The power of mind Options
#1 Posted : 4/19/2008 2:18:10 AM
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Hello my friends in light,

recently I was introduced into the world of spice, and I'd like to share with you my experience. Based on my long term relationship with other hallucinogenics, I thought I knew what to expect. Still I approached it with caution, just like anything new. The first time I only tested the threshold, and found it interesting. The second time I tried to go further, but only by a bit. Again, I saw silhouettes of mostly static creatures, translucent and ghost-like. All of them were either trying to hand me something or feed me something. I could barely see them through the mist, and I laughed to myself thinking how much more potential this has than the classic hallucinogens. Finally, just a few days ago after a few beers I gathered the courage to do it properly. Within seconds the noise became incredibly loud, objects around my room became unrecognizable, colorful and started to come in and out of existence. Then my room disappeared and these creatures jumped out of the fabric of space-time. They were thin and tall, wore colorful striped garments, and were making noises like a bubbling liquid. They were showing me things but I didn't know what they were, all while they moved around at tremendous speeds only to freeze in a weird pose for a few seconds, then to continue on. I realized it was some sort of a performance for me, but then the room started to reappear. The creatures began to fade and as they were fading they slowly backed away bowing and tipping their hats, eventually merging into the walls, desk, bed. I was breathing heavily, exhausted but happy. How incredible. I will definitely venture out there again... I wonder, can you achieve a state similar to ego-death that you can get with other substances? Is that called the breakthrough? The way it was for me was too chaotic, rapid, difficult to integrate. I need the clarity of an ego-less state to focus. How do you do that?

In light.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 4/19/2008 3:10:36 AM

The Great Namah

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That my friend is a breakthrough. If it all happened too fast for you many will suggest using an MAOI (such as rue tea/extract or a B. Cappi brew) to slow things down and lengthen the experience.

May I suggest closing your eyes and laying down. This, for me, makes things a lot more bearable and less confusing. Another option is Ayahuasca, which lasts 2-5 hours and brings you to a similar place. There is plenty of info here at the nexus on aya, or another great forum about aya can be found here.

The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 4/19/2008 6:17:43 PM

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Ohhhhh yeah ... !

Perfectly concise report - made me shiver ! Well done to recall it so beginning-to-end - I usually feel like I have 'holes' in my recollection.

That 'dance' .?! what is it ...?! I often see a hoola-hooping type of parade ... And the entities are 'skinny' plastecine gumbies. ... And they often 'tip their hats' ! ... Greeting, goodbye, showing something can be 'removed'

What was their 'mood' ... or was it all too fast to tell !?

It's cool you recall their making sounds - was it 'vocalizing'..? speaking in 'bubbles' ? but of what ... bubbles of intention..? What are those things that their vocalizing 'creates'...? Sometimes I wonder if it's a horked up hyperspace potentiality we can incubate - like coughing up something multi-dimensional.
#4 Posted : 4/19/2008 7:54:11 PM

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If I travel to the land of compleate ego death it seems very difficult to remember all the details. I once had a great experance and was able to remember most of the details. When I came back the effects still strong I could remember all the knowledge I have but could not remember who I was or what my name was. This was not at all distrubing because I knew I had smoked DMT and I knew I was at home in my house alone and there was nothing to worry about. I did not have a audio recorder so I called my voice mail several times in the 30 min following reentry. I could easly remember my voice mail number but not my name ha! I described the details of the trip. As I looked up at the ceiling fan it became a merry go round (like at the carnaval) with all sorts of strange beings rotating in my feild of vision.
Then all at once POW I exploaded I could feel the atoms in my body moving away from each other at light speed. Then comlpete darkness out of which a dim light appeared plusing and growing in intensity gradualy a little neon being appeared vibrating rapidly. Then light began to fill my feild of vision I was sitting on a bar stool purple and blue at the neon cafe. The little neon guy was like the bartender and communicated to me that all the worries of life were inconsequental that everything would be alright. Things began to fade and the universe began to reassemble its self I bewcame aware of my body my torso neck and head were normal but from the waist down I was a flame of fire. Somehow I sensed that this was not realitys normal config. The flames faded and were replaced with my normal body parts but now my right arm was a withering chinese dragon like appendage. This faded and I returned to the world as we know it. I was back and could remember everything except who I was. All the knowledge I have learned still intact. My name was a blank.
I have not had another trip like that nor have I seen the neon dude or merry go round that was 10 years ago. (prolly 10kilos of MHRB ago). I have found that a small dose after a break tru will help you recall but if I dont record the info a large percentage will be lost in a few weeks.
please excuse my misspelled words no time for spellcheck. I got to go to work. I hate this society I am forced to live in.



#5 Posted : 4/21/2008 8:49:56 AM
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El Ka Bong: They were definitely in a rush, they were acting as if they had expected me and needed to tell me something. They were non-threatening, but they didn't make an effort to calm me down. As they were leaving they seemed content, knowing we would meet again. The sounds began even before I saw them, so it's tough to say whether it's them or an additional effect. It's amusing that they resembled acolon_5's avatar, but were simpler, brighter, less intimidating.

You might disagree with my opinion on this matter, but even though the experience is other-worldly, I don't think of it as a mode of communication with other planes of existence, other worlds, etc. Or that any of the stuff we see physically exists in one way or another. When I read through the forums and other websites everyone speaks in metaphors, because, how else can you describe it? Still, there seems to be a belief that these things might be 'real'. After that first experience I couldn't help but think how dreamlike it was... maybe something similar occurs when we dream, but since we're unconscious, this provides a filter that dials down this enormous intensity? Regardless, it's amazing to me how changing the activity of the serotonin receptor can produce such specific system level effects. It will take no more than a century before we can explain it... until then... mmmmmMMMMMM
#6 Posted : 4/21/2008 4:15:22 PM

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You might disagree with my opinion on this matter, but even though the experience is other-worldly, I don't think of it as a mode of communication with other planes of existence, other worlds, etc. Or that any of the stuff we see physically exists in one way or another. When I read through the forums and other websites everyone speaks in metaphors, because, how else can you describe it? Still, there seems to be a belief that these things might be 'real'.

I would agree with your statement above I am not sure if it is real or not my logical mind says it is not and until I see proof I will continue to be skeptical. I try not to question things when they are occuring I just try to pay attetion.
El Ka Bong
#7 Posted : 4/26/2008 6:28:27 PM

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'Down Here' .. in 'regular' consciousness, we use words and science and artful metaphors to express that experience. That's all we got !~

So lets not get caught up in words and the way they work. We are impossible miracles of creation, and some of us have just woken up to this fact, with more and more waking up everyday.

It's an experience - the Universe is multidimensional ... we have to come understand this, by evolving there. Our great grand kids will know it as a 'fact', their normal consciousnesses will be aware of this, and they will have better words and 'models' of science to explain it.

But for now, with words alone to describe an experience of our miraculous totality of Being, it seems to make it so 'reduced', and thingified. Words are like mud - you throw them at the experience, covering it over with a lamination dualistic meanings. And we only really gain a rough outline of it that way, but with a layer of words on it, we can all 'see' it then - the rough outline. I think we should make the words become more 'see-through', somehow, but how.?

More metaphor might help us, trying to be less 'literal' with our words. For example, the language shamans use to describe extradimensional experiences, it's bizzare. Graham Hancock went into it I think in his book "Supernatural" - in the only example I can recall now is how the shamans use words like 'jaguar' to denote a simple striped pattern since the jaguar fur is often striped - very, very loose associations of meaning when speaking about or when speaking 'from' a hyperspace trance.

I have this belief that within 10 years Science will come up with a device that will measure and demonstrate parallel or extra dimensions exist - then our Hyperspace experiences will be understood by everyone as part of the continuum of what is 'real'- it's all a real part of the multidimensional universe. I imagine another day coming soon that will be like when Copernicus had his first telescope ready to go - and everyone could look into it, once they summoned up the courage.

These are the scientific devices I mean - (the 'DMT' ... Dark Matter Telescope ..!) The new particle accelerator in Cern Switzerland, that scientists expect can make mini-blackholes, so we can study them !

Once we have a scientifically 'wordified' and measured way to talk about extradimensional 'hyperspace', it will only be a matter of time that we all wake up to these 'facts' ... Not everyone will have to smoke dmt .. we'll soon invent a hyperspace phone, or a device that utilizes some aspect of those 'compressed' extra dimensions described in String Theory and M-Theory.

So have faith everyone ... ! We are the Whole Universe ! We are the tip-of-the-flame of the whole freaking Univese - just turn within to experience it ! Our Wet-ware, our physical beings also posses (all) the non-physical dimensions of the Universe ! It's all as 'real' as you are, just don't get caught up in the words we have and use to describe it!

#8 Posted : 4/26/2008 7:00:47 PM

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i often question myself when i have contact with other things in psychedelic head space. whats real whats not. its why i wish scientists were aloud to do research on psychedelic drugs on themselves and willing volunteers. to try and piece together some of these mysteries. even though i don't think science is ready to tackle some of the problems which will arise i think it would be a good start.

when are they going to start up that particle accelerator that will start to experimentally put string theory to the test?
El Ka Bong
#9 Posted : 4/27/2008 7:53:21 AM

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The particle accelerator is fired up now, and has just come on line recently - there's lots to read there in the link.

And the Dark Matter Telescope was scheduled to start up on Dec 2012... But I didn't check the news releases to see if it's changed.

#10 Posted : 4/27/2008 10:02:08 AM

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El Ka Bong wrote: The new particle accelerator in Cern Switzerland, that scientists expect can make mini-blackholes, so we can study them !

anyone else saw that link ? f***** hell that thing is 27km in diameter buried @ 50 to 157 m below ground , that's insane, you really got me interested in that el ka bong , how i never came across that before Rolling eyes
#11 Posted : 4/27/2008 10:12:14 PM

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#12 Posted : 4/27/2008 10:51:55 PM
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How awesome will that be if they find the Higgs Boson
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