Beyond "La purga" Options
#1 Posted : 9/12/2021 7:07:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Frogland
(mind)Set: Relaxed
(physical condition) Set: healthy
Setting (location): bedroom - dimmed lighting
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) 21:20 drank rue tea, 21:40 drank MHRB brew
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) no drug use for over a week
last meal: (Time and type) About 4 hours previously, 4 Lidl Wurst sausages and some cake.

Gender: male
body weight: 80 kg
known sensitivities: None
history of use: experienced - 3.5 years since first psychedelic trip, regular tripping since


Substance(s): Peganum harmala seed tea + Mimosa hostilis root bark brew
Dose(s): 5 grams + 7.5 grams
Method of administration: Dissolved in water (15 grams of bark for 2 doses) brewed 3 times with 1 litre of demineralised water for each phase


Administration time: T=0:00 Peganum harmala tea, T=0:20 MHRB brew
Duration: 5+ hours (estimate)
First effects: T=00:30 minutes
Peak: T=1:30-3:00
Come down: unsure
Baseline: T=12:00

Intensity (overall): 4 = Extremely intense
Evaluation / notes: 3 x waves of intensity, 1st was medium intensity, 2nd and 3rd were extreme

Pleasantness: 2
Implesantness: 2
Visual Intensity: 4


Hangover: 2 - spaced out, slightly nauseous
Afterglow: 2 - flashbacks, still in awe, hangover is reducing afterglow somewhat


This is the 2nd dose of a mimosahuasca batch prepared several weeks ago. I'm just discovering oral DMT with mimosa root bark having had my first oral psychedelic experiences with tepescohuite (stem bark) brew.

The first trips were with 5 grams of root bark several months ago, compared to the stem bark, the effects are a lot more energetic and intense with shorter durations in various planes. I also experienced la purga for the first time, tuning into those higher frequencies occurs too quickly to get used to, creating this interdimensional travel sickness. 5 grams was intense but over very quickly so I wanted to extend the experience with a stronger dose.

I prepared a batch of 15 grams of root bark + 10 grams of rue seeds to be able to have two trips.

The first, about a month ago lived up to expectations but beyond la purga was more intense and the frequency phasing continued into extremely energetic experiences, the first of which was dimension hopping - it felt like I had tuned into several different realities, as though I also exist there and was able to meld into the forms that I took there, I felt like I had teleported somewhere else, I had forgotten about my human form and things felt quite familiar there. These hops were very brief, I would suddenly teleport to some other reality.
Eventually the energy levels increased and it seemed like I has tuned into God consciousness, I could hear strange echoey sounds and perceive entities creating experiences to expand the universe's opportunities of self discovery, I was unable to interact, it was like I was just allowed to observe briefly.
The final frequency felt like I had reached the source of all conciousness, the actual creation of all existence, this was exremely challenging physically, the energy levels were intense, it is really difficult to explain with words, telepathy would make it easier lol. These states didn't last very long.
There were 3 main waves of intensity, la purga and those higher states occurred during the 2nd and 3rd.

Second trip

Last night I took the remaining brew, it felt similar to the first to begin with, fractals started appearing from 30 minutes, at first it was pleasant and I felt like I was interacting with the fractal entities but the intensity eventually built up, the speed and number of fractal tentacles felt a bit overwhelming so I went into meditation mode and focused on my breathing until that phase had passed.
The next phase in my journey though hyperspace was calmer, the first wave was subsiding and I entered a visionary, dreamy state.

The 2nd wave started coming on quickly, I once again teleported from my human form into some strange non physical dimensions flipping in and out of several different ones, I then reached the "God" frequency, this made me dry purge into the bucket but I could also feel that I needed to purge in the other direction so I rushed to the toilet, I felt this huge pulse of energy pass down through my body and I was completely purged within an instant - this was a very strange experience.

Back in bed and I had a longer period in God consciousness, I was shown that there is an experimental part of creation where different laws of physics and rules are experimented with in different universes and dimensions.

I then ended up in that super intense frequency at the source of consciousness I can't really bring back clear memories from that state into my normal state because it was so complex. It seemed like the building blocks of existence were being formed there. My physical body was getting quickly depleted of energy, I purged again making me open my eyes. My vision was covered in transparent overlapping colourful layers, everything seemed deconstructed.

The wave subsided and I entered a visionary state again. I was given a vision showing that I was chosen to be part of an experiment to upgrade human bodies, I was being tested to see how well I could withstand those higher frequency energy levels, it was surprising how I could tune into those realms of existence but I probably reached the limit of what my body can withstand at the moment.

The third wave took me straight back into that source of consciousness frequency with some more dry purging, this time the intensity was higher, and my energy levels were low, I ended up heavy breathing, we really aren't designed to exist in those realms although I felt welcome and safe there, it almost felt like I was invited just to feel what those energy levels are like.

After that, the trip subsided into a visionary state, I drifted in and out of dreaming and sleeping.

I woke up at 7:45 am and felt quite weak and spaced out, that feeling stayed all day. I could feel some brain activity at times, it must be some neurogenesis going on.

I suspect some of you have reached those higher states, what happens when you take a higher dose?
I eventually want to try 10 grams of bark but will build up slowly to that. I can imagine that even stronger doses would be rather unpleasant, is that true?

I'm also curious to know if authentic ayahuasca ceremonies are typically that intense.


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#2 Posted : 9/13/2021 10:26:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've been trying to get my head around what DMT was doing to give me that experience.

Vibrations can be clearly felt throughout my body

My perception is like a looking glass that can tune into different frequencies and dimensions

I have no control of what I perceive or how long I can stay in a particular frequency

The DMT strength varies with waves

With the exception of the fractal waiting room or cathedral at the start of the trip, I don't seem to be able to interact with anything I perceive, I am probably not in any one frequency for long enough to be noticed Confused

Each trip is different but some frequencies are always the same or very similar to what I perceived before.

There is a point where my consciousness teleports away from my body, it starts with a mini blackout and then an awakening in some familiar dimension, for a brief period, I completely forget about my human form.

Purging always occurs as I phase quickly into a high energy plane, I used to suffer from travel sickness as a child, I was too small to see the horizon out of the car window. This feeling was similar, being completely disorientated by the abrupt arrival in a plane where my 3rd eye is suddenly activated with 360° spherical vision.

The highest frequency planes are really strange, I haven't read about any similar experiences yet. The DMT must open some paths in my brain that allow high amounts of energetic vibrations to be detected. It is physically draining and I am unable to bring any clear memories back with me to this plane so it's hard to provide an accurate description. It did feel like I was connected to some God-like entity that was communicating with me, I don't remember any two way conversations though.

I got the feeling that the way for humans to become advanced beings was to somehow derestrict our minds so that we could control the frequency of our bodies, the higher frequencies allow greater information transfer. telepathy would be easier if we had a way of tuning in easily.
Perhaps we can also evolve into extradimensional travellers by developing this further.
Can we achieve a similar effect from meditation alone?

I can't imagine taking a much stronger dose (10 grams of bark) would be a pleasant experience in terms of intensity. My fear levels are usually very low during trips, I'm always conscious that I'm just a passenger on a ride through hyperspace. The only brief fearful moments happen at the dimension hopping phase when I don't know were I am or what I am.

I'm going to have to vape some 5-meo DMT to compare, I was usually a bit fearful when I vaped it before, after my last two aya trips, I'd be surprised if I can trip as far.

#3 Posted : 9/14/2021 8:47:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I tested 12 grams of acacia with overwhelming intense body load, where breathing is the only way to get through, even if you are sometimes not sure if you can manage it.

It's so intense that it gets unpleasant. In my experience chacruna doesn't interact this way and is much more visionary on a mythic state whereas root bark seems to be more an abstract universe of math and DMT like visions.

Lesser doses are quite more interesting I think because you profit more from this energy and you can concentrate also a lot about the harmalas. Too much DMT blend your visions like a high energy torch - it should just open a light on the harmalas.

And yes, unless like lower doses and aya, the next day I generally feel exhausted and tired.
Arthur Dee was one of the greatest alchemists of all time, not likely to his dad, I forgot his name, this small James Bond sorcerer working for the queen of a... Hail Arthur!
#4 Posted : 9/14/2021 9:32:08 PM

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donfoolio wrote:
I tested 12 grams of acacia with overwhelming intense body load, where breathing is the only way to get through, even if you are sometimes not sure if you can manage it.

It's so intense that it gets unpleasant. In my experience chacruna doesn't interact this way and is much more visionary on a mythic state whereas root bark seems to be more an abstract universe of math and DMT like visions.

Lesser doses are quite more interesting I think because you profit more from this energy and you can concentrate also a lot about the harmalas. Too much DMT blend your visions like a high energy torch - it should just open a light on the harmalas.

And yes, unless like lower doses and aya, the next day I generally feel exhausted and tired.

Thanks for sharing your experiences! I think that I have an idea what your 12 gram trip might have felt like, I don't think I'll go for higher doses until I try some real ayahuasca.

I really like the first DMT fractal planes and would like to spend more time there, I usually don't go far beyond that when vaping but the duration isn't very long. Maybe I'll experiment with lower doses and more harmalas like you suggest. Something like 3 grams MHRB and 5 grams of harmala might work.
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