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So the other day I took some acid, and towards the end of my trip I do what I always do and smoked some changa. First couple hits, I'm in changa world and everything is amazing. I felt the familiar sensation of being weightless, and I looked out my window at the empty freeway below my apartment building. I imagined myself being able to fly over it, and I could feel the wind whipping through my astral body as I envisioned myself schooning above the asphalt. Suddenly a voice came into my head. "Do you want to experience that? I can show you how." I nodded to myself, yes. The voice told me I needed to purify myself first. I went to the bathroom and suddenly began just yakking up everything in my stomache out of nowhere. Felt like an ayahuasca purge. Then the voice commanded me to take a shower. I did so and then went and laid naked on my bed. I put on a Nicola Cruz mix and smoked some more changa, and then this weird sensation of being pulled from my body began. I stopped breathing, somehow knowing that my consciousness was not my body, and staying connected to bodily processes would stop me from escaping it. At the last minute, as the jet-engine noises rang out in my ears and the violent vibration that preceeds an OBE ramped up, it felt like something intervened on the process. "No, don't do this! This being trying to 'help' you doesn't have your best intentions in mind!" Immediately I got this download about how astral projection is something that's supposed to happen when a soul is ready to experience it, and anything that tries to induce it before it happens on it's own is trying to steal some life essence or something. Like, somethings trying to take your astral virginity. I sat up with a jolt, and suddenly I felt stupid...I felt like I was just groomed. It was so obvious something was trying to trick me into letting it get ahold of my subtle form. Laying naked in bed, having vomited and 'purified' myself....I felt like I had almost just fallen for the most obvious trick. Just served myself up to be taken advantage of by some extradimensional force. I've run the hyperspace gauntlet at this point. I know there are benevolent and parasitic forces that exist in the infinite, and when you consume DMT or Changa you're kind of flinging yourself ass backwards through hyperspace and you can't ever really be sure where you'll land or who you'll meet. I've met 'flirty fairies' that induced an erotic feeling and have then shown themselves to be like gross slug-looking parasites, and they explained to me they feed off our energetic/emotional states, and they try to induce intense emotional reactions in us in order to create a food source for themselves. It's not malicious; they're like mosquitos...you don't think a mosquito has anything against you personally when it sucks your blood, that's just what a mosquito does. Here's the thing: I'm working on a book about my extensive experiences with changa. I want the world to know about this drug....I think it's perfectly suited for a western demographic that maybe can't afford or are able to come down here to south america to do a proper aya ritual. With changa, you can tap into the spirit world and then go about your day. I've come to see changa as spiritual medicine, and it's helped me immensely, so I want other people that are on the seeking path to know it's at least a thing that exists and to document what it's capable of doing vis a vis my own experiences with it. But this experience last night....I get into arguments online with hardcore Christians sometimes, and when the subject of expanding your consciousness comes up, they're all adamant that things like yoga and psychedelics are dangerous because they open you up for possession from 'demons'. While I've never experienced this myself, I have met 'bad actors' many times in my voyages. I'm saavy enough to recognize them as such, but I'm having doubts in regards to if it's even a good idea to try and create a work of art that sings changa's praises and expounds upon the profound things this substance can offer without mentioning the potential dangers. What if someone tries this stuff and experiences what I experienced last night, but they don't have a spirit guide looking out for them that will warn them if they're being coerced into something that ultimately isn't beneficial to them? At the end of the day, when you go deep with changa you are messing with shit way way waaaaay 'above your paygrade' so to speak. I've had many trips that shook me, the sensation coming back being that of 'I am playing with the very fabric of reality and I truly don't know what I'm doing and I shouldn't be fucking around with something this powerful" Generally speaking, I've found your emotional/energetic state is the biggest determinator of the trip you have. I meet Gods who hit me with the most overwhelming and intense feelings of unconditional universal love when I smoke in an 'ecstatic state'. I meet parasite slug things when I don't come correct. I guess I'm just curious if anyone has encountered any 'predators' in their travels, or beings that present one way but are actually not as they seem. How susceptible are newbies to being tricked by these types of beings? Should changa stay this niche thing for those of us that are comfortable/adept at navigating hyperspace? How dangerous can this substance be for someone just trying to figure out this world on their own? I'm going to continue writing my little novella, but this experience has given me pause. Just be.
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I've changed my practice almost entirely to pharma/ayahuasca for the reason that the smoked/vaped spice frequently takes you to dimensions you are not ready yet. The amazement can lead to carelessness.
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changa_boi wrote: At the end of the day, when you go deep with changa you are messing with shit way way waaaaay 'above your paygrade' so to speak. I've had many trips that shook me, the sensation coming back being that of 'I am playing with the very fabric of reality and I truly don't know what I'm doing and I shouldn't be fucking around with something this powerful"
Oh yes, this is very familiar line of thoughts  Though I've never smoalked changa, freebase induces similar reverence and humbleness  changa_boi wrote: Generally speaking, I've found your emotional/energetic state is the biggest determinator of the trip you have. I meet Gods who hit me with the most overwhelming and intense feelings of unconditional universal love when I smoke in an 'ecstatic state'. I meet parasite slug things when I don't come correct. I guess I'm just curious if anyone has encountered any 'predators' in their travels, or beings that present one way but are actually not as they seem. How susceptible are newbies to being tricked by these types of beings?
Should changa stay this niche thing for those of us that are comfortable/adept at navigating hyperspace? How dangerous can this substance be for someone just trying to figure out this world on their own?
I'm going to continue writing my little novella, but this experience has given me pause.
There are many thread on similar topics, you just have to look for them  Check out this thread for example: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=835974#post835974
I think that when your metaphorical 3rd eye opens, the other side also can see and interact with you. And since you are maybe already stuggling to keep integrity, you are vulnerable and suggestible at this point. The question of preconditioning is very interesting of course. Would I meet devil in my trip if I didn't know of its existence? I think I still could. Many (if no the most) things in hyperspace do feel like unimaginable external actors, existing outside of our imagination. Therefore for newcomers, before engaging, I think it is better to know risks as well.
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Last week on 15mg vaped DMT I had some entities ask for my help with some other entities that have been causing trouble in hyperspace (they called it "the full void" but I knew what they meant) it was the first time an entity spoke to me outside of hyperspace. It was very strange. I agree that many people may act carelessly with DMT, my beliefs involve a lot of responsibility when using any psychedelic substance.
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You gotta watch out for that entity sauSage when in hyperspace, that guy is no good.
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Yeah, within the first 3-4 years of my use of dmt/changa I had the brunt of my experiences then, then my use over the remaining years up until now have dwindled, might smoke a good amount once a year.
The experience's I had early on [which were many] were incredibly challenging, powerful, moving, the words are near endless to attribute it; then again I realize the frailty of using language to attempt to put words to much if any of it [ime].
I have my thoughts and feelings on the experience, but certainly no cut n' dry absolutes, given that each and every time i'm 'there' those things are often effortlessly shattered.
For me some sort of pre ritual leading into has always served me well. Setting up the space, making sure I'm completely comfortable beforehand, then just going for it, with no intention at an attempt to control things or put up a resistance of any kind at the initial climb and/or during [I really don't think I have much choice there lol].
I feel that it's a great mystery that we're all wrapped up in. Looking back, I'm thankful for what i've experienced. Things [to me] seem to be not what they appear as, and i take a great comfort in that.
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Good questions. Ones that aren't discussed enough imo. I will journey sometimes when I am balling my eyes out in a depressive state. I think it's more about prose and approach than mood (at least for me it is). Having reverence and respect seem to do the trick pretty often for me. I have come across "nefarious" entities and spaces. My trick is having a frame of mind of indifference to them. They seem to want less then. I don't judge them, even if they may be seen as evil, (regardless they can still potentially be like the mosquito in their nature). I let any judgments I may be inclined to make be subjective. So instead of "that's scary," I will say, "that scares me." I've even had interactions with them, but "give" them nothing. I find that the "benevolent" ones do "favors" and give "gifts" for "free." Granted, I have a plural perspective with DMT; I entertain the possiblity it's all in my head, that it's external to me, etc. And oddly, many entities I come across seem to appraciate my skepticism. There was one instances of possession for me in smoalking a batch of changa with chaliponga as one of the herbs in the blend. Nothing bad happened, and I probably could've stopped the autonomous movement of my body by a seemingly other force, but I definitely kept my guard up. Don't stop writing. Just be sure to include details and precautions relative to the chaotic and ineffable nature of the experience. It helps me tremendously too, and many may find your writing as a gateway to helping themselves in someway. Since no one knows what's going on with these experiences, it's best to err on the side of caution, so again, great questions. One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 218 Joined: 14-Apr-2018 Last visit: 05-May-2024
Serious use of ayahuasca involves most of the time different sorts of prayers, protective songs, fumigation, sometimes herb-bathes to purify the body. These are all good examples of personal protection. No matter if they come from shipibo or santo daime traditions or, let's say the lesser ritual of the pentagram of crowley: it is important to have some protection going around in these worlds. It opens so many doors that we need to have some allies there in hyperspace. You cannot be rigorously enough when it comes to protection rituals, prayers and songs, but I think what is tricky with changa is that we can easily be ignoring with this like it is short lasting. Arthur Dee was one of the greatest alchemists of all time, not likely to his dad, I forgot his name, this small James Bond sorcerer working for the queen of a... Hail Arthur!
 DMT-Nexus member
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I'm glad to see this being talked about here. I find Torping to clear pretty much any negative interference. Torping and Soplar
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Posts: 120 Joined: 10-Apr-2021 Last visit: 12-Nov-2024
Yup, I've definitely been in that kind of situation. I listened to a podcast (Psychedelics Today?) a while back in which the guest proposed that in Hyperspace, there are a variety of entities with various motives and intentions. Some are friendly and benevolent, while others are just going about their business. But some are malevolent, even predatory, in their nature. For the most part, us travellers instictively avoid those dangerous beings the way a gazelle avoids something rustling through the tall grass. I thought that was a very good way to put that. Although, it occurred to me that it might not be a good thing to tell a newcomer to Hyperspace right away. The suggestion could stoke fear, inadvertently making them a target for the very predators we want them to avoid. I think it's a good thing to include in your book, but it definitely needs to be presented within a greater framework of how to keep oneself safe, both during and after a voyage. Iridium wrote:Story time! So, I'll be the first to admit that I am a slut in Hyperspace. (I'm kind of a slut in this reality too, so that tracks. But that's a different story. 😆  I've had my share of intimate encounters with beings I can't even describe, though I've written before about a chance encounter I had with a traveller who was unquestionably human. One encounter in particular though, I hooked up with a "guy" who definitely would have met most people's definition of a "tentacle monster". To our human sensibilites, he could very well have come straight out of a Lovecraft novella... Or a niche Anime film. He seemed like a good time though, good-natured and affable, so I agreed to hook up with him. Halfway through our tryst though, I started to feel like something was a little bit "off" about him. I looked inside his mind--that's something I can do in Hyperspace, apparently--and I realized that "he" was actually a "she". And, instead of just wanting to get our respective rocks off, she was actually attempting to lay her eggs inside me. Now, oviposition is something I've been curious about ever since I learned about it. But, this wasn't fun and games; her intention was for her eggs to hatch inside me, and her offspring would slowly devour me from the inside like those parasitic wasps that lay their eggs on caterpillars. I was definitely not about that, so I played it cool while I casually drew my metaphysical sword, and proceeded to hack that tentacle parasite thing to bits. After I threw her carcass down from the tower we were on, I went to a place I knew, kind of like a Hyperspace women's clinic, to make sure she didn't leave any surprises behind. The beings there determined that I was fine, and I drifted down feeling a little shaken, but mostly annoyed that I would have to finish back on Earth on my own. I have no idea what would have happened if I hadn't seen through her ruse, what effect those parasites would have had on my metaphysical, spiritual, or even physical self. I'm sure the doctor-beings would have been able to help me out, but, it's still unsettling to think about. It certainly feels like one of the most dangerous situations I've been in (in any realm), and it definitely left me with a renewed sense of caution over who I associate with (in any realm). Lesson learned: Watch out for parasites, folks, whether they be emotional, physical, metaphysical, or even spiritual. And don't f*ck tentacle monsters unless you're sure they're trustworthy!!
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IridiumAndLace, you always crack me up. But that was awesome. Most of my intimate encounters in hyperspace have all been benign, reciprocal, and really beautiful. I'm glad you handled yourself so well.  One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 401 Joined: 31-May-2014 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: The confluence
IridiumAndLace wrote:Yup, I've definitely been in that kind of situation. I listened to a podcast (Psychedelics Today?) a while back in which the guest proposed that in Hyperspace, there are a variety of entities with various motives and intentions. Some are friendly and benevolent, while others are just going about their business. But some are malevolent, even predatory, in their nature. For the most part, us travellers instictively avoid those dangerous beings the way a gazelle avoids something rustling through the tall grass. I thought that was a very good way to put that. Although, it occurred to me that it might not be a good thing to tell a newcomer to Hyperspace right away. The suggestion could stoke fear, inadvertently making them a target for the very predators we want them to avoid. I think it's a good thing to include in your book, but it definitely needs to be presented within a greater framework of how to keep oneself safe, both during and after a voyage. Iridium wrote:Story time! So, I'll be the first to admit that I am a slut in Hyperspace. (I'm kind of a slut in this reality too, so that tracks. But that's a different story. 😆  I've had my share of intimate encounters with beings I can't even describe, though I've written before about a chance encounter I had with a traveller who was unquestionably human. One encounter in particular though, I hooked up with a "guy" who definitely would have met most people's definition of a "tentacle monster". To our human sensibilites, he could very well have come straight out of a Lovecraft novella... Or a niche Anime film. He seemed like a good time though, good-natured and affable, so I agreed to hook up with him. Halfway through our tryst though, I started to feel like something was a little bit "off" about him. I looked inside his mind--that's something I can do in Hyperspace, apparently--and I realized that "he" was actually a "she". And, instead of just wanting to get our respective rocks off, she was actually attempting to lay her eggs inside me. Now, oviposition is something I've been curious about ever since I learned about it. But, this wasn't fun and games; her intention was for her eggs to hatch inside me, and her offspring would slowly devour me from the inside like those parasitic wasps that lay their eggs on caterpillars. I was definitely not about that, so I played it cool while I casually drew my metaphysical sword, and proceeded to hack that tentacle parasite thing to bits. After I threw her carcass down from the tower we were on, I went to a place I knew, kind of like a Hyperspace women's clinic, to make sure she didn't leave any surprises behind. The beings there determined that I was fine, and I drifted down feeling a little shaken, but mostly annoyed that I would have to finish back on Earth on my own. I have no idea what would have happened if I hadn't seen through her ruse, what effect those parasites would have had on my metaphysical, spiritual, or even physical self. I'm sure the doctor-beings would have been able to help me out, but, it's still unsettling to think about. It certainly feels like one of the most dangerous situations I've been in (in any realm), and it definitely left me with a renewed sense of caution over who I associate with (in any realm). Lesson learned: Watch out for parasites, folks, whether they be emotional, physical, metaphysical, or even spiritual. And don't f*ck tentacle monsters unless you're sure they're trustworthy!! Another great write-up IridiumandLace  I havenβt adventured like that in many years, but youβve got me longing for it. I wielded a sword at one time, as well. Though Iβm still a bit jealous of the hyperspacial romantic interludes  These are the sorts of posts that have me looking forward to an early retirement. "We dance round in a ring and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost
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IridiumAndLace wrote: I thought that was a very good way to put that. Although, it occurred to me that it might not be a good thing to tell a newcomer to Hyperspace right away. The suggestion could stoke fear, inadvertently making them a target for the very predators we want them to avoid. I think it's a good thing to include in your book, but it definitely needs to be presented within a greater framework of how to keep oneself safe, both during and after a voyage.
That's what I've been ruminating on, and feel kind of conflicted about. Newbies are already generally apprehensive about trying changa for the first time, so I want to share/communicate all the incredible and mind-blowing things changa has to offer in order to stoke interest and abate anxiety people may have about trying it. Others who are seekers and are on the same path we're all on largely don't even know this is a thing that exists, so my goal is to inform people about how this is a powerful tool that can be used to hasten spiritual growth and development. But 'powerful' is the operative word, and I'm thinking about how I can convey the risks of hyperspace without detracting from my overall message (which is 'this is awesome and you should try it'  . I also don't want to add to the already-existent apprehension newbies tend to have about trying this stuff. It seems irresponsible to not mention potential pitfalls at all...but I also don't want to create the impression changa is dangerous or scary or should be approached with caution. I think negative entities tend to pop up when someone over-indulges in changa and uses it as if it's this just this wild fun trip without respecting and integrating what they're shown. In my experience, when you start 'chasing' a particularly awesome changa high, that's what tends to lead to things getting very weird and these parasitic entities showing up. Your story about the tentacle guy is interesting. When I first started smoking changa I had a lot of erotic experiences, changa orgasms, etc. but that doesn't really happen anymore for whatever reason. The wildest one was blasting off and then finding myself hooked up to some machine where I was in a stall and was being 'milked' like a cow or something....my dick had some pocket-pussy type thing on it, and something was in my ass stimulating my prostate. It was intense and I screamed 'oh what the fuuuuuck!!' until it culminated in this explosive orgasmic 'voiding' sensation where I felt like I had cummed, pissed myself, and shit myself all at the same time. When I opened my eyes, I had indeed both pissed myself and came in my pants...luckily, I did not shit myself. After the fairies I met revealed themselves as parasites and explained how they induce sexual experiences to feed off the energy it creates in us, I think I've been suspicious of anything sexually-related I encounter in hyperspace. Maybe that's why I don't have erotic experiences anymore like I did in the beginning. Kind of a bummer coz those experiences were amazing. Just be.
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Posts: 32 Joined: 29-Jun-2019 Last visit: 19-Oct-2022 Location: argentina
chocobeastie wrote:I'm glad to see this being talked about here. I find Torping to clear pretty much any negative interference. Torping and Soplar Cheers. I've been told about torping before (the guy who originally explained it to me related it more as a Ric Flair 'woo' noise, but watching this video from Julian that was probably just his misrepresentation of what Palmer is describing here) It's kind of hilarious that you can just koala-bark at negative entities and that's enough to make them disperse. Also makes me curious if the icaros' ayahuasceros whistle in your ear during an aya ritual is somehow related to this. I went to find an article I had read from Palmer about malefic entities, and I saw your video was linked on the entry: http://julianpalmerism.c...imer-malefic-entities/. I read the article a while back but didn't watch the vid, so thanks for sharing. Castanada talks about 'the predator mind' in The Active Side of Infinity. The native americans have the idea of wetiko. Basically something has overlaid it's consciousness with our own and attempts to induce negative thoughts and behaviors in order to feed off of us. My understanding is that this presence is actively attempting to influence us at all times in our lives...I wonder if the parasites you encounter in hyperspace are related to this force or are their own thing. Either way, we're definitely capri suns for beings outside of our normal sensory-based perceptual capacities. I've been thinking lately that perhaps the whole aim of meditation and mastery over the 'monkey mind' that's stressed in buddhism and hinduism is actually about starving these parasites of their food source in order to free ourselves of them. No thoughts = no emotions = no more food for parasites, eventually forcing them to fuck off. Just be.
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In my latest (mainly referring to oral ROA) practices I've done the complete opposite of my initial workflow. Earlier I was aware of negatives, asked for protection, smudge here and there, power symbols, inviting ancestors for help, asking please be gentle with me, etc etc..
Nowadays I deliberately omit anything that comes close to that, well I do burn a coal with a scent but that's just for ambiance pleasure, not really to ward of anything by it.
This no-protection never led to anything quircky to the level I started thinking what the f*ck was I actually doing? All these precautions are actually cloaked fear, I wasn't protecting myself, I was practicing fear. You can polish a one side of a coin all day until it shines rays, but the other side of the coin is not going anywhere. I started tossing the coin away all together. No sides. I feel like Changa_boi said: ...no more food for parasites, eventually forcing them to fuck off. But with this little nuance that 'they' don't even have to fuck off, but rather are not 'constructed' in the first place.
So far it works, maybe I'm in for a humbling experience that makes me run crying toward protection again, I don't know, but so far I've quit the hassle.
I've had VERY nasty dreams in the past (the dreams weren't repeating copy/paste, the horrific level came in different suits at different nights). The nasties nearly stopped happening as soon as I made this affirmation that it was ME making these dreams, perhaps addicted to the adrenaline they offer. This realization gave me the opportunity to tell myself: well if you find this annoying then just STOP creating annoying scenes. I told myself that I would stop with this looping behavioral pattern.
I sense a close relation between our night dream scene factory, and 'going in' with molecules. I suspect the very same special effects department is active, but with the extra molecules there is a kind of carte blanche and super pumped 'CGI' potentials. There will be differences no doubt but I suspect very large overlaps.
I won't advise my approach as blanco to fit everyone. Unlike others I've always been meager on entity encounters. Maybe I'm protected already? Maybe my place has a default protection, I don't know.
There is one thing I monitor very well before going in: my personal energy level. I must feel on top, pumped and eager to eat cake and longing for it. Tiredness or not enough sleep or being exhausted by whatever life brings, then I won't go deep or won't go at all. The correlation between tiredness and hyperslap was given once clearly, ymmv. Just my 2 cents.
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chocobeastie wrote:I'm glad to see this being talked about here. I find Torping to clear pretty much any negative interference. Torping and Soplar Thank you - this youtube is enlightened. I will definitely prepare my SHHing.
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This post might be of interest: Annoying entities in pre-breakthrough realmMember Global refers to voice practicing just as Julian suggests, more grist to that mill. What I suspect happening is that activating voice is a way to change your own very tuning. Hey presto they go away, sure thing, you just changed your own modality/state-of-being by that very practice. As Julian suggests this is more powerful the more intens your voice is activated, with puls & pitch ... sure thing here again: you are even more changing your modality-of-being by intensifying voice, thus changing the agenda of what's going on. Is anyone seeing this correlation? You are the source, change the source, change the outcome. I've had too intense trips tamed down by just saying: hey I don't care about all this anymore, crawling into fetus pose under a blanket, saying: I'm gonna do a nap while all of you intensiveness do whatever you want. Yawn a few times. The yawns break the whole circus down before you know it. I see the very same mechanics at work as with voice practices: you simply change your modality, you come out of a sort of loop. Julians suggestion of love also works the very same way imho. Once my GF saw (very sober) a monster in the corner of the room just as she woke up, instantly she felt compassionate love for this poor creature because she saw it suffering being that ugly. It simply melted by her love. Again the same pattern: she changed her own modality by introducing love into the scene and hence she changed the outcome. Yawning, singing, love, whatever you do to change your very 'timbre' at hand, it changes the outcome. I see no battle between your-person vs things-else. I only see the managing (for better or worse) of your tuning and the resulting scene follows by nature because it was always.... just and only you. The vast spaces, the intricates, it's figurines, the colors, fractals, all is you. Your enemies in hyperspace... you. You're not just Alice in the rabbit hole being confronted with x and y, you're the god darm whole movie, the cinema, the city, the country, the planet, cosmos... You can battle and chop up all day long and sure win some of those, but the problem persists of yet another battle is lurking around the corner ---> leads to fear. Your modality shifts to fear hence the scene will follow your 'order' to comply. Protection is a translated side of fear, cloaked practicing of fear. I don't consider that wrong, it's just a way of wielding possibilities, one of them. This is a hypothesis I'm into. Not an empty philosophy though, it rid me of the nasty dreams by catching them in the cat, by catching myself in my acting, in a more wholesome framework. It fruits just as much in my moleculated trips. Once more, ymmv.
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Jees wrote: This is a hypothesis I'm into. Not an empty philosophy though, it rid me of the nasty dreams by catching them in the cat, by catching myself in my acting, in a more wholesome framework. It fruits just as much in my moleculated trips. Once more, ymmv.
Very good advice and hypothesis which I am sure many of us here would agree on. What stops me from tripping is not some pesky dudes that would be scared off by barking or growling at them, but fear of encuntering "real baddies". It is as if I have had previous encounters with them, but most of the time I only remember that when I'm tripping there. Here on this plane I only have very few memories and emotions, but gut my feeling tells me that there are baddies and there are Baddies. Their presense feels like you are in their power totally and can not do a damn thing. It's impossible to even remember what is human, save less for having a mouth to shout something. So I guess it all comes back to meditation, to train your focus and to make responses to psychic attacks instinctive, even in situations when it feels like you have control yanked from under you completely. Of course most likely that's just me being that ultimate Baddie to myself, and exponentieally spiralling myself into singularity of fear... But I am not 100% sure 
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Thanks Exitwound.
I'm not 100% sure myself about the 'hypothesis' but relying here much on my experience with those horrific (regular) night dreams I had, and they got tamed seemingly, and extrapolating this towards trips. The core of the ahum healing was all about human behavioral patterns. First to see them, then to see if it is manageable.
I agree once you are rolling there's a huuuge chance you simply ride it out. At this moment your power to 'catch and correct' seems a near invisible/unreachable thin thread you're hanging on. Julian's and Global's tricks to voice-break the conditions-at-hand are golden hints.
You were right to respond to my fraze: '...by catching them in the cat, by catching myself in my acting, in a more wholesome framework...' This expression make it seem too simple and swift. I've could expressed it better.
The 'wholesome framework' I referred to was work done in regular sober day life, repeating like reprogamming, re-conditioning, addressing deep human behavioral patterns. Then picking those fruits when the patterns tend to otherwise act. Exactly as you say: 'So I guess it all comes back to meditation, to train your focus'. I love the phrase: 'One can't learn to swim when the boat is sinking, one better learns to swim in advance'. Preparation is golden. Yet preparation based on fear (like heavily relying on protection solely) is not the most effective routine imho. The fear will find an unseen hole in your 'armor', coming trough the back door, darn I did not protect enough, etc, is a viscous circle. The behavioral pattern was not addressed, mainly the manifestation level was addressed, like shoving dirt under a carpet, but it's all still there.
I might detail more addressing behavioral patterns (ime) and how that could affect experiences 'on the moment when they tact' as a result. 'Meditation and focus' as you say is a very good direction but is also a global term.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4031 Joined: 28-Jun-2012 Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
changa_boi wrote:...I've been thinking lately that perhaps the whole aim of meditation and mastery over the 'monkey mind' that's stressed in buddhism and hinduism is actually about starving these parasites of their food source in order to free ourselves of them. No thoughts = no emotions = no more food for parasites, eventually forcing them to fuck off. Indeed the buddhist approach is of the kind like an atom bomb, kill all emotions, so the wrong ones will be dead for sure. The good emotions will lead to bad emotions so there goes out the door good emotions too. Buddhist phrase: "No joy and no fear." Anecdote: I've only been in the-big-void once by vaping freebase deems, an utter opposite of the circus, which surprised me actually. The absence of anything including something to be afraid of was in itself scary  But I could harvest a piece of that peace in my system and be grateful for that. I don't know if we really want this atom bomb level approach. Do you wanna sit in a cage for 10 years to benefit 10 years of no problems with wife and neighbors? It's a choice though. I think when we take up a pipe or drink then we want.... something. Immediately we make ourselves vulnerable to consequences.