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#1 Posted : 1/26/2010 5:59:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is my first experience post for the New Year. I wish you all an amazing 2010 filled with light, happiness and love! I feel that this is going to be an absolutely unforgettable year, but there is going to be a lot of chaotic happenings going on everywhere... times of change

So this report is going to be a bit of a comparative conglomerate of my first four experiences for this year.

The first experience begins on new years day. The setting is a large outdoor festival located in a beautiful mountainous/hilltop retreat. I have dosed on a nice amount of lsd to enjoy my first day of the new year and it is just beginning to taper off. I decide to wander down to near a large lake to find a nice secluded tree to sit under, meditate and prepare for my journey. After I have settled my mind I load my trusty glass vapor genie and slowly begin. Im still getting the hang of one toke breakthroughs with the vapor genie, and due to a bit of wind it takes me a couple of lung fulls to vaporise it all. The launch is very gracefull and gentle. I experience a slow unfolding of DMT reality caressing and enveloping my lsd visuals. It builds and builds quite slowly but peaks with a very bright and vivid open eyed series of visuals. I perceive an underlying dimensional structure that is interwoven with this reality. It rolls and undulates within the scenery before me. I look up into the sky and see complex animated temple architecture extending outwards beyond the clouds to infinity. At this stage I am literally dumbstruck with awe... I can feel my mouth gaping open and a huge smile slowly covers my face. This is an absolutely wonderful DMT welcome for the new year! I usually always journey with my eyes closed however in this instance I am very glad that I had my eyes open.

Directly after this experience as I am packing up my pipe and expressing my gratitude for that experience I get an unexpected calling to go back. Usually I would wait at least 24 hours for my next journey but this time I decide to venture back in immediately. I decide to try some new changa that a friend had shared with me. Loading it up I manage to get most of it vaporized in one lungfull. This experience was a little darker but still very enjoyable. Lots of darker hues, purples and blues, dark green and black... I am immersed thickly in the tendrils of the trees and experience a great deal of motion and movement. Once again this was with eyes open and was very impressive.

My next experience is about a week and a bit later. I am in a local forest with my partner and a close friend. While exploring we come upon a bridge with a small waterfall underneath it. I decide to climb down and journey alone as my friends continue exploring the forest nearby. For some reason I feel a little rushed and unprepared as I try to calm my mind for the experience. I did not spend enough time preparing myself at all. As soon as I exhale I feel a great increase in my heart rate and a sense of unease overcomes me. I try to get myself centered and not get lost in any fear however this time it does overcome me a little. I can sense some entities nearby but I did not does high enough to fully perceive them. I get a continual sense that something is behind me. I try to close my eyes and calm myself but I continually get an urge to open my eyes and look around, searching for whatever it is that I can sense. I see a large amount of movement in my peripheral vision and cannot shake the feeling that something is there. As I am beginning to come back I look around the bridge I am sitting under and get filled with the concept that there is some kind of troll energy living here. I laugh at myself for thinking such a ridiculous concept... but for some reason I cannot shake the idea...?

My last experience was yesterday. I get the calling to go outside into my backyard and have a decent journey. I load up slightly larger than usual dose into the pipe and thoroughly prepare myself. I meditate for a while holding a large celestite crystal and feel myself relax... my mind is calm and there is very little trepidation at all. Unfortunately there was a large amount of wind in my yard and I cannot get enough heat into the pipe to effectively vaporise the dose. I try 4 or 5 times to inhale but I only get bodily sensations and very slight visual distortions. I relax and enjoy the sunlight on my face, although I feel somewhat disappointed. After a while I decide to try again but this time with my water bong. I havnt used my DMT bong in quite a while as I have been working with the vapor genie. This dose was slightly larger than what I had attempted before but I thought it would still be a relatively managable dosage. Oh my god was I wrong! The difference in using a bong after using a vaporizing pipe for a while was very very noticeable:

AS I hold my breath I begin to feel the waves envelope me. They come on with so much more force than usual and my whole body begins to resonate with the carrier wave until it is vibrating in synchroniztion. I exhale, close my eyes and my world disappears. I feel an amount of unease in my body as I was not expecting the launch to be so intense. Dark orange, yellow red and black patterens converge to form the vague shape of a skull. (In all truth it only barely resembled a skull but it is interesting how the ego tries to immediately anthropomorphize these visions) This catches me off guard a little but I shake it off and watch as the patterns dissolve in a streaming torrent of incomprehensible data that merges with my head. I am feeling uncomfortable and I lean forward a little and open my eyes. Hoever it makes very little difference my backyard ceases to exist from my perspective.

This is where is gets a litte strange:

I make a connection with the entities. They transmit a sequence of visual/audible/sensual memes towards me and I slowly try to disassemble them into something comprehensible. I get the sense that I am begin analyzed and weighed. There is something intense going on over there and they are inspecting me to guage where I can be utilized. It seems like I am being prepared for battle... but it isnt battle it is something else... We are warriors getting prepared for something big... but I cannot grasp exactly what it is... it all links back into my previous experiences and another tiny piece of the puzzle drops into place. The entities are very stern with me this time... I dont feel like I have done anything wrong... more like there is some serious shit going on over there and we need to get to work. It feels important.

The ride out is pretty rough. I can recall very little. But as I become aware of my surroundings again I notice I am sitting in a rather uncomfortable position and I am still noticeable vibrating.

The connection this time was quite strong but I was not prepared for it.

Ill be going back tonight and will report back.


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#2 Posted : 1/26/2010 6:19:11 AM

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timeloop wrote:
There is something intense going on over there and they are inspecting me to guage where I can be utilized. It seems like I am being prepared for battle... but it isnt battle it is something else... We are warriors getting prepared for something big... but I cannot grasp exactly what it is...

UM.....anyone been reading any of my latest posts?.... Shocked

warriors against fear. against this illusion we have pulled over our very minds. the shift is awakening where perhaps much of this illusion will be stripped away. we need to be prepared for that shift into a higher state of consciousness.

...fear is only going to hold you back...

i have had this same vision many times now. it is a message and others have received it. time to "take arms" against that which is holding you back in your life. it certainly isn't your creativity....THAT'S infinite. nor is it your ability to know love....for the same reason. fear is the only true limiter. expansion can only be retarded by contraction. contraction is fear. without fear, the soul is free to fly in the infinite sky of possibilities...

welcome fellow warrior! i stand beside you in solidarity. you will not be in this "war against fear" by yourself! an army is amassing.... Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#3 Posted : 1/26/2010 10:35:24 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 180
Joined: 16-Jul-2008
Last visit: 19-Jul-2013
Location: outside of time
Thankyou brother for your response. Its timing is perfect and has really helped focus my determination for my ongoing dedicated work with our sacrament.

I have definitely been reading your posts and was particularly moved by the resonance found within my last experience.

I have also found deep meaning in your report of the ceremonial experience you had in relation to your partner. I too have had a very very similar experience and it was not until I read your report that I found true meaning from my own journey.

There are echoes of experience permeating throughout hyperspace that we are all able to perceive as tangible waves. Casting our conscious nets into the sea of memes retrieving riddles and keys to take us further.... This nexus is an important hub to help weave together these connections and to help us continue to flow within the rivers of synchronicity

Empowered by this amassing vanguard of warriors I embrace all fear and know the vast horizons of withinity are beckoning!

deep thanks Smile

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