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#1 Posted : 7/1/2021 3:20:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello dear reader,

Im 24 years of age and i discovered DMT at the beginning of this year.

Having experienced other substances (mainly psychedelica), and through the Stories of Terrence Mkenna i got interested in the substance.

The reason for this post is to improve my writing skills (im from germany) and to just connect with people who have experienced “Hyperspace”, because i dont know many people who ever did DMT and even less who had one or more “breakthrough” experiences.

To this day i may have had around 20 breakthrough experiences wich where from different intencity and of course i collected experiences in lower waters.

Spoiler alert! I got motivation for this substance by trip reports, wich may have prejudiced me in my interpretations, also ill try to find my own words for observations to keep it entertaining.

I would recomment new people to just do it, without having a preformed picture in their head, so i guess i personaly make this writing for experienced travellers to know if they can relate to some things i say.

So this is my little personal map for the DMT experience:

Subbreakthrough area:

For me this stage is located at 0-20 mg of freebase DMT, although i have broken through at 20 mg at one time. This stage feels like trippin on other tryptamines but the stronger it gets the more you can feel the individuality of the DMT trip. At the end of this stage (around 20mg) it is quite strong and seems to put some preassure on your soul, distances seem to shrink and to keep vision funktional the objects seem to move into each other. The Physical world seems to be ripped appart, or together?

The Portal:

Out of this mess there forms a portal, a rotating geometric pattern wich is quite coloufull. And if you have smoked enaugh you go right through it. That load of mass wich buildet up, this tune wich rised, they transform into a feeling of trancendance traversing the pathway to a world wich feels so much different than a world of your waking life. You can see the portal from the breakthrough area, and it opens a tunnel, a white light, in a machinary, funktional and predefined way. Sometimes you can see enteties even from the outside. The feeling of going through it is both visualy and physicaly intense and it will bring you right through the tunnel.

The Tunnel:

Behind the Portal there is this strange world and you seem be to blasted in there. You are prepelled by a force deeper and deeper into Hyperspace. The Dosage you smoke seems to influence this force, wich seems to influence the depth youll reach on your peak. Being in this stage feels like a tunnel, roalercoaster ,(loadingcreen?). I can see enteties passing by and the enviroment seems to change. Like travelling. Trippin.

At a Dosage of 35mg you should be blasted deep enaugh into hyperspace that it changes your perseption of reality wich can only be called hyperreal.



When you slow down you will land somwhere, somehow it feels like this space is right there where you have been, it feels like it is everywhere and has been so all the time. Like at the peak of a parabolic flight there is now no force wich allows you to observe your suroundings. See for yourself, but for me it seems like enteties and lessons get bigger and more wise the further you go. The inflcuence of time has become so minimal that things happen in an incomprehensibel level of speed that they seem to be at multible positions at once. Space has patched up to a dimension where incredible masses of stuff and processes can happen in one place. And out of this energy there are sometimes formed entities in various forms. Some feel human, some seem elf like, and some feel godlike. They come in groups or alone while godlike enteties dont seem to hang out in big packs. Those entities can interact with you in various forms wich not always have to be seen or comprehended in human language but can be quite intense like physical, energetic.

Back to Baseline:

Baseline is what you would call an 500ug acid trip, it feels good to be back as you can feel being pulled back into your realm of conciousness. These dimensions dont vanish, you just leave them, at least thats what it feels like. As you come down you get pulled away from the scenario and back through the portal wich seems to close after it left your head. If you open your eyes its like trippin balls. Things will shift together and you will have a notion of what dmt is, an experience?

I just needed to share this, thanks for havin me, peace!
If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.

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#2 Posted : 7/2/2021 2:49:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1285
Joined: 23-Jun-2018
Last visit: 22-Feb-2022
Thanks for sharing this!! Your English is decent! People learning a second language in order to communicate with other psychonauts is one of the many very cool things I've observed here at Nexus.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#3 Posted : 7/8/2021 5:40:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow!, you´ve done many trip for your age...
I´ve never dare to do high doses of LSD. For me, the effects are very long lasting... if I take half a tablet, the next day I will wake up at 5:30 AM and start doing the cleaning of the house... full of energy. I also get this pressure on my jaw and metallix taste in my mouth... So I haven´t tried high doses of LSD.Stop

As far as DMT dosage goes... I´ve experience the proportion of dosage and effect to be kind of inconsistent. Like... there are more factors involved in the trip... perhaps etheric entities around you that decide how and when you will tripShocked ...

There were times when I would literally could put the dmt in my mouth, something made me stop or go slow...
Other times I would smoke a lot... and not get so powerful effects.
There was even I time, it was my final trip and felt kind of tires, and I did not experience any effect... like some higher authority blocked the effect for me, for my own good (perhaps my etheric batteries were low and stopping was for the better).

How do you take DMT? do you use harmalas?
Have you tried dmt with mushrooms or lsd (no so high doses, just as a side dish to prolong the effects and enjoy better the baseline...
"...after five seconds I was no longer a marxist, no longer a materialist, no longer a rationalist.
It killed those things, it cauterized them..."

Terrence McKenna
#4 Posted : 7/13/2021 9:49:42 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Having done many experiences in my age is not necessarily a good thing in my opinion, i have been confronted with stuff wich may should come up years later. Although they acted as a savior for depression and addiction for me.
I use the machine, a gvg or a dab rig to vaporize freebase spice.
There was one time swim smoked 40mg of spice on the peek of an 200ug acid trip:
They where crawling down my arms and told me to do more. I did not.
This is the only place where i can share my experiences and im realy gratefull for it.
Peace Smile
If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.
#5 Posted : 8/5/2021 4:26:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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M0K0 wrote:

The inflcuence of time has become so minimal that things happen in an incomprehensibel level of speed that they seem to be at multible positions at once.

"The inflcuence of time has become so minimal that things happen in an incomprehensibel level of speed that they seem to be at multible positions at once"

I find this true in varying degrees on psychedelic substances, do you the same? It would seem that both realization and understanding happen at much faster rates than when sober. This experience is like the mind working and taking in information at a level impossible with day to day reality. The fact that the mind is capable of such accelerated thought is especially interesting. That said, bringing value from these sorts of experiences is what I personally find desirable.

I question if there is a way to guide such acceleration? Are the realizations in hyperspace out of out control, or can a tripper pursue a particular thing in these experiences? I also question how many times one can venture into DMT land and realize new things? Hyperspace does seem infinite, but I want to know what things you have brought from it? Your descriptions are very interesting and of great value.
#6 Posted : 8/21/2021 8:26:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMT shows you very clearly that spacetime seperates energies from each other, so this dimension of duality can even exist with it "causal closed physical systems".
In hyperspace there is not even enaugh spacetime left to have thoughts like: a + b = c, you are just awareness.

There are to main ways i learn from DMT:
1) The fact that there is a realm of reality i cant see is actually enaugh to blow my mind everytime i think about it.

2) During the experience you get part of a flux of information wich goes beyond words. Say on other psychadelics you can get a crasp of the idea of this flux and can put it i human language. But inside the DMT Flux the information is you, you just cant handle it, it is to much like an ant running around on a red ballon.

The Gateway Programm is the nearest analogy of what i can think of when it comes to controlled out of body experiences. Google it up, it seems that you can meet hyperspace intellectualism through meditation and binoral beats.
If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.
#7 Posted : 1/22/2022 4:27:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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While it's not really a topography that's a good start of describing a progression. There seems to be a few progressions but for the most basic one I break it down more like this:

Threshold... Passageway... Environment... Encounter with Entities or Objects... Return... Re-integration...

Dirty T
#8 Posted : 1/22/2022 4:39:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: The Bible Belt
My experience is that things don't always happen in that order. It has been a long time since I encountered an entity other than the gatekeeper and my last few breakthroughs were completely indescribable bombardments of colors I have never seen, no real geometry, space or entities. The best way I can describe it is seeing the energy and flow of all things at once. At one point I had become interested in helping map hyperspace and since then have had very few encounters with an area that could be mapped. DMT is strange and wonderful and when integrated into your life in a meaningful way can have very profound effects. Safe travels and good luck!
#9 Posted : 4/14/2022 4:57:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 173
Joined: 27-Feb-2021
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Dirty T wrote:
My experience is that things don't always happen in that order. It has been a long time since I encountered an entity other than the gatekeeper and my last few breakthroughs were completely indescribable bombardments of colors I have never seen, no real geometry, space or entities. The best way I can describe it is seeing the energy and flow of all things at once. At one point I had become interested in helping map hyperspace and since then have had very few encounters with an area that could be mapped. DMT is strange and wonderful and when integrated into your life in a meaningful way can have very profound effects. Safe travels and good luck!

I totally agree with you.
Some DMT trips my have this kind of recognizable states, but now after being thrown further into the realm the substance seems to show me different things.
Now when i break through i am much more in the center of my experiences and the enteties that i encounter seem to be part of myself.
It feels like the universe cracked to peaces and i have to get a hold of it, there is no way to map it i have to admit. Its remains a pure mystery.
If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.
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