timeloop wrote: There is something intense going on over there and they are inspecting me to guage where I can be utilized. It seems like I am being prepared for battle... but it isnt battle it is something else... We are warriors getting prepared for something big... but I cannot grasp exactly what it is...
UM.....anyone been reading any of my latest posts?....

warriors against fear. against this illusion we have pulled over our very minds. the shift is coming....an awakening where perhaps much of this illusion will be stripped away. we need to be prepared for that shift into a higher state of consciousness.
...fear is only going to hold you back...
i have had this same vision many times now. it is a message and others have received it. time to "take arms" against that which is holding you back in your life. it certainly isn't your creativity....THAT'S infinite. nor is it your ability to know love....for the same reason. fear is the only true limiter. expansion can only be retarded by contraction. contraction is fear. without fear, the soul is free to fly in the infinite sky of possibilities...
welcome fellow warrior! i stand beside you in solidarity. you will not be in this "war against fear" by yourself! an army is amassing....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."