i got to fly a spaceship this afternoon.
this ain't metaphor. this isn't even some sort of translation of a series of visions or anything.... I....STRAIGHT-UP....PILOTED....A....CRAFT....
i will try my best to put this one into a format that doesn't make me sound like a raving lunatic:
i breakthrough very easily. .02 and i can be COMPLETELY that which i am observing. a tiny bit more and i can be completely ego dead. i view this as a gift DMT has given me through consistent work with it.
i loaded up .120 and headed to my bedroom for "church". i knew i had enough for SEVERAL returns and i had many hours to commit so i was prepped to learn as much as possible. i had also been loading up for the past week on 2 x daily LARGE mugs of STRONG caapi tea. "inhibited to the gills", some might call it...

first deeeeep hit from my trusty GVG and i'm gone so far so fast i can't even utter my usual "blast-off mantra". no- instead i am gone. loops of deep, tangible creative imagery is me and surrounds me all at the same time. yellow is the most dominant color (always is when i have an ego-death experience...

) the solid nature of where i'm at and what i am/seeing is SO real....more than the keyboard i'm typing on right now. i am completely surrendered to this....surrendered to death.
as i SLOWLY come back (gone for nearly 40 minutes!), i am now deep in the "visions" that come to me after the deepest end of the creativity pool has been crossed. the visions are always clear as can be: people are people, buildings are buildings, nothing is amorphous and cloudy.....HOWEVER, everything IS made of a transluscent material that is both undeniably tangible and at the same time one could pass right through it. i have always seen my clearest visions in this way and the entities that come to me and interact directly with me now are all made of this substance. i think of it as atomic structure held together by conscious thought. it is almost always orange/peach/pink/yellow hues....the colors of a beautfiul sunrise or sunset...
i am back in this city that i have come to think of as a pleadian world. the architecture is a perfect amalgam of egyptian and mayan art and architecture. the buildings are impossbly massive and advanced....energy is harvested from a source that is not only "renewable", but is the very same energy that is used to hold all form together. as if they have learned how to harness the power of creation itself. i am in awe and i am so honored to have such beauty shown to me. i float through this city in reverence and gratitude.....it is just SO BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL!!
a little while later and i am aware that i have a body somewhere. still very much in that world, i have just enough ability to raise the pipe to my lips and take and even bigger hit than the first...
now- i did this for a total of nearly 3 hours of DEEP hyperspace classroom time. i had 5 complete ego-death breakthroughs back-to-back. each one could warrant pages of exploration and reporting....and much of it WILL be written about in due course. but it was this second journey that i simply could NOT wait to have the ability to put to writing for my family here. this one was (as always) UNIQUE and then some!!
i had been back from the pleadian world for at least 20 minutes before i took that second lungful, yet the minute the molecule re-opened the tractor-beam lock carrier wave on my two brain hemispheres, i was right back.
only there was one BIG difference. i was on a ship. not only was i ON a ship, i actually WAS the ship. my thoughts and very being were what made this ship work/exist.

i looked out before me and began flying! FLYING through an infinte multi-dimensional plane. the city i had seen earlier was in front of me and other spacecraft were ALL around me. as in, picture a school of jellyfish and you'll get a close idea.
here's where it gets REALLY interesting...
my craft, being made of this "substance" i was telling you about ...i'll call it "thoughtchitecture"....is flying up
through the other crafts....i am going all over the place with no sense of control or direction when all of a sudden it becomes crystal clear...
control and direction are things my ego is trying to inject into this scenario. it is all perfection, this crazy "flying through everything" business. i am not "hitting" anything or messing anything up. quite the contraray, i am one with all of these things. we are all made up of the same "star stuff". and with this awareness my ship immediately stops. over-lapped/inside of another craft. my attention is snapped to a particular point where my ship and the other ship are, essentially, one.
like a a microscope on speed zoom, my conscious focus is drawn in deeper and deeper to this single point. this seemingly not-so-big area of overlap takes on it's own color, then shape, then environment....then it is a world completely unto it's own.
another world. another universe. in the space where two pieces of thought connect. like yin and yang begetting the ten thousand things in taoism. my complete surrender taught me how to have yet another, deeper look into an already mind-free infinity. creativity knows no beginning and no end. it truly is infinite.
as i said earlier, i went back three more times and had many more profound teachings. in one i saw a man die and in so doing i witnessed the multitude of collected lifetimes and experiences that went into his spirit. i was told that i was at a point where i had lived enough lives and collected enough experiences to be shown certain things...
sacrifices on mayan alters. lifetimes of direct communication with higher intelligence. a great interconnection between intelligences we cannot see with our "flesh eyes" but can see quite clearly with our "ever connected" minds.
alright....i'm starting to go all over the place. truth is, my brain is quite fatigued from such a long sojourn. i will sleep deep and well tonight.... i am so grateful for this work i have been led to...
....maybe they'll show me how to parallel park tomorrow?

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."