Dirty T wrote:It would help to have more information such as how much Lye, water and NPS was used. The type of NPS and hopefully you used distilled or otherwise purified water, the chemicals used to treat US tap water can definitely destroy DMT. Whatever the problem is I doubt it's NaoH. A 1500ml extraction would require 150g NaoH for a starting PH of 13 before adding the bark.
Swim used c6-c7 Hydrocarbons as NPS. she had cooked the bark extract with a pH of 4 (she dosn't even know if it contains DMT) over night, washed it few times with NPS to clean out any fats and than she started basing the 800ml solution with a unkown amount of base as she uses a pH meter to determine the 12,5 pH aim usually. Maybe 800mls of water with maybe 5-10 teaspoons (way more than usual before she noticed the pH meter is malfunctioning) NaOH but who knows. There was almost nothing (maybe 25mg) after distilling left, even tho she could smell the spice.
What a waste of time. maybe it was the product itself what is
bad. High alkaloid content but nothing what she wants.
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