Largest psilocybin trial finds the psychedelic is effective in treating serious depression Options
#1 Posted : 11/13/2021 2:34:58 PM

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FYI, this study has not been published in any medical or peer reviewed journal. The company who conducted the study is for profit. Good news nonetheless.

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#2 Posted : 11/14/2021 6:13:11 AM

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Seeingisbelieving wrote:
FYI, this study has not been published in any medical or peer reviewed journal. The company who conducted the study is for profit. Good news nonetheless.

Screw kkkorporadelics and screw Compa$$Thumbs down
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#3 Posted : 11/14/2021 2:52:23 PM

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The fact is these people are being greedy about fixing mental health issues which doesn't sound so bad to me. Help is help. I just hope these people show the united states government that there is money to be made here so we can get these kind of therapies legalized because speaking from personal experience, they do help.

The fact that they are trying to gate keep psychedelics is just silly and we all know wont work. You are one of the lucky ones who get to take a walk outside and find a little snack of cyan's, and a lot of other people are able to do the same all over the world because psilocybin is found in A LOT of other species. We all got spore prints man and I'm sure a lot of people on this site have refrigerators full of agar and liquid cultures and are flooding the "market" with medicine so to speak. Cool

#4 Posted : 11/14/2021 3:11:10 PM

My Personalized Tag

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How wonderful that big research firms should finally arrive at the same truth shroomheads have known for untold generations Big grin
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
Dirty T
#5 Posted : 11/14/2021 5:16:16 PM

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I'm part of the decriminalization movement where I'm at. I personally don't care for legalization. I read up about "Compass Pathways" and was horrified. They pay $1000 per gram of psilocybin. I wonder what they're planning to charge for it? When you involve medicine and insurance companies 20 bucks worth of special K is sold for $957 as a depression treatment in a clinical setting. Pharmaceutical companies absolutely have their profits at the heart and soul of every discussion and the vision for their companies are to greedily make mounds of money no matter who it hurts.

I did a lot of research several years ago and "the medical community" has known since the 60's that psilocybin is extremely effective as an antidepressant, it repairs the brain and stimulates new cell growth and is a far more effective pain killer for "nerve pain" (back and neck) than oppiods. It didn't surprise me at all that all this research led to it being classified as a schedule 1 and the miracle drug Methaqualone being released about the same time. Oxy didn't make my neck stop hurting when I couldn't even move, not even 100mgs but psilocybin did, made the pain disappear altogether.

These pharma companies make me sick. I should be happy they are "making a path" but I'm not. They piled up the blockage and created the barriers to begin with so them pretending to clear the path with research and studies is ridiculous to me. All they are doing is confirming what they knew 50 years ago. They want a profit and they don't care who they destroy in the process.

I'm more for the idea of legal self growing, etc... but there is no profit in that. I'm a person that had their 'life ruined' as a teenager by cannabis laws in a place where cannabis is now a vital resource. They never apologized or said they're wrong, when I got in trouble again they tried to use it against me. Home Depot and Lowe's don't want me on their job sites because of it. (They gave me a chance to "explain my charges" it's Cannabis from 20 years ago, if that requires an explanation then they aren't worth the time it would take to tell the they are stupid) And even though cannabis is legal here somehow in the news every day they just growers and take all their legal product.
#6 Posted : 11/14/2021 5:25:25 PM

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There are books on the MAPS website detailing how to have therapeutic psilocybin sessions at your home. These are easily downloaded off of the z library website.

I am able to take psilocybin once a week and chat with my therapist over zoom. She knows I use psychedelics. We talk about it. As long as I am not hurting people or myself she does not have to contact authorities. Patient confidentiality... You do not have to go through this corporation lol.

I'm sorry about you dealing with the BS with the cannabis laws. I know Maine and a few other states are expunging cannabis felonies, wiping them clean. I hope they do so soon in your state.

If you read the article that null posted you will notice that they emphasize that they will not be trying to stop people from growing their own. They have altered the psilocybin molecule slightly, so it's basically a RC now and they are patenting that and the way they conduct therapy sessions. This will not work. The government will soon get involved and will squash it.

PS...My therapy appointments only cost me 35USD and I do not have insurance. I met my therapist when she was still interning before she had her license. She is licensed now but continues to see me for the same price as before because she is amazing and actually cares. People like this are out there you just have to be proactive in finding them.
Dirty T
#7 Posted : 11/14/2021 5:35:29 PM

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My most recent find is that Psilocin in conjunction with LSD and DMT is an effective reset for my own treatment resistant depression at much lower doses than any of them alone can achieve. I need to work on a self sustainable substitute for LSD, my LSA with the LSH conversion? My wife doesn't want me making LSD so I don't, we choose between me making LSD or growing shrooms and making DMT and chose the latter. I have a Cactus that also produces mescaline but haven't even considered using it for that purpose.
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