? I also almost immediately forget what I saw when I am back and only have a vague idea of what I saw.

#3 Posted : 9/28/2021 5:26:02 PM

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Welcome to Nexus, EternalLover.

You most likely have a problem with your equipment or technique. Perfecting the technique takes some time to learn. How long you should keep the vape in your lungs and how many times you should vape to approach the breakthrough dose are something you need to experiment on. Direct e-mesh setup is my preferred method if aiming for one hit breakthrough. Although, I haven't been doing that for a while, which leads to point number two.

DMT is a very powerful substance. Seems like you have been quite adventurous with psychedelics. It can fire back with DMT. If you try to force yourself in or have too bold an attitude, the DMT can tell you to back off. If you can approach it slowly and respectfully and reflect upon your intentions on why you are doing it, you are likely to gain much more from it.

For the above reasons I have mostly switched from vaping to eating dmt in form of pharmahuasca. You have more time to integrate what you are experiencing. When eating dmt, you need a source of MAOI. Syrian rue is commonly available. You can also combine it with vaped DMT and it's highly recommended. It makes the experience slower and deeper in my opinion.

Please, keep us updated on how you progress!

Edit: Oh, I forgot. There is also a tolerance that goes away in an hour. So, if you are practicing your technique, you should space out your hits so that you take like three good hits, holding them in for maybe 20 seconds and see where it gets you. If you don't get as far as you would like, try again later, not immediately after. If you take harmalas beforehand, the dmt lingers longer, so you can get deep even if you can't time your hits perfectly.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#4 Posted : 9/28/2021 6:11:44 PM

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Carts generally won't get you very far. Big grin

As Tomtegubbe shared, direct emesh or this v4 crucible will get you much farther.

It's hard to administer enough DMT in the proper time frame to get a breakthrough dose with carts. You also are unable to guage how much is in each hit.

I'm curious to hear how you feel once you get a "real" experience. Love

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
Dirty T
#5 Posted : 9/28/2021 7:09:39 PM

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I've been using a cart but it's 3 to 1 DMT to CBC in the full ceramic with a drop of terpenes to help the flow and I breakthrough with it just fine. I've ordered a candy vape twice and both times they canceled the order. I've had breakthrough experiences with LSD and Psilocybin as well but we're talking the 25mg not ug range on the Acid (40 hits means nothing, LSD is dosed in terms of ug) and 2+ oz of normal Psilocybin or 14+ grams of my Albinos which are 3x stronger than my normal mushrooms. DMT has a distinct and separate effect. You will learn why we call it 'Hyperspace'. One thing I will note, you cannot just keep attempting to breakthrough over and over in a short period. Give it an hour between attempts. With my cartridge I have to pulse fire 4 seconds on 2 off to prevent bubbles. What exactly is in your cartridge? Please don't tell us you don't know or you bought it, that's probably 80% of the problem right there.
#6 Posted : 9/29/2021 1:11:23 AM

My Personalized Tag

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"I bungee jumped off a bridge... it was nowhere near as intense as the time I base jumped from the ISS! Disappointed."

Personally I am extremely resistant to DMT, at least from mhrb, in any form. My friend, however, was sent to another universe for 4 hours from mimosa tea. He also didn't feel too impressed by vaped DMT. Everyone's different I guess.
Nonetheless I think vaping is the worst way to do any psychedelic.
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
Dirty T
#7 Posted : 9/29/2021 5:05:35 PM

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I have a friend that had a head injury at 12 that is convinced he cannot 'breakthrough' or experience 'ego death' with any substance. He is the one that steered me toward DMT as I grew mushrooms but had never experienced the molecule. I've been using psychedelics since 1995, my uncle actually introduced me to Phynecycledine first (I have caped that stuff too and oh boy I have never experienced PvP like gaping it, I remember saying to myself it loud "the drugs are good"Pleased. Vaporization has its uses. It does the trick for me with DMT but like bismallah stated everyone is different. I'm not going to say it's the most intense experience I've had (25mg acid had me stuck on a couch in a room full of "demons" for 6 hours. 2 oz. of Psilocybin turned to tea has put me on another plane of existence as well) but it definitely is the most intense thing I've experienced by vaping or smoking anything.
#8 Posted : 10/8/2021 7:20:28 PM
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So I tried again last night... sorry it's few and far between but I have small children and am lucky to get time to myself where I don't have anyone around.

So this time after reading the comments, I realized that you have to wait between sessions, so hitting it softly to "feel" the effects my first time probably killed the vibe. So last night, I hit it hard right from the get go and yeah, effects. Best way to describe it is as others have before... you feel like you're blasting off upwards into this sublime energy and everything looks... brighter with they eyes open, and what I'm looking at distorts and becomes... another place entirely. I've heard that called as lifting the veil, but I still felt very much (subconsciously) like this whole experience was just inside my head. Maybe it's just my viewpoint jading my experience?

There was this one time I woke up from a dream with the most absolute feeling I have had that dream several nights in a row... I literally fucking knew I did when I awoke, but I hadn't! It was the very first time I had ever had that dream before and I knew it, but the feeling I had that dream several times in the past remained. So I pondered on this a bit, then realized that sensation you feel where you think you "know" something or are certain of it, that you remember something, that awe-haw moment when you remember xyz.. those sensations are literally just chemical reactions in your brain and may not actually even be true at all! That "feeling" I had my dream many times in the past was untrue despite the nagging sensation I've experienced it many times before! So far from my experience with DMT, it is the same IMO. It is the faucets of the mind at play, people mistaking their subconscious during ego death as interstellar beings talking to them giving advice.

Anyway, I didn't see hardly any multi-colored runes this time with my eyes closed, not sure why. One thing I realized is that my vape pen was only about 3/4 way up in power the first time I hit it and this last time as well! I'm going to max it out soon and then hit it. Also, I keep hitting it while sucking in air to prevent coughing, same as I would with Salvia or or the evil lettuce, but next time, I'm going to try hitting it direct with almost no outside airflow, as much pure smoke as I can to see if that makes any difference. I feel like I'm pretty close to what others consider to be a "breakthrough", so hopefully this pushes me over the edge. Peace.
#9 Posted : 10/8/2021 8:22:15 PM

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Im not sure if im a total pussy or i just dont get good shit,
but i guess if you take half a sheet of good acid you would loose conciousness for the next couple of hours. And thats exactly what happens on dmt.
Maybe you did not smoke enaugh or you have to get down your technique.
But maybe getting physicaly unconcious and meeting enteties is not enaugh for you?
Also ive heard of a resistance against the substance.
For me its the most intence experience i ever did in a very special kind of way.

A question to the more experiences ones, if i want to break throug with acid i guess i have to take like 10000ug or more.
Would this mean to be in a breakthrough like state for the next 10 hours?
I mean when you brealthrough, time does not realy play a role any more but what about hydration?

For safety:
Never take 40 tabs of acid, there are tabs around with 600ug and more wich will kick your ass even if you half them.
If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.
#10 Posted : 10/9/2021 3:34:34 AM
WiFfLe In a WaFfLe BoX

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I've done a lot of LSD. I've done a lot of mushrooms. I've done a lot of DMT. DMT has the capacity to surprise me like none other. Each experience is unique and powerful in it's own right. Comparing and expectations can drive the experience. If you delve further into the DMT space I think you will find that powerful uniqueness can be quite humbling. I would certainly be interested to hear what you think about DMT over time. I would echo that it takes some time to get to the SPOT on DMT.

My experiences with psychedelics became somewhat lackluster for a time for me. I found this was the perfect time to take a break and integrate. I'm not saying that is what you need, I just feel like I need time in between my strong trips to figure it all out and integrate. I have the method down and I know how to get where I want and sometimes further than I intended. Sometimes the experience so far removes reality that returning to the body after a strong DMT trip can feel almost like this world is the trip. It comes and it goes. Sometimes my experiences are not as great as I would like, just the way it goes. Other times I find myself in waters I have never seen before wondering if I'll ever find my way back.

The ocean is much bigger than it seems from the shore.
#11 Posted : 12/14/2021 9:22:00 AM
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Tonight may have been a turning point. I went into the experience with zero anxiety... everyone was out of the house, put my piece on maximum, inhaled deeply almost zero oxygen and pure smoke, held for as long as I could, repeat.

This time was very similar to the others except way more intense. And this time, I was hit with waves of rainbow energy and I could feel within that energy all the knowledge of the universe, everything was in there and whatever I wanted to know, I just thought it and it was revealed to me, but it was all happening so quickly, its impossible to retain much of that knowledge!

And then I saw him... surrounded by Aztec symbols, I went through was is best described as a long hallway and at the end he was there, a deity! He was so intense... nothing I ever experienced before, nothing I expected to see... holy shit! I thought he was mad at me, but he just stared at me and I ventured to look at his face and the intensity was almost unbearable! When I first saw him, there was a naked human woman on his left which was totally out of place for this area because my surrounding was undulating rainbows, this deity was otherworldly, but she was a normal human like you would see in real life... crazy! And she was his... almost like a pet, but not in a bad way.

I desperately want to look this god up! Those symbols I saw, they absolutely were without doubt Aztec and Mayan symbols, so I think who I saw was an Aztec god. I want to know which one! I can still see his face!

Even after the experience ended, almost 30-minutes later, I can still see rainbows when I close my eyes and can feel the presence of that realm inside me... I don't know how else to describe it. Never had that experience before, where the sensation you are connected to this place lingers for so long. This particular time, I invited that energy within me. When I started breaking away from it, I could feel what felt like my spiritual shell closing my spiritual pathway (like how people remote view with an energy string) as my third eye was closing and cutting that bond. And yet, the bond still remains, although very slight now.

Anyway, I laid in bed thinking about those things and realized, I need to post this now before it's gone from my memory! I feel like if I had purer spice, I could go deeper. I will have to work on that.

EDIT: Holy shit, it was Kukulcan, otherwise known as Quetzalcóatl! What I forgot to mention previously is that I was following the serpents body through the hallway when I came across this being. Wow, my last couple DMT trips before this one, I saw the snake crossing my vision. This time, he revealed himself to me, his true shape/image. Wow, I am actually in shock right now at this realization! I don't really know what it means.
#12 Posted : 12/14/2021 2:15:40 PM

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I am glad that you had chance to experience that and come back to share with us Smile

IIRC the great snake is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. By revealing itself to you, you have been granted knowledge of hidden realms.
#13 Posted : 12/21/2021 9:46:13 PM
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So many questions even a week later...

I have never really paid much attention to Aztec and Mayan symbols before, until my vision, then when looking online for the deity, they matched my memory of the shape of the symbols exactly... EXACTLY! But I had never really paid attention before, I did not know them before! This means whoever etched the symbols on the central American pyramids was in-touch with the DMT mind! This means this (space) is a shared experience everyone can visit throughout the ages! WTF!! That is mind boggling!

And seeing Quetzalcoatl... WTF man, I literally didn't believe in any of this shit before, like straight up I knew of his existence from playing freaking Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition as a kid, but that was the very extent of my knowledge of this deity. How can this be an actual being existing outside the realm of our conscious, and how could the Aztec and Mayans have known of his existence, and how can he have existed in this realm through all eternity? OMG, my brain is still trying to make sense of all this...
#14 Posted : 12/22/2021 9:47:31 AM
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EternalLover, it is mindblowing how seemingly similar peoples' experiences are. When I had my first LSD trip years ago, I saw all the same stuff, religious figures, symbols from Mayan and Aztec culture I hadn't seen before. When I started experiencing DMT, same thing but with a much more intellectual and "true nature" feel. I had to totally re-evaluate my metaphysical ideas, coming from a strict atheist mindset before.

I don't mean that psychadelics have made me a religious person, but they have certainly thought me the universal nature and the interconnectedness of all things. It shouldn't really be surprising that we have shared knowledge and ideas just from existing, be it in human or any other form. We are a product of our environment and governed by the same physical laws as everything else. Seeing "human knowledge" as a product of our brain in isolation I think it's vastly simplifying the matter.

Now, WHERE does these images come from and how their mechanism of spreading works is another matter. How are our neural receptors able to extract the same images when using DMT as other people? Is the information in the drug itself? All good questions, but I haven't seen any good answers yet. People tend to ignore this question and assume it's confirmation bias of what they "think" a psychedelic experience should contain.

If two different groups of people, that never communicated, both smoke DMT and report swirling portals with jesters that suck you into hyperspace where you meet the same creatures, that is not a co-incident. It is either "real" (the entities and hyperspace does exist in an absolute sense), communicated through the plant, or having the plant activate pre-existing knowledge within our selves. My 2c.

#15 Posted : 12/22/2021 5:19:08 PM


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Consciousness is a mystery, so far unapproachable by science. As I understand it, fundamental science is very simple. The most complex area of science is emergent properties, and perhaps one day science may be able to explain consciousness in that framework, or maybe not. Maybe psychedelics offer clues and glimpses into something that tis outside and beyond what science can touch with its tools.

Why would science be applicable to everything? Despite its amazing successes, that seems a bit presumptuous.
💚🌵💚 Mescaline CIELO TEK 💚🌵💚
💚🌳💚DMT salt e-juice HIELO TEK💚🌳💚
💚🍃💚 Salvinorin Chilled Acetone with IPA and Naphtha re-X TEK💚🍃💚
#16 Posted : 12/23/2021 5:43:35 AM
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Thank you for your replies BongQuixote and Loveall!

I wanted to comment specifically about what you each said regarding consciousness;

In this video, the man died for 20-minutes. During this time, the EEG readers detected zero brain activity, yet the man could recall vivid details outside of his body during a time when there was no data recording.

This is well documented and there are hundreds of others, possibly thousands of confirmed reports. Scientists wanted to understand how this was possible, so they did several experiments. https://www.discovermaga...ould-upend-consciousness

What they discovered was that when people collaborate on a project, their brains will synchronize the firing of neurons in the same place in the brain at the same time in both participants showing they are both seeing the same thing and thinking the same thoughts, and there is nothing we understand with our current science that explains this except to accept that our consciousness does not actually reside within our bodies, but merely inhabits our bodies, but our od is actually located somewhere else.

I highly recommend you watch that video and read that link, it will change your perspective on consciousness forever!

One last link I would like to share with you all, something I wrote awhile ago called the Electromagnetic Consciousness. Anyway, while the read itself is short, the links I put in it will send you down an hour long rabbit hole. Well worth the journey to learn more about consciousness than you ever drempt, but I am just warning you, it will take a little time. In a nutshell, it discusses the ability to communicate and make conscious decisions by non-sentient lifeforms without an actual brain, and proof of reincarnation upending our very accepted reality of what consciousnesses is:

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