Foolproof way to vape DMT (Mighty Vaporizer) Options
#1 Posted : 11/17/2021 2:56:11 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello DMT-Nexus,

This is my first post. I had hoped I would be able to post this on the main forum, but I guess it will take a while (if ever) for me to get promoted here.

I have found a foolproof way to vape DMT, using the Mighty vaporizer with a glass bubbler mouthpiece, and dosing caps with drip pad inside. 100% success rate (compared to my previous GVG usage), need smaller doses compared to what I used with GVG, and most important of all - no unpleasantness from the vapor itself taste-wise and lungs-wise.

The Trick:
The most important part of the method to make this work is to use the glass bubbler mouthpiece, literally nothing else worked, I used exactly this one:

The Background:
Most of my DMT was consumed with the GVG with either herbs or drip pad under the spice itself. Overall this is a good tool, but even after using it for 2 years or so I was never able to get 100% hit-rate with it. I was trying different lighters, torches, there was always some chance the attempt would be fizzled. There was simply no way for me to get a full grip on the technique to make it work the same all the time. This was both frustrating (wasting precious material) and anxiety-inducing for the trip itself. I can definitely tell this has added to pre-flight anxiety for me. Sometimes it made me think I had "bad" days and it was impossible for me to get consistent results because my body reacts differently to the same dose. Minimum I had to go for to achieve breakthrough was 40mg and I had to take it in one giant toke. Note: this was heavy on the throat and lungs for me, further adding to anxiety and making the thing unpleasant.

Then, I decided to try out a convection vape. It makes sense, with GVG heat is applied from above and as the DMT melts it can drip under the mesh or even recrystallize inside the pipe before it reaches the mouth. It is definitely true because I often saw those crystal patterns inside my pipe. Convection should eliminate this by design.

Made some tests with Mighty and its default plastic cooling top. I had no success with it, no matter how much DMT was applied, tried this few times using different temperatures and breathing techniques. Then I tried a glass mouthpiece. It was horrible, it made the awful taste stronger and was super heavy on the throat and lungs, couldn't hold it in so attempt fizzled and I didn't want to vape this way ever again - very unpleasant.

Then the other day I mounted the bubbler top, loaded 25mg and... breakthrough!
Literally broken through on 25mg, while this would produce some small threshold effects when used in GVG. I think the DMT vapor interacts in some way with plastic used in Mighty cooling top, my guess is it causes the vapor to recrystallize early inside the cooling airpaths. It seems clear to me the spice needs glass and not plastic. Best things about this:

- tried this like 10 times so far and 100% success rate. Always using up all the spice without waste
- absolutely no taste, bubbler seems to filter the taste out completely
- it's super easy on lungs, I can barely feel the spice inside after the rip, yet it comes up super fast, visual distortion happens while in the middle of the toke
- yes, one rip! This makes it very easy to consume in one toke, all the spice consumed in one toke, no leftovers and no unpleasant feeling in the throat and lungs
- at last my experiences with doses got exactly on par with what is described in , 30mg is more than enough!

The Technique:
1. Sprinkle the spice over the liquid pad inside dosing cap, close the cap and insert it into the heating chamber of Mighty
2. Install the bubbler mouthpiece. Do not overfill with water, use bare minimum for it to bubble
3. Turn the Mighty on and set to max temperature
4. When the temp reaches 180 celsius degrees start inhaling very slowly (way slower than your normal relaxed breath)
5. Halfway through the toke the DMT effects will start kicking in, keep the slow pace for a second or two.
6. Finish the toke with a quick strong inhale from the bubbler, fill the lungs as fast as possible and put the Mighty in a safe place. Trust me it will hit faster than normally.

I want to stress the fact, that the bubbler mouthpiece is crucial. It never worked for me with the default plastic one and wasted a lot of spice with it. The bubbler if impossible to mess up and you always do it within one toke.

Subjective differences to GVG:
- less pre-flight anxiety. I don't fear I will mess up anymore and the toke itself it not unpleasant on the lungs
- hits with full force waaaay faster. One thing which was kind of annoying was waiting for it to start working after putting down the GVG. For me personally that slow come-up before sudden blastoff was unpleasant
- no risk of tasting the spice. With GVG sometimes small pieces would fall through the mesh and end up straight in the mouth, yuck!

Objective differences to GVG:
- always consume the full dose in one easy toke, no leftovers, no waste
- smaller doses required compared to GVG
- impossible to mess it up, it's so easy!

I hope this will help someone. If you, like me, are struggling with your vaping method, I can highly recommend the Mighty + bubbler mouthpiece duo. It just works! Smile

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#2 Posted : 11/17/2021 4:05:01 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi Rolinwama,

Welcome to the nexus!! I am sorry to hear that you didn't have very much success with the gvg. I have been able to successfully use the gvg along with pre-loaded 25-30 mg onto a health stone using a single turbo jet flame in one long hit with no harshness or discomfort with 100% success rate.

The Mighty vaporizer along with the glass bubbler attachment does look like a pretty nifty gadget that I would like to try out but not too sure if I would necessarily invest in solely for dmt as it does have a pricetag that costs approximately 68% more than the gvg. I would probably invest in one for cannabis as it looks like a very efficient device but I would be weary that if used even once for dmt than the taste would be contaminated so one would no longer be able to use it for the fresh cannabis vapor taste. I would love to ditch the pesky turboflame though. Who knows the elves may appreciate the hardware upgrades entering hyperspace!! Thanks for the recommendation, now kobranek has a new item to add to his Christmas list this year...haha!!
#3 Posted : 11/17/2021 1:29:16 PM
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Hello Kobranek,

The taste is not contaminated at all. I am using my Mighty both for DMT and Cannabis, found no contamination either way. One rule I follow is to not use the bubbler mouthpiece for cannabis because inside gets filthy from it fast and is very hard to clean up then. Filthy glass gives me bad vibes and I avoid it for my DMT apparatus.

When separate mouthpieces are used for weed and DMT there is no trace of contamination. One thing I am doing is to do a "burn" run with empty heating chamber and max temperature. Inhale slowly a few times, this gets rid of any traces of taste even when the same moutpiece is shared.

By the way I am using the mighty for tobacco vaping too. It gets the heating chamber stained after first use but I don't care that much, functionally this doesn't change anything. I higly recommend trying out aromatic pipe tobacco with this, you will be surprised how much vape it holds Smile Also no contamination taste/smell wise.

Mighty made it too easy to achieve consistent results with DMT, not going back to my GVG now Big grin
A Single Step
#4 Posted : 11/18/2021 2:30:47 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the post. So far I tried the glass bulb (meth pipe) and direct e-mesh. I found the bulb to by highly inefficient and highly technique sensitive. I have had bad experiences with direct e-mesh. I tried a couple different vandy-vape knockoff mesh RDAs with the Dovpo Odin and the GeekVape mod boxes. Could never get temperature control mode to work reliably. Results varied between extremely harsh acrid smoke and mildly unpleasant vapor that irritated the lips mouth and throat. I considered trying the GVG, but I am shy about breathing in lungfuls of torch exhaust.

I really like the idea of convection heating. It seams like the most gently way to vaporize spice.

What is the max temperature setpoint of the Mighty? Is there risk of overheating the spice when you set it that high? Why not set the temperature to 180 or 200 so you can't overshoot?

Did you consider other convection vapes, such as the firefly? What about the Crafty+ which comes from the same manufacturer as the Mighty, but is cheaper and more compact?

Would you please provide a link to the liquid pad you use?
#5 Posted : 11/18/2021 3:09:34 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Because I was unable to acquire all the necessary supplies for the e-mesh method, I was blessed with this (Divine Tribe V4 Crucible) which is a hell of a reliable device on a mod for vape spice effectively. It's never harsh (if the setting is right) and never fails (for me so far). I actually got the idea from another Nexian but am presently blanking on who that was.

One love
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DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

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#6 Posted : 11/18/2021 5:54:15 AM
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I really like the idea of convection heating. It seams like the most gently way to vaporize spice.

Convection heating is a game changer for me. With GVG I noticed there were crystal formation forming inside the pipe just under the mesh, which makes sense because the spice is heated from above and it cools/drips down occasionally. This means wasted spice.

What is the max temperature setpoint of the Mighty? Is there risk of overheating the spice when you set it that high? Why not set the temperature to 180 or 200 so you can't overshoot?

I set it to max - 210 celsius of my Mighty+ unit (it should work the same with the older Mighty). Setting to max does not overburn the spice. I noticed when it's set to 180 and you draw it goes lower because you are pulling the hot air up and cooling the whole unit. This means when you set 180 you will get lower temp during draw. In practice with low temp setting there were sometimes leftovers for a second toke. Max setting of 210 is perfectly safe for the spice and just works Smile

Did you consider other convection vapes, such as the firefly? What about the Crafty+ which comes from the same manufacturer as the Mighty, but is cheaper and more compact?

AFAIK Crafty is a weaker unit, maybe it will work but not sure. I'd recommend Mighty because you can use it for literally everything. I vape weed, tobacco and dmt in it, battery life is great and it's powerful enough to "burn" away any leftover taste/smell between sessions.

Would you please provide a link to the liquid pad you use?

I bought a "magazine" with dosing capsules intended for concentrates. These have the liquid pads in them. I am reusing the same dosing capsule over and over again, they are easy to open using nails without damaging them. Link below:


Just make sure it is a magazine with capsules for concentrates, not the standard one which comes without the liquid pads.

Because I was unable to require all the necessary supplies for the e-mesh method, I was blessed with this (Divine Tribe V4 Crucible) which is a hell of a reliable device on a mod for vape spice effectively. It's never harsh (if the setting is right) and never fails (for me so far). I actually got the idea from another Nexian but am presently blanking on who that was.

The beauty of Mighty + bubbler is that it requires no mods at all. The same vape can be used literally for everything (well maybe except for Salvia Divinorum lol).
A Single Step
#7 Posted : 11/18/2021 12:11:57 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Voidmatrix wrote:
Because I was unable to require all the necessary supplies for the e-mesh method, I was blessed with this (Divine Tribe V4 Crucible) which is a hell of a reliable device on a mod for vape spice effectively. It's never harsh (if the setting is right) and never fails (for me so far). I actually got the idea from another Nexian but am presently blanking on who that was.

One love

Thanks for sharing this. Would you recommend any other resources for learning about the Crucible? What mod box do you use? Do you use temp control or wattage mode? What are your detail settings? Any particular inhalation rate requirements to ensure spice is not under or over heated? Are there holes in the quartz cup that facilitate airflow? If so, is there risk of liquified spice leaking out?
#8 Posted : 11/18/2021 1:15:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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A Single Step wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
Because I was unable to require all the necessary supplies for the e-mesh method, I was blessed with this (Divine Tribe V4 Crucible) which is a hell of a reliable device on a mod for vape spice effectively. It's never harsh (if the setting is right) and never fails (for me so far). I actually got the idea from another Nexian but am presently blanking on who that was.

One love

Thanks for sharing this. Would you recommend any other resources for learning about the Crucible? What mod box do you use? Do you use temp control or wattage mode? What are your detail settings? Any particular inhalation rate requirements to ensure spice is not under or over heated? Are there holes in the quartz cup that facilitate airflow? If so, is there risk of liquified spice leaking out?

I'm starting to think that I need to write a dedicated thread for it. I'm sure you can find some Youtube videos talking about it.

I use an Aegis Legend.

Wattage mode at 37.7w.

Will have to report back with other settings as I am getting ready to leave for work.

I preheat for 10sec, then release the button. I then preheat for 5sec and then begin inhaling. At most, two hits may be needed. Generally one gets it all though.

No holes in the cup, but airflow vents on the inside of the mouthpiece.

I've never had any spice leak in anyway with this device.

Will ttyl

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
A Single Step
#9 Posted : 11/18/2021 4:22:49 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Voidmatrix wrote:
A Single Step wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
Because I was unable to require all the necessary supplies for the e-mesh method, I was blessed with this (Divine Tribe V4 Crucible) which is a hell of a reliable device on a mod for vape spice effectively. It's never harsh (if the setting is right) and never fails (for me so far). I actually got the idea from another Nexian but am presently blanking on who that was.

One love

Thanks for sharing this. Would you recommend any other resources for learning about the Crucible? What mod box do you use? Do you use temp control or wattage mode? What are your detail settings? Any particular inhalation rate requirements to ensure spice is not under or over heated? Are there holes in the quartz cup that facilitate airflow? If so, is there risk of liquified spice leaking out?

I'm starting to think that I need to write a dedicated thread for it. I'm sure you can find some Youtube videos talking about it.

I use an Aegis Legend.

Wattage mode at 37.7w.

Will have to report back with other settings as I am getting ready to leave for work.

I preheat for 10sec, then release the button. I then preheat for 5sec and then begin inhaling. At most, two hits may be needed. Generally one gets it all though.

No holes in the cup, but airflow vents on the inside of the mouthpiece.

I've never had any spice leak in anyway with this device.

Will ttyl

One love

Does the spice overheat if your inhalation rate is too slow?
#10 Posted : 11/18/2021 4:25:10 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Not that I've noticed. It seems that once it's vapor and just sitting in the chamber it doesn't take on much more heat.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#11 Posted : 11/18/2021 9:53:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Rolinwama wrote:
Hello DMT-Nexus,

This is my first post. I had hoped I would be able to post this on the main forum, but I guess it will take a while (if ever) for me to get promoted here.

I have found a foolproof way to vape DMT, using the Mighty vaporizer with a glass bubbler mouthpiece, and dosing caps with drip pad inside. 100% success rate (compared to my previous GVG usage), need smaller doses compared to what I used with GVG, and most important of all - no unpleasantness from the vapor itself taste-wise and lungs-wise.

The Trick:
The most important part of the method to make this work is to use the glass bubbler mouthpiece, literally nothing else worked, I used exactly this one:

The Background:
Most of my DMT was consumed with the GVG with either herbs or drip pad under the spice itself. Overall this is a good tool, but even after using it for 2 years or so I was never able to get 100% hit-rate with it. I was trying different lighters, torches, there was always some chance the attempt would be fizzled. There was simply no way for me to get a full grip on the technique to make it work the same all the time. This was both frustrating (wasting precious material) and anxiety-inducing for the trip itself. I can definitely tell this has added to pre-flight anxiety for me. Sometimes it made me think I had "bad" days and it was impossible for me to get consistent results because my body reacts differently to the same dose. Minimum I had to go for to achieve breakthrough was 40mg and I had to take it in one giant toke. Note: this was heavy on the throat and lungs for me, further adding to anxiety and making the thing unpleasant.

Then, I decided to try out a convection vape. It makes sense, with GVG heat is applied from above and as the DMT melts it can drip under the mesh or even recrystallize inside the pipe before it reaches the mouth. It is definitely true because I often saw those crystal patterns inside my pipe. Convection should eliminate this by design.

Made some tests with Mighty and its default plastic cooling top. I had no success with it, no matter how much DMT was applied, tried this few times using different temperatures and breathing techniques. Then I tried a glass mouthpiece. It was horrible, it made the awful taste stronger and was super heavy on the throat and lungs, couldn't hold it in so attempt fizzled and I didn't want to vape this way ever again - very unpleasant.

Then the other day I mounted the bubbler top, loaded 25mg and... breakthrough!
Literally broken through on 25mg, while this would produce some small threshold effects when used in GVG. I think the DMT vapor interacts in some way with plastic used in Mighty cooling top, my guess is it causes the vapor to recrystallize early inside the cooling airpaths. It seems clear to me the spice needs glass and not plastic. Best things about this:

- tried this like 10 times so far and 100% success rate. Always using up all the spice without waste
- absolutely no taste, bubbler seems to filter the taste out completely
- it's super easy on lungs, I can barely feel the spice inside after the rip, yet it comes up super fast, visual distortion happens while in the middle of the toke
- yes, one rip! This makes it very easy to consume in one toke, all the spice consumed in one toke, no leftovers and no unpleasant feeling in the throat and lungs
- at last my experiences with doses got exactly on par with what is described in , 30mg is more than enough!

The Technique:
1. Sprinkle the spice over the liquid pad inside dosing cap, close the cap and insert it into the heating chamber of Mighty
2. Install the bubbler mouthpiece. Do not overfill with water, use bare minimum for it to bubble
3. Turn the Mighty on and set to max temperature
4. When the temp reaches 180 celsius degrees start inhaling very slowly (way slower than your normal relaxed breath)
5. Halfway through the toke the DMT effects will start kicking in, keep the slow pace for a second or two.
6. Finish the toke with a quick strong inhale from the bubbler, fill the lungs as fast as possible and put the Mighty in a safe place. Trust me it will hit faster than normally.

I want to stress the fact, that the bubbler mouthpiece is crucial. It never worked for me with the default plastic one and wasted a lot of spice with it. The bubbler if impossible to mess up and you always do it within one toke.

Subjective differences to GVG:
- less pre-flight anxiety. I don't fear I will mess up anymore and the toke itself it not unpleasant on the lungs
- hits with full force waaaay faster. One thing which was kind of annoying was waiting for it to start working after putting down the GVG. For me personally that slow come-up before sudden blastoff was unpleasant
- no risk of tasting the spice. With GVG sometimes small pieces would fall through the mesh and end up straight in the mouth, yuck!

Objective differences to GVG:
- always consume the full dose in one easy toke, no leftovers, no waste
- smaller doses required compared to GVG
- impossible to mess it up, it's so easy!

I hope this will help someone. If you, like me, are struggling with your vaping method, I can highly recommend the Mighty + bubbler mouthpiece duo. It just works! Smile

this is interesting ..concidering my [SB plenty] isnt working very well for spice?

it cost 300 dollars plus tax and it just sits in my closet month after month!...Thumbs down

The SB [plenty vape]. cost more than the portable mighty... and ....
[being more industrialy built] it should out last the mighty.. but it takes too much spice to be used with spice?

Its great for dry herbsThumbs up ...but a problem with spice??

could your method work with the [plenty vape?]

actually my ..[direct Emesh].. is working quite well ...but...figure some day ill take it apart and figure a way to use it with spice...
#12 Posted : 11/19/2021 1:06:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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this is interesting ..concidering my [SB plenty] isnt working very well for spice?

I am not sure about Plenty, the mouthpiece seems weird and I'm not sure it would work. The main and most important thing which allowed me to vape DMT in the Mighty was using the glass bubbler mouthpiece. If you could install it in Plenty instead of that long metal flexpipe thing then maybe, it could work... I saw there are adapters for Plenty which make it possible to use dosing capsules from Mighty. This could be useful I guess.

It looks like glass-only in the vape pathway is the most important thing in this tek, and bubbler is important to get rid of taste/harshness on lungs.
#13 Posted : 11/19/2021 3:30:38 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Rolinwama wrote:
this is interesting ..concidering my [SB plenty] isnt working very well for spice?

I am not sure about Plenty, the mouthpiece seems weird and I'm not sure it would work. The main and most important thing which allowed me to vape DMT in the Mighty was using the glass bubbler mouthpiece. If you could install it in Plenty instead of that long metal flexpipe thing then maybe, it could work... I saw there are adapters for Plenty which make it possible to use dosing capsules from Mighty. This could be useful I guess.

It looks like glass-only in the vape pathway is the most important thing in this tek, and bubbler is important to get rid of taste/harshness on lungs.

I have a theory about the plenty...atleast when using spice in it...

The plenty with the [hot air heating system]...That long metal coiled flex pipe may be cooling the spice down so fast!.. that the some of the spice doesnt make it to your mouth...because the spice may be crystalizing inside the metal flex pipe causing a loss in spice? and a need to use double the amount to get desired effects?

but with dry herbs... [the plenty] or [mighty] or [volcano] .. makes very high quality clean vapor!

the mighty has a much shorter stem on it and works better [for spice].. because of this fact...

Im not shure if either one of them could compeate with a.. direct E MESh vaping system. with spice ..anyway..
Direct E Mesh will vape the whole dose in seconds with high eficincy? if you find the right temperature setting...
#14 Posted : 11/19/2021 3:35:18 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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he mighty has a much shorter stem on it and works better [for spice].. because of this fact...

The mighty with the plastic stem mouthpiece also doesn't work. As wrote in OP I am using mighty with glass bubbler mouthpiece:

then it always works and is super easy

I think the plastic stem also cools down DMT too quickly. I agree that this might be also why Plenty doesn't work.
#15 Posted : 11/27/2021 11:30:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you for this informative post. I am brand new to vaping and the step by step is *really* helpful!
#16 Posted : 11/28/2021 8:54:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Just my two cents. The Plenty is not accurate enough for DMT and the mouth piece is also not
optimal. Way to easy to burn the spice and the vapor forms crystals in there quick.
I have used it with changa or enhanced leaf with success but found the e-mesh to be the best
method for me.

If you use the plenty for dry herbs get the small adapter bowl. Thumbs up

Have a gud one
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
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#17 Posted : 12/20/2021 7:17:16 PM

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I've joined the Mighty+ tribe and after two going on three weeks of transitioning from smoking cannabis to vaping only with this awesome device I can feel a huge difference in my overall lung health. I am certainly not missing the lingering tar taste in my mouth and have fallen in love with the cerebral high. Thing rips like no ones business!!

I just received my concentrate pads, I guess they are in short supply and have to pay a premium to get some but alas behold I was able to come up on some. I got my bubbler attachment and the direct water pipe adapter to use with my snoop dogg pound ice bong.

My first go with 26 mg was perfect the day before yesterday and I was able to breakthrough with no problem. Easy peasy load, set to max temp, and wait for the vibration then take the dose. The vapors are so smooth I couldn't even tell that I had got the dose. I just kept bubbling until things started getting weird. This first run took a bit of some breathwork to muster the courage but when I took the dose it all dissolved away like it always does for me. I initially made the mistake of watching the temp rise and my heartbeat was beating out of my chest as it was getting closer. Nothing provokes that response in me like a nice absence away from dmt to then take that initial plunge again. Gotta love it that's one of the things that calls me on this path time and time again. Staring fear in the face and not succumbing to it, we are our own barrier to what is truly attainable.

Now last night I predosed 100 mcg LSD and waited towards a couple hours into the peak while I was steadily vaping cannabis. LSDMT is awesome btw! I went to my bedroom to retrieve more nugs and got hung up on my scale measuring 10 mg and before I knew it I was going right back into it with 17 mg, and then 20 mg. I could've easily vaped all through the night steadily increasing my dosage if my battery wasn't starting to die on me from using this baby all day and night. After vaping all this dmt all night there was no taste of it at all upon my next bowl right after. My lungs feel great I still remember a horrible experience of being unable to smoke cannabis a day after smoking dmt from a pipe via sandwich method a couple times in one night while on mushrooms it was so harsh...not cool.

This thing is an absolute game changer words cannot describe it! Thank you so much for sharing this device with the nexus and the technique to utilize it to the fullest from the get go!! I'll miss using my gvg and will break it out every now and then but it'll still hold a special place in my heart looking back at the progression of this journey. I'm telling you this thing is revolutionary on so many levels and I might as well commission myself as a Storz and Bickel sales rep with how many people I've already recommended the Mighty+ to. If I am able to influence at least one other person to invest in one of these things for the sake of their lung health than I feel my duty has been paid.
#18 Posted : 12/21/2021 12:38:12 AM

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you might want to try... Direct E Mesh ...i wasnt a believer till i finally got it right!
one hit..whoosh your gone!.. the whole dose at once!

very smooth..clean tasting .. very convienent!

The direct e-mesh thread. - Welcome discussion - Welcome ...
Mar 14, 2021 · The direct e-mesh thread. - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus. I am currently using an Aegis Solo with Wotofo Profile, 200 ss316 mesh r

#19 Posted : 12/21/2021 2:43:18 PM

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The direct e mesh method looks pretty solid especially if you can attach a bubbler to it. What I love about the mighty+ is that it uses a combination of conduction and convection simultaneously allowing for very efficient vaping. The quality of the vapors are very consistent. It looks as if the bowl is easier to load onto the concentrate pads than the e mesh screen. I do appreciate German engineering as they nailed it with this device and the attachments. I'll admit it is pricey but you get what you pay for, can't go wrong with a 3 year warranty either. Especially if your a cannabis connoisseur this device does it all, if I'm still going strong 3 years down the road and it dies on me it'll be so worth it to buy another one.
#20 Posted : 12/23/2021 11:57:29 AM
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Kobranek wrote:

This thing is an absolute game changer words cannot describe it!

That's exactly my words when I've figured this out, lol

Kobranek wrote:

Thank you so much for sharing this device with the nexus and the technique to utilize it to the fullest from the get go!! I'll miss using my gvg and will break it out every now and then but it'll still hold a special place in my heart looking back at the progression of this journey. I'm telling you this thing is revolutionary on so many levels and I might as well commission myself as a Storz and Bickel sales rep with how many people I've already recommended the Mighty+ to. If I am able to influence at least one other person to invest in one of these things for the sake of their lung health than I feel my duty has been paid.

I am glad this method worked for you. Please do spread the word. I think most people who tried spice with Mighty were unsuccessful because they used the plastic stem cooler top that comes with it. This way it doesn't work at all. The whole magic is with replacing it with 100% glass pathway and the bubbler makes the vape very easy on lungs - you can literally take one monster toke and not feel it in the lungs at all Pleased

If I may throw a suggestion - don't wait until it reaches max temp. Start inhaling once it reaches 180degC. During experiments when I waited for max temp before inhaling I would find some small crystals leftovers forming around the grid of the bubbler attachment, this means some waste. When I started inhaling at 180 and let it reach max temp while I was in the middle of the toke there were no crystals anymore.

Best thing of all - requires no modifications and you can still use it for other stuff like weed and it does not cross-contaminate with smell/taste. Universal toy for everything vapor.

If you are happy with this trick please do try my another one from here:
please let me know if you do try it.

I also have this nostalgia for GVG but I can't get consistent results with it even if my life depended on it. This Mighty+bubbler is too perfect to go back.

BTW I wish this thread was moved to the main forum (dmt vaping subforum). I feel here this tek won't catch enough eyes.
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